how to save enough oil or other resources


Approved user
Oct 8, 2015
there was a similiar post however didnt want to hijack. I'm hitting a brick wall as well. can never reach the goal of 120K in oil
been sitting at 70-80K for weeks now, every time I go up 10K, I get knocked back down.

medal count is between 800-900, if I drop below 700, are the resource amounts even worth while? lately I find the loot amounts have dropped
drastically, never more than 100k

even using crowns for multiple attacks, I could never acheive 40k in oil. so nexon does not want to split the costs for upgrades like Wonders so
not much left of fun in the game.

I am like most here, waiting for reasonable improvements and not see it happen. I have payed for the game and believe should pay for all effort
put into however, all this is getting very old.

game crashes once again has started up again so I don't know what Nexon is going to do next. maybe just time to give it up all together.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
Rather than dropping medals, if you have the patience you might consider going higher in medal leagues. In Kingdom and above you not only get the battle bonuses of oil, which at first may not seem like much, but there are also many bases with much more oil available to loot, if you focus your raids on the right targets.

Bla Bla

Approved user
Nov 10, 2015
Hey snow, join my alliance get*free*troops and I will help you. It is very difficult, but there are some base strategies, raiding strategies with troops and medal levels we can work on to make it work. The oil raiding was the most difficult thing I had to do in the game. I was able to accomplish it a few times over eventually got everything I needed. I am helping other alliance members with similar.


Approved user
Nov 18, 2015
Well, your base is probably laid out reasonably well if you are hovering around 70K-80K oil without having it drained. But, just in case, I think an oil-protective base should be laid out so that attackers have to break through at least three heavily-defended, level 8+ walls to get to your oil. Even this won't stop all raiders, but it stops a lot of them.

Next, I think you need to put in a two or three hour session in which you use the training blessing, combined with spending crowns to purchase a new army if you lose yours. With the training blessing and all the production put into a single base, it should cost 18-24 crowns to do this, depending how much your barracks have been upgraded.

Look for bases that have 1200 or more oil available, and go after them. I do this with a total-destruction type army, and many times I can destroy the whole town with minor casualties. Even if not, though, you can have a new army instantly for 20 or so crowns. I think that if you are in the industrial age, there are few bases where you can't get all the oil if you are on a suicide mission and have a total-destruction type army. But there are plenty available that you don't really have to take chances and go for the toughest bases.

You can probably hit 10-20 bases per hour this way, and average maybe 1500 oil per base. So I think in two or three hours you could reach 120K oil from a starting point of 70K-80K.

That is one strategy that has worked for me, anyway. I do it from the 600-800 medal range.

Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
Wrong medal range. Below 1200 is Raiding Country, above that it's Medal Climbing. Make your TC easily attackable and most folk will just wipe it out with a few troops and move on. You get 3 Peace Treaties a day. As you go for medals the oil, gold just come naturally. I've done all the factory, airstrip, fort & bunkers without really trying. Sat on 71k oil at the moment, not very well protected, it'll be 85k tomorrow using 3 TB sessions.


Approved user
Oct 8, 2015
Great tips. Thank you all. Sorry, have not been back here in awhile. will try medal 1200 or higher. Seems coins are harder to loot these days, yes it varies but averaging 100k coin per attack sucks when you have 7-8million upgrade costs. I finally got to training blessing so that helps!


Approved user
May 14, 2015
Like Eddie said: move up to a medal range where people care less about your resources than they do about your medals. But not so much that you enter cheater territory. At the moment the 1600-1800 range works best for me; here the bottleneck is not resources but workers.


Approved user
Dec 19, 2015
You could try my strategy: Have a relatively open base but surrounded by walls, with the oil refinery double-walled and surrounded by shooty things. Intersperse defensive buildings with markets and mills. Then try to accumulate 1 million+ food/gold and go to bed. When you wake up, you will have been attacked 8 or 9 times netting 25+ crowns or so. Over time, between maintaining your oil store at the level you can maintain it, and "converting" food and gold into crowns by serving them up to raiders, you'll eventually get enough crowns to jump straight to the 120,000 oil you need for the upgrade.

Oh, and I always always buy oil shipments any time I have two diamonds to put together, because the shipments can't be stolen. I've got about 40,000 oil now, but I think I'm one solid attack session away from being able to cash in all the oil shipments and crowns I've accumulated in order to reach 120,000.


Approved user
May 6, 2015
It's your medal count that's the biggest problem. In that range, players don't care about losses -- so you could get hit multiple times over the course of a few hours. Get your medal count to the point where players don't intentionally want to lose, and you won't get raided as often (because of peace treaties). As Eddie says above, 1200 is a good target.


