• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

This game totally unfair


Approved user
Mar 3, 2015
after the maintenance on May 2 /2015 at 6 pm est , I was put in the minus 5,457 crown , how unfair is that I also lost about 100 medals . Whoever did the job of trying to fix things should be giving a lesson about technology and to do the job right . Well now they thought that they screwed me by putting me in the minus of that many crown , they got another thing coming because I will NEVER buy another card for crowns in this game until they fix this issue . I have played this game always fair and they give me this stuff . Please fix this or they will loose more money then just myself because the media like Facebook now a days is a big thing to complain to about games that are unfair .


Approved user
Apr 3, 2015
Do Not Forget that Big Huge Games are Bankrupt in the Past. DomiNations is Big Huge Game Revival. If we show support, they will fix our issues. I already contacted Customer support already of the Alliance Bug. :)