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Defenses should respect rule 25 of the Geneva Convention


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
According to rule 25 of the Geneva Convention:

Medical personnel exclusively assigned to medical duties must be respected and protected in all circumstances. They lose their protection if they commit, outside their humanitarian function, acts harmful to the enemy.

Since Supply Carts/Trains/Trucks sole purpose is to heal troops, and they have absolutely no offensive capability, defensive buildings and troops (especially Sniper Towers) should not target them. If they are collateral damage (i.e., are in the splash zone of mortar shells), they can be damaged, but otherwise they should be left alone. So garrison and stable defenders, towers, ballista towers, mortars, and Sniper Towers should not target them.

I know this is a significant buff, but I think it would make the game much better. Even if only Sniper Towers did not attack Supply vehicles, I would be happy. It is a reasonable nerf because Sniper Towers are not in the thick of battle, and less affected by the fog of war. They take their time to pick their targets, it is extremely personal, and a sniper's morals would prevent him/her from shooting medical personnel.
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Approved user
Sep 15, 2016
In a war they always aim at enemy medics though. But I agree with you.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
I just think the AI of the supply cart could be better. examples...

1) when rally onto defensive building to destroy, supply carts should not be the first troop to that location
2) same goes with rally onto location, they should move with the crowd
3) Supply cart should move with the largest group of troops, a number of times 1-2 ground troops tend to wonder off trying to take on another part of the base without help, sure their actions are stupid but when they start to take a hit from tower the supply cart scurries over there to their rescue only to be killed in battle, meanwhile the rest of your troops stay together and are now doomed because of a couple selfish fusiliers.
4) supply cart (flat tire glitch)- this one is an odd one and only happened a couple times to me, but during battle the supply cart will somehow end of stuck and not move at all. My only guess is that somewhere in battle it suffered a flat tire and the driver is just taking his time repairing it..

Feel free to add more if i missed any.


Approved user
May 31, 2016
Perhaps the Supply Truck should try to maintain a 'Fixed Distance' from the pack. i.e: Not rush into the fray. What is it? Range 5? I agree it should NOT rally to the center point and get killed. I still think it's funny/sad when they hit a landmine though...


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
Thanks for the suggestions about the supply truck AI; they might be better in their own thread. This thread is to ask Nexon to stop sniper towers killing my medics. It makes snipers horribly OP IMHO.


Approved user
Oct 17, 2016
Agreed sniper towers shouldn't be able to target medics. This would be a welcomed change to the game imo


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
I thought sniper towers were added to deal with the power of medics?


Approved user
Apr 29, 2016
I cannot find any reference to sniper towers in a design spotlight, where we might have gained more insight into the Nexon's intent. All I found was from the 4.7 High Seas update notes:

New Defense: Sniper Tower
Unlike other defensive buildings, Sniper Towers fire at the furthest target in range
Very long range, but has a “blind spot” at close range
High damage (one shot, one kill against infantry) but slow rate of fire
Available in Industrial Age

No mention of medics. My guess is they wanted to discourage the use of siege weapons in favor of heavy tanks, but didn't consider how badly they were nerfing medics.