Hello Leaders,
Welcome to another State of the Nations. As you’ve probably noticed, November and December have been busy months for DomiNations. We released the Atomic Age, adding many troop and building upgrades along with two new troops (Attack Helicopter and APC) and four new Wonders (Atomium, United Nations, Pentagon, and Sydney Opera House). Of the new Wonders available, the Pentagon and Sydney Opera House are proving to be the most popular. Visually speaking my personal favorite is the Atomium, but it appears the chance to add an extra General on defense with the Pentagon is too tempting for Atomic Age players to pass up!
With the Atomic Age in player’s hands, our next goal was to release another update before the end of the year. Specifically, we wanted new content for players in earlier Ages. We were able to accomplish this with last week’s update: Gifts of Peace. This release introduced Hiawatha, the first new Great Leader at the University. To learn more about him, be sure to check out Extra History’s Hiawatha YouTube series found HERE. Hiawatha becomes available at University Level 1 and his skills have a much lower cost in time, resources, and citizens than other Great Leaders. Even better, his skills actually reduce these costs for other Leaders. If you haven’t spent much time with the University, Hiawatha is a great place to start.
Another new feature in this release is Alliance Gifting. Whenever anyone in your Alliance makes a qualified purchase, all your Alliance members will now receive a gift! The Gifts of Peace update also added the option to spend Food instead of Gold when upgrading Walls or Gates at Level 9 or above. Unfortunately, we had to disable this option shortly after release due to a bug, but you can install the latest hotfix from the app store to re-enable it. Finally, for our Atomic Age players we added an additional Market and Mill, plus new upgrades to the Alliance Gate and Command Post.
Since this is the last State of the Nations for 2016, I’d like to talk a little bit about what’s in store for 2017. Please remember that any time we preview content, there’s a chance that the details and timing will change. With that in mind, let’s look at some features slated for the first few releases of 2017.
First off, we have Troop Tactics. These are the consumable armies you can acquire through Expeditions, sales, and events. We have heard your feedback surrounding the balance issues caused by players deploying large numbers of Troop Tactics on offense. That’s why we’ll be introducing a new building in early 2017: the Stronghold. On its own, the Stronghold is a powerful defensive building. It also allows players to manage their Troop Tactics. Once the Stronghold is released, players will only be able to bring a limited number of Troop Tactics into battle - no more rolling bases with just Troop Tactics! Lastly, the Stronghold will also allow Alliance members to donate Troop Tactics to a player’s War Base in World War. Once donated, those Troop Tactics will spawn out of the Stronghold on defense (like a Garrison) for the duration of that World War.
Another upcoming change driven by player feedback will be to the Demolition Tactic. We will be greatly reducing the amount of damage that Demolition does to resource buildings. The purpose of this is to prevent attackers from simply dropping a few Demolitions and walking away with your hard-earned Food, Gold, or (especially) Oil without even trying. Beyond the things previewed here, there are a number of other updates and features we are working on (World War Replays being one of them).
2016 has been an amazing year for DomiNations. Over this past year we’ve expanded the way you play the game by adding the event system, Coalitions, the University, the Victory Chest, and Expeditions. We also introduced the Global and Atomic Ages as well as game engine updates, balance patches, and many, many bug fixes. I am thankful to you, our players, for your continued support.
Our goal for 2017 is to continue making DomiNations the best game it can be. That means we’ll be introducing a nice mix of new content, improvements to existing features, and changes based on player feedback. I hope you can see evidence of this with the Atomic Age, Gifts of Peace update, and some of the upcoming features previewed here. Feel free to comment and let us know if there are topics you’d like to see covered in future State of the Nations posts and/or Design Spotlights. Again, thank you for helping us make this game great. Have a wonderful holiday season!
Welcome to another State of the Nations. As you’ve probably noticed, November and December have been busy months for DomiNations. We released the Atomic Age, adding many troop and building upgrades along with two new troops (Attack Helicopter and APC) and four new Wonders (Atomium, United Nations, Pentagon, and Sydney Opera House). Of the new Wonders available, the Pentagon and Sydney Opera House are proving to be the most popular. Visually speaking my personal favorite is the Atomium, but it appears the chance to add an extra General on defense with the Pentagon is too tempting for Atomic Age players to pass up!
With the Atomic Age in player’s hands, our next goal was to release another update before the end of the year. Specifically, we wanted new content for players in earlier Ages. We were able to accomplish this with last week’s update: Gifts of Peace. This release introduced Hiawatha, the first new Great Leader at the University. To learn more about him, be sure to check out Extra History’s Hiawatha YouTube series found HERE. Hiawatha becomes available at University Level 1 and his skills have a much lower cost in time, resources, and citizens than other Great Leaders. Even better, his skills actually reduce these costs for other Leaders. If you haven’t spent much time with the University, Hiawatha is a great place to start.
Another new feature in this release is Alliance Gifting. Whenever anyone in your Alliance makes a qualified purchase, all your Alliance members will now receive a gift! The Gifts of Peace update also added the option to spend Food instead of Gold when upgrading Walls or Gates at Level 9 or above. Unfortunately, we had to disable this option shortly after release due to a bug, but you can install the latest hotfix from the app store to re-enable it. Finally, for our Atomic Age players we added an additional Market and Mill, plus new upgrades to the Alliance Gate and Command Post.
Since this is the last State of the Nations for 2016, I’d like to talk a little bit about what’s in store for 2017. Please remember that any time we preview content, there’s a chance that the details and timing will change. With that in mind, let’s look at some features slated for the first few releases of 2017.
First off, we have Troop Tactics. These are the consumable armies you can acquire through Expeditions, sales, and events. We have heard your feedback surrounding the balance issues caused by players deploying large numbers of Troop Tactics on offense. That’s why we’ll be introducing a new building in early 2017: the Stronghold. On its own, the Stronghold is a powerful defensive building. It also allows players to manage their Troop Tactics. Once the Stronghold is released, players will only be able to bring a limited number of Troop Tactics into battle - no more rolling bases with just Troop Tactics! Lastly, the Stronghold will also allow Alliance members to donate Troop Tactics to a player’s War Base in World War. Once donated, those Troop Tactics will spawn out of the Stronghold on defense (like a Garrison) for the duration of that World War.
Another upcoming change driven by player feedback will be to the Demolition Tactic. We will be greatly reducing the amount of damage that Demolition does to resource buildings. The purpose of this is to prevent attackers from simply dropping a few Demolitions and walking away with your hard-earned Food, Gold, or (especially) Oil without even trying. Beyond the things previewed here, there are a number of other updates and features we are working on (World War Replays being one of them).
2016 has been an amazing year for DomiNations. Over this past year we’ve expanded the way you play the game by adding the event system, Coalitions, the University, the Victory Chest, and Expeditions. We also introduced the Global and Atomic Ages as well as game engine updates, balance patches, and many, many bug fixes. I am thankful to you, our players, for your continued support.
Our goal for 2017 is to continue making DomiNations the best game it can be. That means we’ll be introducing a nice mix of new content, improvements to existing features, and changes based on player feedback. I hope you can see evidence of this with the Atomic Age, Gifts of Peace update, and some of the upcoming features previewed here. Feel free to comment and let us know if there are topics you’d like to see covered in future State of the Nations posts and/or Design Spotlights. Again, thank you for helping us make this game great. Have a wonderful holiday season!