• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Alliance Research v8.4 Update


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
V8.4 Alliance Research update of DomiNations is coming soon!


Alliance Research
  • Laws are coming to DomiNations!
  • Build the Parliament building on your Base to access Alliance Laws.
  • Each Law researched adds a new bonus to you and every member of your Alliance.
  • Work together with your Alliance to unlock new Laws that benefit you all!
  • Contribute Research Points to help unlock and upgrade different Laws each with their own unique bonuses for your Base.
  • Each time you contribute Research Points to a Law there is a chance the amount contributed will be multiplied! Upgrade Parliament to increase your chances of getting multipliers.
  • Alliance Leaders can highlight a Law to let their members know which law they see as a priority.
New Event Goals
  • New Goals in Events that focus on World War battles!
Last Login Time
  • See the last time members of your Alliance logged into DomiNations when setting up a World War.
Digital Age Building Upgrades
  • Upgrade Walls to Level 20
  • Upgrade Gates to Level 20
  • Upgrade the Sniper Tower to Level 12
  • Upgrade the Missile Silo to Level 9 and the Big Red Button to Level 4
Bug Fixes and Improvements
The team works hard to include improvements and fix crashes throughout DomiNations with each release. Some of these changes include:
  • Memory leaks have been addressed.
  • Fixed issues relating to getting network disconnects when using large amounts of Speed Ups.
  • Additional measure implemented to punish and roll back cheaters.
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Approved user
Jul 30, 2019
Looks promising, just wondering what the catch is, and how much spending needs to be done to hit the goals.

Would be nice if they fixed some long outstanding bugs first....like mg spawns from betrayed ht’s that freeze your troops... or stop the unlimited citizen hack, getting tired of seeing so many fully upgraded bases with nothing done in the University or museum

Bugs caused by the update for some players...

1. Video retrain crashes the game.
2. Videos crash the game or have no sound.
3. university research times reseting on logout/login
4. Dock expedition times resetting on logout/login
5. Heavy Tanks move sideways now, if this is anything like the sideways planes bug, expect it to never get fixed.
6. Planes disappear in the middle of the map, You assume they are shot down, but they are not.
7. Challenge replays are way off, just as bad as DA war replays now.... what’s the purpose of doing challenges if others cannot critique the battle?
8. either support is not answering me intentionally in-game, or it’s not working because nobody has answered my question or responded to my screenshot of a hacked base.
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
the new things look promising if they are implemented correctly.

It is really pathetic that +3 alliance gate is not fixed, bastion bug is not fixed, enigma machine is not fixed, machine guns spawn from HTs are not fixed, friendly challenges are not fixed, donations take forever with Please Wait message is not fixed etc etc etc PATHETIC!!! There is no excuse for you anymore!


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
Question: pff, we are a small alliance and even not all of them do WW. Will kicking them improve the development of laws/parliament?
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Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
V8.4 Alliance Research update of DomiNations is coming soon!

Alliance Research
  • Laws are coming to DomiNations!
  • Build the Parliament building on your Base to access Alliance Laws.
  • Each Law researched adds a new bonus to you and every member of your Alliance.
  • Work together with your Alliance to unlock new Laws that benefit you all!
  • Contribute Research Points to help unlock and upgrade different Laws each with their own unique bonuses for your Base.
  • Each time you contribute Research Points to a Law there is a chance the amount contributed will be multiplied! Upgrade Parliament to increase your chances of getting multipliers.
  • Alliance Leaders can highlight a Law to let their members know which law they see as a priority.
New Event Goals
  • New Goals in Events that focus on World War battles!
Last Login Time
  • See the last time members of your Alliance logged into DomiNations when setting up a World War.
Digital Age Building Upgrades
  • Upgrade Walls to Level 20
  • Upgrade Gates to Level 20
  • Upgrade the Sniper Tower to Level 12
  • Upgrade the Missile Silo to Level 9 and the Big Red Button to Level 4
Bug Fixes and Improvements
The team works hard to include improvements and fix crashes throughout DomiNations with each release. Some of these changes include:
  • Memory leaks have been addressed.
  • Fixed issues relating to getting network disconnects when using large amounts of Speed Ups.
  • Additional measure implemented to punish and roll back cheaters.

Hi TheWise
when is the update release? It is to avoid a WW during the update, and donations problems.


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Question: pff, we are a small alliance and even not all of them do WW. Will kicking them improve the development of laws/parliament?

The number of people in your Alliance has no bearing on the number of resources or contributions to complete a law. But having more Leaders means more contributions, means faster law completions!

Hi TheWise
when is the update release? It is to avoid a WW during the update, and donations problems.

Unfortunately, I can't give you any specifics here as we are subject to Apple and Google reviews which can change our timeline at a moment's notice. Additionally we try to do the releases as safe as possible, so if we discover a problem we may need to delay the 100% rollout. All I can say is we're working to get it to you as soon and as safely as possible.


Approved user
Jul 18, 2018
What I don’t understand :
  • Additional measure implemented to punish and roll back cheaters.
Why not have an algorithm to check how many buildings are upgrading at once, you know, instead of a measure why not “find them”.

Also would you be able to explain what measures are already in place to punish and roll back Cheaters?

Finally, what is the definition of a cheater, too many different opinions out there and no clear official info. The CS is hopeless here as sending them screenshots of all buildings upgrading and there is nothing done once you re-check that base weeks later....


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
Looking forward to the Parliament addition.

I don't understand why any cheaters are merely rolled back instead of being deleted permanently. A roll back will be about as effective as "a stern talking-to", because they're CHEATERS. They will just roll their accounts forward by CHEATING again. Get a spine please.


Big Huge Moderator
Staff member
Apr 21, 2015
Also as a note, when you download the new version of Dominations, Alliance Research will not be available immediately. We need to have everyone on the new version in order to get this feature out to you all, so please be patient it is coming very soon! Thanks!


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
What does this mean? Everyone has to be on the new version before going to the new version after that, that has Alliance Research? Or every existing player has to update for it to work for anyone? Perhaps you can clarify, please.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
I think it works a little bit more complicated - some part of the updates they roll out by the download component from the playstore/iOS store, and some from server side (no action needed by player). So I think he means that once all/most players have downloaded the new files, they can push the button on the server-side update.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Different regions get updates at different times. It would make sense it wait to enable the new features once all regions have the update. This is how it has been done in the past.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
''When you download the new version of Dominations ....... We need to have everyone on the new version''
Seems self explanatory.

Oh dear you?

Approved user
Oct 12, 2017
I have updated my game to the new version, yet no Parliament building is available to me. Others in my alliance have upgraded and have/are building their Parliaments. I am Digital Age so should have this available to me.

what have I done wrong, or is this an error?


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
Here's hoping that Research Points will be gained by a steady income from the Parliament building or through active play like Domination bonuses, and not via crowns, event passes, VIP levels or other pay-to-win garbage. I'm not optimistic, however.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
It’s always the same
- bad announcement of an update without the rollout day and other substantial details
- once the update is available something is messing up
- this time some people got the parliament build while others are not available
- asking for a timetable the answer is „coming soon“

Just looking from a quality perspective the worst of the worst seem to work all at BHG.

Also you failed completely on a substantial work against cheaters, even if you were supported by some players using hacked accounts known by your developers. The cheaters are still out there, they are still using external servers for unlimited stables, Zooka towers and Khans. The worker bug is still available, many people knowing how it works. Only the developers not.
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Approved user
Dec 27, 2018
Update done this morning:
-wall lvl20 available but no lvl9 for the silo
-parliament Not visible