1. The guilds first have to reach level 23, which is extremely difficult and takes ALOT time. How much Betraya do you play with? 30? Be serious, you play with 1-3 Betraya not more.1.Of course "protected spawned units" are definitely OP defensive buff and very easy to access. ( I have it already activate it on all my spawning buildings and i am Offensive player) .
*Combined with alliance perk 23 , that making bunkers spawn 2(!) HTs at the First wave and with that munition that making spawning troops immune to betrayal and all those huge amounts of DST from defensive councilors is clearly OP.
2. Those munitions providing additional reduction on defender spawn time as well.
( But there is none offensive munitions that provides enemy defender spawn time to counter that.)
3. L.R.E optics, is another great one defensive munition that would provide +1 range to every shooting building. (Along with the rest defensive bonuses that provides)
No offensive munitions to counter that so far.
Hopefully they'll add new munitions soon to bring balance.
On the other hand, manufactory is a GREAT addition for the game, wonderful graphics, well organised and very interesting stuff to explore with.
I think it's stupid to use the Betraya ammunition for 1-3 Betrayer tactics, its useless and stupid.
2. „Spawn Time“ do you know how much that is? NOTHING 3-4% DST… what do you want with that ?
3. If the Deff didn't get a +1 range, the Deff would be so weak that you wouldn't have had to play Deff. Artillery now +8 Range, Helis +6, MRL +6 and much more…