A different approach to Alliance Leaderboard: Focus on alliance members not glory


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
I think I may have come up with the solution to help get a more accurate leaderboard, eliminate the dead alliances, make restart alliances obsolete, discourage sandbagging, and have more accurate matchmaking. What would happen if Alliance Leaderboard, war rank and match making were all determined by it’s player’s defensive and offensive war experience instead of glory? This is how I see it played out.

Player War Might (PWM)- Every player will have what is called war might. War Might is determined by a combination of current XP level, average relative attack strength (AM-Attack Might) and average relative defensive strength (DM-Defense Might).

AM is calculated from historical attack record and reflects base level* that player can reliably 5 star. DM is calculated from historical defensive record and reflects average level* that base has denied the 5th star. (*coalitions will add a modifier to attack/defense)

For example, Player A is a CWA 240 with 250 AM and 3 level 7 offense coalitions and attacks Player B a CWA 260 with DM 249 and 3 level 7 defense coalitions and gets 5 stars. At the start of this attack Player A’s AM shows that historically he can pancake bases 10 levels above him and Player B’s base can historically defend against players under level 250AM. With offsetting coalitions both player’s AM/DM will not change as the might numbers accurately reflected the outcome. However if Player A got only 3 stars his/her AM would fall slightly (more if this becomes a trend) and Player B’s DM would rise (more if this becomes a trend). If Player A dropped his offensive coalitions and pancaked then his AM would most likely rise and Player B’s DM would fall. The more attacks a player does or has against his base the more accurate this number becomes. If a player upgrades something that helps on offense or defense his/her AM or DM will increase from the upgrade but also if it improves A or D stats. If a player becomes inactive in war his/her AM/DM will drop automatically until war activity resumes.

Alliance War Might - Alliance War Might is determined by the current average of it’s player’s War Might currently in the alliance combined with the current AXP so that perk advantages are reflected in the Might. W/L war record could also be incorporated into it to discourage restarting alliances.

Here are the advantages I see to this:

-Leaderboard rank based on AWM would be much more accurate reflection of skill than the meaningless glory rank we now have.

-Matchmaking can easily be tied to this AWM +/- a certain amount and produce evenly matched wars.

-Sandbagging would not give an advantage because the amount of the Iron Age account’s might would lower the Alliance might. And lower their rank.

-Hacked bases would not have the experience and thus would have low might making them undesirable to have on a team or included in war.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
its not bad but i believe this will require to write code from scratch and change fundamental things in the game background processes. I am not sure how this will happen from nexon's point of view.
I am 100% with you though and do believe that top 100 alliances and top players leaderboard needs resetting and start from scratch. I am so tired of seeing the same people there the whole time for 2.5 years.

Hill Climb Racing 2 is an example to be followed. In the beginning there was a global ranking system. This guy from Middle East was wayyyy at the top with noone else being able to follow for years. You know what happened? None was bothering anymore. So they reset the ladder and created monthly ladders. Now you see so many different people aiming for the top! Diversity!! I believe this is the right approach. Make alliances and players leaderboard monthly or trimonthly or something like that. It is simple, fast and doesnt require so much effort.