• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Automatically use the best 2 Pottery and Jewel artifacts based on the player's action


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Based on how many Pottery and Jewel artifacts the players has (1 or 2), the artifacts with the best bonuses should automatically be used.

Otherwise, if the player wants to benefit from his best bonuses, he will have to swap them on every action he does: when collecting from oil rafinery, caravans, farms, mines, trees, clear forest, vault interest, vault capacity, offesive loot bonus, defensive refund resources, library oil upgrades, library gold upgrades or library food upgrades.

I lose many of these benefits because it is very time consuming to make all these changes on every action.

Thank you


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I have 2 artifacts displayed in pottery category and 1 more sitting that I only use for the vault. I do remember to use it everytime and it is easy and fast. What you propose is a nice change but I don't know how they could implement such a change. What if you had multiple artifacts with similar categories?


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
If you have 3 artifacts with 10% oil rafinery bonus each, when you will collect from oil rafinery, it will be checked what combination of 2 artifacts have the best bonus for that (if they have). It will not matter if there are other 2 artifacts combination with the same best bonus for that action, just their best combined bonus. Well..., now I have around 50 artifacts and ussually 2 for each of those actions from my previous message (I forgat about the hunting bonus too), so there are many changes to do for each action if I want the bonus from them.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Good idea.
Maybe we could have a check box option in the museum that swaps artifacts automatically?
Use artifacts 1,2,5,7 when offline: 'tick, tick, tick, tick'
Use artifacts 3,4 when collecting from Vault, hunting animals: 'tick, tick'