• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Revolution - British, German or any other nation

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
There will be discount event but in Global Age you will stuck with long time upgrading. Last time I want to switch too but it cost me too much to abandon or rush jobs.


Approved user
Jun 14, 2016
Go with Germans.

I really mean it.

Troop AI is geting worse and worse with each update.

Beeing able to rally often than any other Nation is a huge pro.

Longer rally means , that having one building to destroy and 10 sec on battle timer with troops on the other side of base it is still possible.

Teutonic fury gives you dps boost of 15% for EVERY unit you may have, not only your trained troops in barracks , it also gives bonus to airstrip units , merc camp troops , factory troops, donated troops, event troops and having 15% more dps with whole every troop you use in attack is really a gamechanger , even more in war attacks.

Another pro are their unique troops - pros at looting , and really godly at tearing down walls/buildings if protected
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Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
Another pro are their unique troops - pros at looting , and really godly at tearing down walls/buildings if protected

Even better than raiders, IMO, and much cheaper and faster to train. I've walked off with 100K in loot for the cost of 4 grunts.


Approved user
Sep 6, 2016
I really appreciate the strength of the unique abilities. Wouldn't ever go back. I have to try the unique troops for looting though.


Approved user
Aug 12, 2016
And farms....I farm using standard force then when I hit too many medals and it starts getting costly (time factor) or I need the food/gold, just using those german infantry wipes down the gold on roads/food in farms....Just drop them at all locations there are farms easy gold. 1 will tear down a farm in no time. or 2 if you want.


Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
I played Chinese nation when I started, it was pretty awesome tons of troops coming out to defend the town center it can be overwhelming, then I switched to French after EA and left my alliance to create my own including my second account. Now I can get 33 additional troop space thru donations in global age , plus ridiculously short training time with the blessing and my tank with armor blessing has higher hit points than oil thirsty heavy tank mk2. It's a good trade up for me.

I played yer British for a while but many leaders now keep the cannon/artillery donations to defend their bases, it certainly not a walk in the park anymore for British nation.


New member
Nov 6, 2016
It's the ability to rally quicker that I love about the Germans. That and the automatic Teutonic rage boost during multiplayer. However Teutonic rage does not kick in until your second battle in WW. I have not found any real use for the stronger infantry yet.


Approved user
Aug 24, 2016
So i have been contemplating switching over to the British nation, mainly for the extra loot bonus and of course the infamous kings royal rifleman. I have been playing as the french from day one and i love the quicker training times, but that's about it. Should I revolt and make the switch? or is it not worth it? I'd love to hear back from experienced British players.

Thanks again!

The Huns

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
I switched from Chinese to Roman to British. Through Global Age there is no question in my mind that British is the best. That said you may want to wait a bit until Atomic Age has shaken out a bit and see if a new civilization trumps British in Atomic Age.

EDIT: That is to say some of the videos of the APC seem pretty impressive and it might make Roman, German, or Japanese better than British.


Approved user
May 10, 2016
I changed from Japanese to Germans about two months ago and Love it. I'm IA and use 1 HT mk2 6 Arty 3 health 2 Hgats 7 infantry and 25 or so shooters. Good times :)


Approved user
Nov 22, 2016
Always thought that British was best for higher level players. I'm British now for several months and continue to love them in Atomic Age. I have much smaller account in EA and chose French and was struggling in wars to get 5 stars on my mirror - rarely happened. After watching a lvl 98 player with British in my alliance 5 star a player 50 lvls above him, I switched to British and have had the exact same success. Nothing compares to those shooters ... at this time. :)


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Germans are by far the best. Everyone should switch to them. Please. I need more German bases out there so I can get some salt.

Seriously, check your national goods in the storehouse. What you see the most of is probably a good reflection of each nation's popularity. I always have max marble, so I guess a lot of players are Roman for the 10% extra troops. I also usually have max porcelain, so Korean is a popular nation. It is strong with the boosted shooters and extra tactic, but I think it is more because the game is very popular in Korea and players are drawn to their own real-life nationality. I am always short of salt, and timber (British) is in the middle. Cheese (French) is weird; sometimes I am full and sometimes run low.

I started the game as British, and have not switched. I have a second base that is French, and I think it will be stronger once I get it to Global, because those French tanks are almost as strong as a factory heavy tank, for less than half the troop space. If my second base works out, I might switch my first base to French, but I do like those British shooters, and the extra loot is really useful. On my British IA base I use 3 tanks, 5 artillery, 1 supply cart, 50 shooters, 12 infantry. I use the infantry to clean up outlying buildings, or literally as cannon fodder to distract cannons. I ask for tank donations.


Approved user
Aug 24, 2016
Hey i was wondering what army composition you use for the British. i am also in the atomic age and i switched from the french a few weeks ago and i have regretted it ever since. I also get destroyed with the British! i miss those french tanks, just looking for a reason to stay British.


Sir Pizzuoff

Approved user
Aug 20, 2016
You know, I just got done reading this thread while my troops were cooking and made the attack after I was done. I lost to a lvl 94 base. Nothing that I haven't flattened a thousand times. I'm a lvl 107 in the GPA using the British (I started with the Koreans, revolted to the French in MA, and again to the British in GPA). I gotta say, I love the shooters, for sure. In fact, in two days they'll even be buffed 30% stronger by the uni research. I love the extra loot, for sure. But when the AI is so stupid that my shooters are attacking mills that are farther away from them than the two towers that are cutting them down one by one until they are decimated while I'm helpless to stop it, what good are they? I really think that this is an effort to nerf the British shooters further and further with each update. I play to progress further in the game, develop my base, and my overall strategy, sure. But I also play to win, contribute to my alliance, and especially...win in world wars! With AI that seems so hell bent on losing individual attacks, I find myself asking the question more and more often... Why am I not playing with the Germans? They seem to be the only nation that can counteract the ridiculous AI that we're stuck with atm.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
I must admit that I have now switched from German to British. I started as Germany and enjoyed the 15% bonus and rally perks, but I'm pulling much more loot now as a Brit than I ever did as a Hun.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
I started as japanese then switched to koreans then british A few weeks ago. Needless to say british are by far the best of those 3. The +1 range is just amazing.


Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
It's hard to say since I end up fighting much tougher opponents in WW than in MP. I do miss the rally though.


Approved user
Sep 9, 2016
I play with Greek nation and i'm considering in swapping with Germans.
Right now i'm in Enlightenment Age and i play with 18 riflemen (Musketeers), 6 horsemen (Stradiotis, which are the nation's special troop), 2 meds, 3 heavy gats and 5 cannons. Total troop space is maxed out, it's 120 space.
Can you suggest me what my troop combination should be if i swap to Germans?