Next Solution Requested : Cheater Detection


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
War rebalancing is a great effort. Nicely done NEXON!

Next step: Addressing Cheaters.

I have seen in this forum, rampant complaints about cheating, going back to 2015. Apparently little to no EFFECTIVE effort has been done to stem the tide. One of my players submitted dozens of reports every day for weeks. Eventually he stopped reporting bases as it was clogging his phone's memory and took up all his playing time. As a zen Iron Ager, he hits on more Dawn age - Industrial age players, and over half are cheaters. His biggest complaint is it uses all his resources to keep trying for an honest raiding base.

SO.... my alliance has a new player walk in the door, with EVERY building under construction. I figured "GOOD: let me see how Support addresses this."
I submitted a snapshot of the base, gave the player name, my alliance name. Several other players submitted as well. We sat back and waited to see what support is able to do.
Will they delete the account? Roll back the base? Put some kind of freeze on it? We were very curious.

Well, it is a day later, the player is progressed many levels, and every property is STILL under development. I have done MY part, by keeping that player out of wars. However I will keep him on the payroll until I see what, if anything the clobber squad will do to him.

Suggestion: UNIQUE player names and UNIQUE alliance names. I have recommended this in another thread. There should not be 1000 or even 10 players with the same name. How hard is THAT to track down from a snapshot?

I have every confidence NEXON can fix this problem. What say ye?


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
I vote no to requiring millions of unique player names, nor feel this would fix a problem.

Technology exists to detect this form of cheating server-side (on their end) but BHG leans status quo on most matters so hasn't taken action; as suddenly having thousands of banned accounts disrupts the status quo, especially when some of these accounts no doubt spend money too. This doesn't even address how to draw the line e.g., if a person resource cheats once do they get banned the same as someone that did it for years? Bottom line: it's a tricky situation with lots of variables.


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
But the names don’t matter. They can *always* track these people down. Submit a screenshot with the player’s level, and it should be endgame for them. Otherwise, I’m absolutely sure they have something to see how many buildings someone has upgrading, considering the fact that, you know... that’s pretty important to the game.

People that don’t join alliances so they don’t get tracked aren’t even the problem here, at least not YET, because there are blatant cheaters on the leaderboards right now that have been there for months. This isn’t the case of a guy popping up overnight and quickly getting squashed once discovered, it’s a guy who’s been there for quite a while, reported by plenty of people **because** he was arrogant enough to get on the leaderboards and thus make himself so easily visible, and still isn’t punished or even reprimanded from what we can tell. Start with the most obvious ones.


Approved user
Oct 18, 2016
It is now another day, another 15 levels of growth for the untouched cheater base.

And for you nonsystems types, unique data objects are the fundamental basis of sound programming and logic.

As for those with Ferengi economic morality, I got nothing for ya. I'm a principles kind of person.


Approved user
Dec 8, 2015
Nexon has been unable to control their game security for a long time. No matter how many reports are submitted to CS, the response is always the same: “we are investigating”. Several reports later about the same suspect, Nexon will continue “investigating”, even when the screenshots of blatant cheating such as when an excessive number of buildings are being upgraded. If Nexon can easily review a player’s purchasing history, how come they can’t detect blatant cheating? And, once cheating is found, why is Nexon not taking firm action? At the end of the day, however, the bottom line question is what is Nexon doing to improve its game security and integrity? Maybe time to get in a new, more capable Security team? This is long overdue.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I’m personally getting fed up with the cheating, bugs, crashing, bad replays, lack of communication and now hacking. I think I know what the problem is. I think Dominations runs on auto pilot with very other then TinSoldier who basically passing on info to the Dominations team. I’m thinking that the majority of BHG is actually working on other games. Maybe even a skeleton crew. That may be why we have to wait from update to update to fix issues. Funny thing is, those updates in turn create other bugs and issues. I personally have had a network server crash 2-3 times a day for the past few weeks. Today, after sending CS a screen shot of the error along with a screen shot showing my fast WiFi speed, CS responded basically telling me I was on my own. That really pissed me off considering the money I have spent. Plus, I often defend BHG so this was extremely insulting.

So, tell us the truth BHG. Why have you not communicated with us about the cheating? Why must we wait until an update to fix bugs? Why did you allow this hacker to break into your server? Why are your efforts in generating revenues flawless while your game suffers from so many problems.

it’s really a shame because this is such a great game. We all love playing it but at what price? BHG, fix your game once and for all. It’s not rocket science. I see so many other games running flawlessly. Stop jiving us around. Attack the cheating hard. Kick them out of the game. No more rollbacks. Hell, even that is rare.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Ha. I just read the entire meet Joe 'Muet' Grubb thread with so many wishfully thinking it was the dawning of a new golden in age in developer communication. Suffice to say I haven't seen 2/3rds of the commenters in that thread say anything here for months. Come to think of it, neither has Muet. And say.....whatever happened to all those NxM_Leader accounts from last summer anyway?

I absolutely agree with everything you say even as someone much further down the leaderboard. And I wish we ever dwindling forum dwellers the continued patience, fortitude and stubbornness to keep whistling past the graveyard even when it's more than clear no one is listening. In some ways it's every bit as entertaining as the game itself these days.


Approved user
Dec 22, 2016
And yet, you (collectively) still tolerate it. Simple question - why?

What would it take for you to not tolerate it? Have you asked yourself that?

I’m watching this forum ‘cos of the Superman stuff right now.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Yours truly? I'm at a stage where I only war once a week, I'm indifferent to wins/losses/glory only AXP matters. My main account reached self-sufficiency over a year ago, my others are hardly ever attacked so I can play them whenever. It's basically a way to wile away a few minutes a day talking to old friends I reconnected with recently while waiting to do something else.

My days of playing competitively or taking the game remotely seriously are long past. It is what is and what is is only likely to get worse. However, as I grow longer in the tooth I feel an obligation go on long, rambling diatribes about Dominating uphill both ways in the snow back in the olden days of 2016. And how X, Y +Z has or will ruin the game. I know no one really listens or cares, but it keeps me off the streets and away from all the spontaneous dance-offs and hippity-hop, or whatever young folks are into these days.

As for these forums? They're entertaining in their own right: with the politicking between the forum fluffers, the doomsayers, and the very few people legitimately seeking information about this game. At one point or another I found myself in all three camps so it's oddly fascinating watching the amount of semi-regulars drop down from hundreds to roughly three dozen or fewer these days. Kind of like Survivor, except people are voting themselves off the island.

Ultimately though, 99.9% of mobile games are trash and this game is still occupying a spot on my phone after nearly four years. You can still enjoy something and hold on to a dim hope for improvement. Or wax nostalgic about days gone by. At this point it merely costs me a few minutes of my time.
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New member
Jan 24, 2019
I have reported many cheaters and I always get the same response after about 4 houers. Seems like it is fully automated. They claim they are taking it very seriously and that they will investigate the potensial in game violation, but I have looked up several of the players that are in an alliance, and even after several weeks the cheaters are still upgrading all their buildings. If a human was responding he/she would not call it a potential in game violation when screenshots showes that all the buildings are on upgrade.