• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Update 2.5 killed the Raiders


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
It's a clear fact that Nexon wanted to reduce the Impact of Raiders on this game,that's why they have increased the Raiders training time to 150 secs which finally killed the Raiders use & virtually the game fun itself. Even if it was over used,what they should have also given in the update is to increase the battle time by atleast 60 secs more since we all know that Raiders will used less now & they are the fastest unit to move across the town & help in complete 5 star destruction victory. As we use less Raiders we will need more time to destroy the complete town.
I hope they fix this Raider issue or they are killing their own game.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Hang on - everyone was worried that the raiders might/would be nerfed. Increasing the training time, imo, is not a nerf. I don't have the update yet so I can't comment accurately but if all you're complaining about is the time then presumably the HP/DPS/speed are still the same? That doesn't sound like a nerf to me. Sure it means you'll take more time to get your army together - if you only use raiders - but once produced your army will still be as powerful as it was before.

Where's the nerf?


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Hang on - everyone was worried that the raiders might/would be nerfed. Increasing the training time, imo, is not a nerf. I don't have the update yet so I can't comment accurately but if all you're complaining about is the time then presumably the HP/DPS/speed are still the same? That doesn't sound like a nerf to me. Sure it means you'll take more time to get your army together - if you only use raiders - but once produced your army will still be as powerful as it was before.

Where's the nerf?


Players want maximum gold and medals per hour

That means maximum battles / hour X taking as much medals,gold per battle. U can lower medals,gold if it increases ur battles /hr

A units hp, dps effects medals,gold per battles
A units train time effects battles / hr

The only people that dont care about train time is cheaters, crown buyers, casuals who dont care about anything, and clueless people that dont know strategy

At higher levels of gameplay. Where peoples bases are maxed out so they dont need resources. And 5 star wins still give u 1 medal. The only thing u need is 1 star. A tc snipe is fastest way to do that. Battles/hr becomes the only thing that matters. Which means train time is more important than stats. As long as the stats are good enough to get the job done

So this raider training nerf is a bigger nerf than a dps nerf. More so at the top ranks of the game


Approved user
Mar 3, 2015
Since it takes more time for the raiders in the new update , I have lost interest in the game , but it's all good because I guess that's what they were looking for . They will loose money this way by pushing people away from there game . It now take 6 juice and 2 diamonds to use the training blessing and they added 30 min to it so now the blessing lasts 60 min and takes twice as long to train the raiders , thank you very much for pushing me away from something that was addicting to me .


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Dbuk, as you said in another post ''it's all about perspective''. One man's balance is another man's nerf.

As with all the changes Nexon makes - people can either waste their energy complaining about something they can't control or they can adapt and make the new system work.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
FYI, I'm in another category - I'm a casual who cares about this game. Why else would I read the posts and offer my two cents every other day?

Maybe the players at the top ranks of the game need to take a chill pill and smell the flowers (or farms) once in a while! :)
Isn't it good that you now have a whole hour of TB to do just that?!!! he he


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
One other thing - if TC snipe is so all important to top ranked players why not spend rss on cheaper units that take less time to train??! Raiders aren't the end-all & be-all. Just a thought.

Jasonian Empire

Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
I don't know anything about high level play* (I'm only lvl 72 and haven't even reached Gunpowder Age, myself), but if being a Top Dominator hinges exclusively upon using raiders to snipe, and you can't use any other strategy to achieve success, that sounds pretty boring to me.

Anyway, if everyone has the same training nerf, isn't it a level playing field? Aren't you all in the same boat of adjusting your tactics to figure out a new strategy to stay on top?

*Okay, to be honest, I probably don't know squat about low level play either. 8P


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
Jasonian. To be top ranked u need to be efficient, cheat or use $.

Being efficient used to mean roman infantry, heavy cav and now raiders. That will continue to change. U ride the flavor of the month.

Theres always the flavor of the month at the top. If ur not sure what the top looks like ull never be there so u dont have to concern urself wether it suits ur preferance. Just play whatever is fun for u at the level ur at


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Anyway, if everyone has the same training nerf, isn't it a level playing field? Aren't you all in the same boat of adjusting your tactics to figure out a new strategy to stay on top?
Exactly. And the French still have an advantage.

Jasonian Empire

Approved user
Oct 12, 2015
Well, it looks like the flavor of the month has changed again. ;-)

You're advice is good. I'll take it- thanks. 8)


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
I just finished my temple upgrade just in time for the new TB rebalance and l managed 7 mixed-army battles in an hr with the TB - and no raiders in my army. The 2 diamonds l used was made up with 7 from my battles. (I managed to 5-star 4 of the 7)

What's this got to do with the raider 'nerf'? Not too much - except to say that raiders are but one type of troop - people complaining about the new training times are probably french and have been spoilt up until now. The 66% new TB is still powerful enough to make your all raider army - French or not - a formidable force.

Stop complaining and get on with it!!


Approved user
Oct 20, 2015
Until Nexon fixes its Match making Battle issue we won't stop complaining :O
Let me tell you why we need Raiders alot in our attack = To loot,loot & loot more
Why we need to loot alot= Because we need to strengthen our defense
Why we need to strengthen our defense= Because RUBBISH Nexon Match making Battle allows Kingdom & Dynasty level players to attack us in our Gold & silver league.

I would be very much to play like you Ravenlord if I get attacked by same league opponents & sometimes get victory on defense but this is not case here.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
Really - Kingdom & Dynasty players attack lower leagues? If thats the case what are the point of the leagues???! This can't be right.


Approved user
Oct 19, 2015
But if the higher league can't attack lower league how can they will find player to attack? Since only few player at top league. The troops training time must be reduce for matching this game environment. Thia is just mobile phone game not a console game so how can people must spend hours to play this game if this game was designed to be on phone. I think the old consept of 30mnt play time is still the best.


Approved user
Aug 23, 2015
But isn't that the point of the leagues??! For the elite to attack the elite? To allow the top leagues to attack lower leagues just because opponents are hard to come by is a mockery of the league system!