manufactory advantage a lot auto age over others! it's not fair


New member
Jan 14, 2024
manufactory is very essential in powering buildings and troops, at info age, there are only 2 slots for production, however it is 4 at auto age!
already auto age has a lot of benefits over all the rest of ages, but why double slots just at auto?? why not for example start with 3 slots at info age, then 4 slots at auto age?
why jumping from 2 to 4 directly just for the auto age? this is like a statement saying that auto age rules!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
Why you ask? Because auto age players have earned it. They gave new player well over 50% reductions in most upgrades.

Sometime in games as well as life you have to earn things. Asking for everything a automation age player has then earn it by achieving auto age.

I won’t use the gun example. I will use driver license. Most states don’t allow kids to drive till they 16 to 18 years old. So most would say this fair correct not to issue licenses to 12yr old. So stop asking for something you have not earned just cause the cool auto age down the street has it. Earn it simple as that.

Now stop repeating ideas that have been repeatedly posted thank you.


New member
Jan 14, 2024
ohh you are acting like a kid who is afraid that big mama will take his lollypop away from him hahahaha
so stop crying about it, and yes it is not fair to open only 2 slots till drone age, and at the last age of the game, they just double it! they can find a hell of ther ways to market the auto age rather than make it not fair to the rest of the players. and for information, auto age players constitutes only 3% of this game players.


New member
Jan 14, 2024
3 slots should be there at info age, followed by 4 slots at auto age, this is how it should be so it can be fair to 97% of the players.


Approved user
Feb 28, 2018
Why you ask? Because auto age players have earned it. They gave new player well over 50% reductions in most upgrades.

Sometime in games as well as life you have to earn things. Asking for everything a automation age player has then earn it by achieving auto age.

I won’t use the gun example. I will use driver license. Most states don’t allow kids to drive till they 16 to 18 years old. So most would say this fair correct not to issue licenses to 12yr old. So stop asking for something you have not earned just cause the cool auto age down the street has it. Earn it simple as that.

Now stop repeating ideas that have been repeatedly posted thank you.

車の例に固執すると、あなたはレースをしたいと思っていますが、フェラーリに乗っている間だけ若い選手に自転車を持たせることを許可します。 それは公平ですか? これは勝つことを誇りに思えるレースですか?


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
Kid can you stop crying about stuff you don't have.. I'm not auto either but I still think it's fair for Autos to have 4 slots and Drone have two.. You know why because it's significantly better than only autos unlocking manufactory..

Like it was the case with Drone command or hermitage or recons.. Every top age has always been favoured this is the first time that a building is introduced with the top age but is not locked to top age only (okay maybe council was an exception but until very late it wasn't really that game changing so it didn't matter, manufactory from day 1 has been a game changer)

So you know what you decide what's more fair: having 2 slots at info or unlocking manufactory at Auto age only.. Coz trust me with how underwhelming Auto age was they could have (maybe should have, to end all these complaints once and for all) easily made manufactory auto only..

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
As an auto age player I (naturally) don't care that I have 4 slots and all the available munitions but I think to balance it out BHG should either:
give 4 slots to all players while keeping some munitions hidden until you reach a required age, or
keep the slots as they are per age but make all munitions available in each manufactory.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
They should have to earn it period. My thoughts.
If not then give auto 6 slots or just make open munitions just click on the level 10 munition you want. This way everybody has the same end then no more crying auto players have it and my info account account don’t.
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Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
Information age can attack digital and space, which is pretty easy. Automation can only attack Drone and Info age much much tougher. Hey man! Not to mention that everything in Automation take almost a month to upgrade. If you want 4 slots then upgrade to Automation then you can have 4 slots. I wish we have 6 slots, lords know we paid the dues. I’ve been playing this game since the first or second month it was released.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
They didn't add a wonder or anything special/unique (e.g., Library) for Automation Age, and instead chose to add a building for multiple Ages (Industrial and higher). So, to give the new Automation Age and its high XP requirement _something_ unique, they did this via the Manufactory by adding a level and doubling capacity.

Or think of it this way if it helps. Drone Age has a Drone Command, and every other Age before that added a Wonder, so perhaps Automation Age should be the only Age with the Manufactory? ;)


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I would agree with only auto age having the manufactory or maybe have it start at drone age. That way your get feel for game before adding it.


Approved user
Jan 28, 2016
These are pretty serious upgrade and It takes time. My industrial and cold war accounts I barely do any upgrade to anything yet. I just keep pumping up materials, especially platinum. I figure I’ll do all the upgrade when I get much higher and unlock more slots and material types. When I upgrade it would feels pretty awesome all at once, lol.