Players go for the easiest targets during MP for garantueed 5 stars for ntg and especially for the least losses of troops as @
Radzeer explained very nicely.
Maybe Nexon could fix that by incentivating going for stronger bases in a certain way.
My idea: In a worldwar a base has a loot value based on how strong that player is. Maybe a similar number could be assigned to each players base and the relationship of the attacker vs defender of that number would influence the rewards of that battle.
For example: Attacking a really easy target means a number 1 and attacking a base much stronger means a number 5
- number 1: Opponent is around 60% or less of your strenght: Normal loot as it is now
- number 2: Opponent is between 60% - 80% of your strenght: Extra 5% loot
- number 3: Opponent is between 80% - 100% of your strenght: Extra 10% loot + 2 garantueed diamonds instead of 1 for 5 star victory (and 3 or 4 star)
- number 4: Opponent is between 100% - 120% of your strenght: Extra 15% loot + 2 garantueed diamonds instead of 1 for 5 star victory (and 3 or 4 star) + 1 random free tactic in inventory (choice between tactics used in that battle)
- number 5: Opponent is over 120% of your strenght: Extra 20% loot + 2 garantueed diamonds instead of 1 for 5 star victory (and 3 or 4 star) + 1 random free tactic in inventory (choice between tactics used in that battle) + 1 extra random ntg when getting ntg.
Maybe the numbers aren't right and some tweaking should be done, but you get the idea: Attacking weak players must be less rewarding then attacking stronger players.