• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

War Matchmaking Iteration


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I read so many different things from all over the domi community. Some face missmatches all the time. Some others are super content with their matches. I don't know the cause of that.
In our case, we have mostly fair matches. Some are harder than others and in some we are the underdog. Our problem lies in the total glory awarded. At some point, it changes the total glory awarded from 640 to 320. I was told that it is because we have more than 20K glory and our opponents have less. Today we are gonna win our 20th consecutive match and still we are always 100 glory away from the top 100. All our searches took about 2-3 hours to find a match. Never longer than that. We do not stop the search. We always let it do its job.

Glory gained - Date
78 - January 13, 2020
85 - January 11, 2020
63 - January 08, 2020
31 - January 06, 2020
49 - January 04, 2020
80 - December 31, 2019
145 - December 29, 2019
53 - December 26, 2019
162 - December 22, 2019
166 - December 19, 2019
208 - December 17, 2019
30 - December 15, 2019
386 - December 13, 2019
111 - December 08, 2019
268 - December 06, 2019
59 - December 04, 2019
489 - December 01, 2019
330 - November 29, 2019
232 - November 27, 2019



Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
War is always a mismatch because it's age counting not level counting a level 370 is equal to a level 280 of the same age , BHG_Muet why can't this be simple a average of experience pts per team war line and run the filters same at 3.5 percent per 30 mins of seach . It's not perfect but it will lead to better more fair war than this rocket science system that is clearly broken


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Burk..very bad match tonight
them: 6 Cwa, 3 AA and 1 iron of course
us: 1 cwa, 4 Aa and some lower stuff

The game proposés base no 8 for my base no3. No fun this stupid fkng war. BHG, how dare you?


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
It absolutely does age count and level doesn't have much to do with it at all I could explain it to you with the information that was provided to me I'm pm by them if you like but I'm not wasting my time


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Level hasn't counted since before the war "fix" each building and troop has a value while yes higher level is implied but not an actual top factor in war match

Age of offense age of Defense is way above level if your still trying to figure out war by doing level averages you not going to get anywhere.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Really think about it what is the difference between a 310 and a 370

4 gens that you can't even use ,
Farms that don't do anything
Market and Mills Storehouse and vault
6-8 troops your not going to use in war
Factory and hanger upgrade beyond what is needed

So this is why a 280 digital age is equal to a 370 digital age in war , I have statement from BHG not Standard C's that confirm it .


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Your statement is only right for offense. In defense you have a bunch of xp on top am attacker has to deal with. It makes a difference if a farm is taken out with one shot or with two (8 times), same with caravans and oil wells and all the other buildings. If Defense at University is researched this is an add on also.

i disagree with you, doesn’t matter if some people at BHG agree on that. 280 or 370 - it makes a difference in Defense and also in offense options if a player has finished all troops, generals and coalitions.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
I'm saying they should not be equal domas as that HP increase is what I was alluding too so two teams are equal under the current system . Example 15 size war
Team 1 has 8 DA (320,310,309,307,302,301,288,285) team 2 has 8 DA also but (367,363,362,357,355,334,330,305) assuming all skill is equal(same number of top base hitters)a as well equal number of top base defenders team 1 will almost always lose that war on stars, destruction and especially on time if war is perfect to perfect team 2 wins .
Otherwise example 2
15 war
Team 1 12 DA ranges from 320-270) bottom bases are Atomic
Team 2 10 DA bases ranges from 370-330) bottom bases industrial
Team 2 still wins in a perfect though the bottom time will be faster for team 1 to get down the industrial vs team 2 getting down the attomic the total HP of team 2 bases are still way more than team 1 so the 2 shots per farm 3 shots per market and Mills add up to seconds that will add up to a a couple stars a couple percentage of destruction and or a couple of minutes in the time difference team 1 still loses


New member
Aug 20, 2019
The war matching has not improved a bit. We have started a war yesterday and the teams (by player number order) are:

Our Team (Mano Dura)

233 Atomic, 238 Atomic, 215 Atomic, 181 Global, 200 Atomic, 169 Global, 169 Industrial, 177 Industrial, 207 Cold War, 114 Industrial


252 Cold War, 235 Space, 235 Space, 212, Cold War, 205 Cold War, 180 Industrial, 159 Global, 164 Atomic, 144 Global, 119 Industrial

I have the feeling that the war matching is the sum of the player level divided by the number of players in the team which would not be logical.

