• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

December State of the Nations 2016



Hello Leaders,

Welcome to another State of the Nations. As you’ve probably noticed, November and December have been busy months for DomiNations. We released the Atomic Age, adding many troop and building upgrades along with two new troops (Attack Helicopter and APC) and four new Wonders (Atomium, United Nations, Pentagon, and Sydney Opera House). Of the new Wonders available, the Pentagon and Sydney Opera House are proving to be the most popular. Visually speaking my personal favorite is the Atomium, but it appears the chance to add an extra General on defense with the Pentagon is too tempting for Atomic Age players to pass up!

With the Atomic Age in player’s hands, our next goal was to release another update before the end of the year. Specifically, we wanted new content for players in earlier Ages. We were able to accomplish this with last week’s update: Gifts of Peace. This release introduced Hiawatha, the first new Great Leader at the University. To learn more about him, be sure to check out Extra History’s Hiawatha YouTube series found HERE. Hiawatha becomes available at University Level 1 and his skills have a much lower cost in time, resources, and citizens than other Great Leaders. Even better, his skills actually reduce these costs for other Leaders. If you haven’t spent much time with the University, Hiawatha is a great place to start.

Another new feature in this release is Alliance Gifting. Whenever anyone in your Alliance makes a qualified purchase, all your Alliance members will now receive a gift! The Gifts of Peace update also added the option to spend Food instead of Gold when upgrading Walls or Gates at Level 9 or above. Unfortunately, we had to disable this option shortly after release due to a bug, but you can install the latest hotfix from the app store to re-enable it. Finally, for our Atomic Age players we added an additional Market and Mill, plus new upgrades to the Alliance Gate and Command Post.

Since this is the last State of the Nations for 2016, I’d like to talk a little bit about what’s in store for 2017. Please remember that any time we preview content, there’s a chance that the details and timing will change. With that in mind, let’s look at some features slated for the first few releases of 2017.

First off, we have Troop Tactics. These are the consumable armies you can acquire through Expeditions, sales, and events. We have heard your feedback surrounding the balance issues caused by players deploying large numbers of Troop Tactics on offense. That’s why we’ll be introducing a new building in early 2017: the Stronghold. On its own, the Stronghold is a powerful defensive building. It also allows players to manage their Troop Tactics. Once the Stronghold is released, players will only be able to bring a limited number of Troop Tactics into battle - no more rolling bases with just Troop Tactics! Lastly, the Stronghold will also allow Alliance members to donate Troop Tactics to a player’s War Base in World War. Once donated, those Troop Tactics will spawn out of the Stronghold on defense (like a Garrison) for the duration of that World War.

Another upcoming change driven by player feedback will be to the Demolition Tactic. We will be greatly reducing the amount of damage that Demolition does to resource buildings. The purpose of this is to prevent attackers from simply dropping a few Demolitions and walking away with your hard-earned Food, Gold, or (especially) Oil without even trying. Beyond the things previewed here, there are a number of other updates and features we are working on (World War Replays being one of them).

2016 has been an amazing year for DomiNations. Over this past year we’ve expanded the way you play the game by adding the event system, Coalitions, the University, the Victory Chest, and Expeditions. We also introduced the Global and Atomic Ages as well as game engine updates, balance patches, and many, many bug fixes. I am thankful to you, our players, for your continued support.

Our goal for 2017 is to continue making DomiNations the best game it can be. That means we’ll be introducing a nice mix of new content, improvements to existing features, and changes based on player feedback. I hope you can see evidence of this with the Atomic Age, Gifts of Peace update, and some of the upcoming features previewed here. Feel free to comment and let us know if there are topics you’d like to see covered in future State of the Nations posts and/or Design Spotlights. Again, thank you for helping us make this game great. Have a wonderful holiday season!




Approved user
Jan 27, 2016
Important comment considering you play for top3 team in the game;)


Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
I am very excited about the idea of a stronghold, especially because of the defensive aspect, but hope that it wont put too much of a strain on alliances that don't spend over the alliances that spend a great deal to get troop cards to donate for every war.

I am very disappointed that perfect score stalemates and further sandbagging solutions aren't being talked about, we were just in a war with iron age stacks and still stood to lose over 600 glory points in a loss, the minor initial fix is obviously not working.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Yes - Nexon continually avoid / ignore the sandbagging / stalemate / war balance issues which are driving players away from the game.


Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
I wonder if you will be able to put your troop cards in it like the inventory? or would they then all come out on defense? so many more questions than answers!


Approved user
Dec 28, 2016
I do not see the use of WW replays either when present one in multi player isn't properly synced. And why will I want my opponent to see the areas I hit his base from? Just limit the number of troops one can carry to WW with too many event troops flooding the game recently. We are seeing too many stalemates as previously indicated.


Approved user
Dec 28, 2016
Nothing about improving that horrible troopbar?????
Troop bar I agree needs to be addressed especially on my iPad where I scroll through a lot to get to my tactics. With huge buttons yet very few icons fitting on screen unlike game play on smart phones.


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Dear Brian,

Thank you for your update. And while I am pleased to hear you have paid attention to our latest gripe about troop tactics, something you said worries me. With Stronghold "players will only be able to bring a limited number of troop tactics on offense" by not stating an actual limit amount (1 or 2) means to me that the number of troop tactics will increase with each level the building is upgraded. While this is to be expected, this statement in conjunction with the deafening silence on the issue of sandbagging pretty much eliminates lower age alliances chance of taking out a sandbag Atomic opponent they are matched with. These troop cards were the only way clean alliances could have a chance at taking out these bad guys. Please tell me you forgot to mention that you are continuing to work on the Sandbagging issue and that somewhere in the scheme of your grand plan for 2017 you feel the benefit of sandbagging will be eliminated due to a change in 1) war mechanics 2) reward structure(more than it has as this hasn't stopped it) or 3) some other form of punishment to offending alliances.

And as far as your new defensive building is concerned, I see this has a potential to stop stalemates for the team that is willing to pay for high end troop tactics to stick in every player's Stronghold war after war after war.... yay more money for you! Well played my friend, well played.

Hugs and kisses, Gail


Community Manager 
May 16, 2016
Both Nexon and the game developers (Big Huge Games) are still reviewing stalemates and sandbagging.

Prodigal Clint

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
So basically, every alliance member will b required to buy troops cards for the entire alliance every war in order to remain competitive? It's one thing to get coalitions goods, but this is sounds eerily like straight pay to play in order to be competitive.

You hear that sound? It's the game I love slowly dying from greed and little to no customer feedback. Sandbagging is one thing, but solve stalemates!! It's so easy, 40% glory (exactly like loot btw), for perfect score stalemates. One quick formula change Everyone would b happy about. But thanks for "listening".


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Yes getting extra troops from events/sales/gifts off the bar unless needed would be amazing.. dropped my red barons by accident which made me cry!
I really would like getting my tactics to the left of the bar next to my planes and have them disappear off the bar completely once used.. others want to customize their troop bar themselves.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
Everyone is asking for world war replays. Do you want to see your attack on your opponent or your opponents attack on you? Personally I don't support seeing my attack on my opponent and sharing that info during war... or maybe this info doesn't come available until after war has finished.


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I play on my smart phone which scrolls fast enough but it has got to ridiculous portions how far I have to scroll


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
"Another upcoming change driven by player feedback"

How about the number one complaint by players? We've given you many months of feedback. Stalemates!

Where is the fix from our feedback? The stalemates have ruined war. Add this to the feedback.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
I do have a few questions. I know (and I think others here know) when someone is beating around the bush and trying to sidestep a question.

You all are clearly sidestepping the stalemate/sandbagging issue. Why?

But, seriously, WHY? What is so hard about fixing it? Who is against fixing it?

There are plenty of solutions. TONS!

Here are my questions:
Why are you
a) not doing anything to actually fix sandbagging/stalemates?
b) not communicating with players about what you are doing or the possible solutions?
c) speaking to us like children that you can give a half answer to?

Honestly, it is insulting to all of us. I think we deserve more respect since the player base pays your salaries.

I extremely dislike being spoken to like I am some idiot that can be fooled.

I am no fool, and if you continue down this road, you will lose the trust of all your players. Doesn't matter how much snow or presents you give them.

I think we have been patient, and I think it is only fair that you do your part. Get you sh*t together.

Thank you.