Approved user
Oct 8, 2015
oil shipments cannot be stolen? awesome tip! I just started buying oil shipments recently. ok, I tried staying at 1400 level. I'm still getting hit 3-4x per day but now against stronger players. Is this medal range current or months ago? Other poster says 1600-1800 range. Even at 1400, its harder to hit them and get domination for a diamond.

Oddly, I'm ok with oil now, coins is hardest to save up. Meat, always too much of that.


Approved user
Dec 19, 2015
oil shipments cannot be stolen? awesome tip! I just started buying oil shipments recently. ok, I tried staying at 1400 level. I'm still getting hit 3-4x per day but now against stronger players. Is this medal range current or months ago? Other poster says 1600-1800 range. Even at 1400, its harder to hit them and get domination for a diamond.

Oddly, I'm ok with oil now, coins is hardest to save up. Meat, always too much of that.

Correct. Actually, no shipments can be stolen. This is why it's a good idea not to open shipments until right before you intend to spend the resource. It's like a free vault.

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
here is some of my tips to save resource.
- Always leave the game with a Storage blessing, and Tower blessing if you can... If you are short 1-4 resource for the bless, just use crown to buy it!
- If you don't care about medal, then leave town center in the edge of the base but not in the open. Make sure most of the enemy will die to destroy it so there are little to get your resource.
- Separate your resource, put mills and markets in separate cells.
- When your resource is near the requirement to build, gaming extra time to get it. Use crown to purchase training blessing, speed up troops training, finish other building so you can have the workers. It will be worth it!
- There is another tip to kill all the attackers quick. Join us a short time to get the free training, or check my base (not all tips visible in the base!)


Approved user
Jan 31, 2016
Check my base out Tarheels elite Maximus. lvl 139. If u want to keep raiders out for sure unless they at least 3 war tatics is put ur oil in the middle with a wall all around it. Put 4 mortors in range to overlap oil and put two redoubts sides or front/back of oil. Then I use to three cannons opposite of how u align the redoubts. This is the key put all of ur traps especially spikes very close to oil. The only way i lose a bunch of oil is when I'm asleep and traps haven't been reset. If u town center in a way to be destroyed u get the peace treaty through the night.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
Things are way easier nowadays as we can have various base layouts saved. Back in the day any changes required manually rearranging the base each time, which was generally untenable.

Nowadays you can design an ultra-defensive layout for oil only, and use it when for instance you use up most of your gold & food but have lots of oil in hand. A few taps on the screen and you're in oil-protect mode. :)


Approved user
Sep 5, 2015
Once you've hit 70-80k just whack a TB (or two) on and do about 20 attacks in a row paying the 10-11 crowns to instant build your troops and focusing solely on cities with 2k+ oil. Focus firstly on the oil well and you should be able to hit 120k. That's how I did it even if I dropped a few medals in some of the attacks since I went straight for the oil well and then worried about the TC. Medals are easy to regain. It cost me about 200 crowns plus the medals but was worth it in my opinion.


Approved user
Sep 25, 2015
The bottom line is that if you sacrifice all your troops and add some tactics during battles then you can take out any building on the vast majority of bases, including the oil storage. So once you have a lot of oil you will always be a target, in which case it's best to stick around and keep raiding until you can spend it all on your desired upgrade/research.


Approved user
Dec 27, 2015
Leave markets and mills exposed and spend food/ gold straight away either on walls, generals, tactics upgrades etc. This way the only thing you'll have worth stealing is oil. Keep oil in the centre of the map surrounded by traps and defensive buildings. Use training blessing and spends crowns when you get to 80-100k and use raiders to raid bases with at least 2k oil

Hugh Jazz

Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
You could try my strategy: Have a relatively open base but surrounded by walls, with the oil refinery double-walled and surrounded by shooty things. Intersperse defensive buildings with markets and mills. Then try to accumulate 1 million+ food/gold and go to bed. When you wake up, you will have been attacked 8 or 9 times netting 25+ crowns or so. Over time, between maintaining your oil store at the level you can maintain it, and "converting" food and gold into crowns by serving them up to raiders, you'll eventually get enough crowns to jump straight to the 120,000 oil you need for the upgrade.

Oh, and I always always buy oil shipments any time I have two diamonds to put together, because the shipments can't be stolen. I've got about 40,000 oil now, but I think I'm one solid attack session away from being able to cash in all the oil shipments and crowns I've accumulated in order to reach 120,000.

I'm a big fan of buying oil shipments. Before i aged up to industrial, I had around 500 shipments. It worked out to 24000 oil or so but that was protected. It may not seem like much in the grand scheme but it helped start construction of my airfield.