If this were the only case it would not be a problem, the problem happens when we have just finished another war which we won just because the server maintenance didn’t allow our opponents to make their attacks. In the other wars the matching has not been better.

This is having a bad effect in our alliance as most of the strongest members have lately quit playing the game as they are annoyed.

We are not an alliance of people who are constantly buying articles but we have spent some money and I have to say, to my chagrin, that we have all stopped spending as we do not see a good future to this game if things continue this way.

We have also seen that the number of new players has dropped to almost none and those who are new in our alliance are because their former alliance has already disappeared.

The game has been a really good game, we liked it a lot. Help us have a good time with your game correcting the issues that happen since two years ago when museum was introduced and all the changes started happening.


New member
Aug 20, 2019
Yes something must have gone crazy in the war matchmaking. Our new war is:

Our Team (Mano Dura)

233 Atomic, 238 Atomic, 215 Atomic, 181 Global, 200 Atomic, 169 Global, 169 Industrial, 177 Industrial, 207 Cold War, 114 Industrial

Opponent’s Team

246 Cold War, 212 Cold War, 214 Cold War, 201 Atomic, 198 Atomic, 198 Atomic, 209 Atomic, 154 Atomic, 55 Industrial, 113 Illustration

The game has taken 15 minutes to make the match. This means two wrong matches in a row.

We have lost 4 days, two days for each war.

I do not expect to fight against a copy of our team, but to have a fair match for both alliances.

We wouldn’t care if we have to wait a week to get the match but this is frustrating.


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
Roberto in your case I think your problem lies in your misunderstanding of what "war weight" is. You are getting matched with higher ages because of those heavy atomic bases. If you are maxing out you defenses for every age its going to bump you into a higher bracket, the system doesnt care whether you all defense or all offense, its ultimately just weight. This is the primary reason why people rush to the next age.


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
We are on the same issues we were like 3 years before... Developers does not change nothing, keep running tests on us and looking how it goes. Like a week before we had a 10x10 war. 10 digitals on their side (lowest lvl was about 290), and 3 digital on our side with only 1 base being over 300. How this can even happen? Our no 1 probably would ranked about 7-8th on their side. Crazy. War after was almost the same. The only ones who does not feel the effect of a bad matches are the top heavy alliances in the game. There is a lot of great ideas how to improve things, but nobody cares about that. They just keep fixing the system, that is far from perfect and easy to cheat. Why a player must rush trough ages if he does not want to do so? Just because he adds a lot of war weight? Stupid.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Why are so many people counting ages or looking at levels? People can ranked 20 levels plus higher only based on economy research. Look on your defense buildings, most times war is coming from there.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
Wow so many fat accounts. Welcome to 3 years ago.

Completely agree! I have such a fat acc (good protection) and I'm quite uncomfortable in the game recently. Do not improve your defense, only the attack is necessary for fun and success.


New member
Aug 20, 2019
Well, thank you all for answering. After having a talk, we have decided (in our alliance) that we are doing things correctly. We try to max everything before going to the next age.

Therefore it leaves us with the problem of wars and we have decided not to to any wars apart from the ones necessary in events.

It is surprising for us that developers seem to think that frustrating players are more profitable players. I think all the way around, happy players will tend to spend more.

Although this is not the conversation, the recent events are in the good way. Maybe too expensive, but once in awhile they can make us spend money. It is a pity that other recent aspects of the game are retaining our expenses in it, but this is not my game, I have been plying it for some years and when it gets to the end I will just change to other if I find one it fits me. My job will not suffer if it disappears.


Approved user
Sep 27, 2017
...It is surprising for us that developers seem to think that frustrating players are more profitable players. I think all the way around, happy players will tend to spend more.
Yep, frustrating players just leaves.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
In the war you describe, your fully-upgraded AA should be able to take out their top CWA. In fact, if your bases are fully upgraded then I would think your side has the advantage. Maybe you need to work on your museums? Or update your attack strategy?