They're finally taking action against players!!


Approved user
Jun 11, 2015
In the forums at least... How about the multiple players who have been outed as cheaters get banned from the game? HINT: Their names have LITERALLY been changed to 'cheater'. I feel being banned for 'toxic negativity' is just a little weird since the game made me this way. I used to be positive. I used to be like the rest of you.


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Delusional Positivity

Approved user
Jun 11, 2015
Cheer up mate, I think if we stay positive everything will work out. How do you know the players named 'cheater' aren't really named 'cheater'?


Approved user
Jan 11, 2015
Dominationsvigiles bans forum posters who he deems negative. Shame he can't deal with all the spam posters. Get some real mods please.


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
In the forums at least... How about the multiple players who have been outed as cheaters get banned from the game? HINT: Their names have LITERALLY been changed to 'cheater'. I feel being banned for 'toxic negativity' is just a little weird since the game made me this way. I used to be positive. I used to be like the rest of you.

You guys only blame, flame and cry .

Speculating whole day, setting up conspirancy theories and judge other people without any reasons or evidence?!

Im "Hardstyle", yesterday my name got changed to "cheater". Im a victim of hackers

I never exploited with map editor, abused the amount of limited walls, hacked me into Industrial Age, cheated crowns, bought crowns in blackmarket, I never even tried one of those things! and you insult me whole day. Show me facts now or stop that inquisition and witch hunting.

The fact that im a member of "TopDominators" doesnt make me automatically a cheater.

Tell me what Ive done that you call me cheater all day. Get some dignity and honor and answer me like a man.

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Apr 9, 2015
We are fully aware that some fair players were hacked. All blames may come to your account, not to you personally. No matter what, this account needs to be banned or semi-banned (removed from ratings and raiding) until it is resolved. While this is not happening and this acc may harras other players, they are angry. Nothing personal,


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
Tell me how does a name change affect other players?
Hackers just changed my Name and added negative crowns.

The account doesnt have any bad influence at other players.

The only one suffering is the account "owner" (user), me.

Give me any example where my account harrassed any player?!

Again you tell me that the account has to be banned or restricted but you DONT tell me any reason.

All in all im really dissapointed of NEXON and the Community.
When I check everyday the Forum, there are plenty of new topics ban those cheaters for example ban "Hardstyle", without any statement why they should punish this account .

When I offer you to discuss with me about your random judgement that my account abuse/affect players in a bad way etc you dont answer me anymore or dont give truly reasons.

I exspect a real response of you guys. Stop yelling around if you dont have evidence, true reason and sources that they should ban this account!

Your anger about this game isnt unfounded but you have to focus at the true targets.
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Apr 9, 2015
I don't know if your acc attacked someone and if so, was it you or hackers, but in such case it is pure harrasement coming from your account. Even the fact that it is in the top with not yet released content means that it is broken and needs to be fixed asap, so other fair players aren't encouraged to cheat or leave the game. When it is between you and nexon, we are fully supporting you, so they fix it faster for you unless you tried to cheat or shared your id to hackers.


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
"I don't know if your acc attacked someone and if so, was it you or hackers, but in such case it is pure harrasement coming from your account. Even the fact that it is in the top with not yet released content means that it is broken and needs to be fixed asap, so other fair players aren't encouraged to cheat or leave the game. When it is between you and nexon, we are fully supporting you, so they fix it faster for you unless you tried to cheat or shared your id to hackers."

Im the guy at Rank 11. I dont have unreleased content. Again you guys dont research enough and blame me for things which doesnt exist or is untrue.

I never had industrial age content. I am still Roman gunpowder!

I never even attempt to cheat and I didnt shared secret information like ID with anyone. Moreover I didnt damaged anyone. If thats not true scream out now in a respectful way but add evidence. Otherwise be quiet and stop that crap talk!

There are no reasons to yell about me or my account. My account was never a danger for playerbase.
There are no proofs and reasons for an account ban.

Nevertheless thanks for offering your help I appreciate that. I already asked Nexon how to avoid hacker acces. But it is their fault not mine. Their security standard isnt high enough.

Kind regards

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Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
i would like to hear why people are screaming cheater at hard(renamed cheater)? hes in gunpowder age with low lvl walls and hes got medals but nothing crazy. so lets hear it...was he running 1 archer insta shot ur base hacks or something? otherwise lets move on i guesa


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
Thanks, but I never used corrupt data like the "insta shot archers"

I always patched "DomiNations" with the official Google Play store.

But im with you "i would like to hear why people are screaming cheater at hard"

I like to know that too, therefore I spend my precious time to answer all your questions.
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May 16, 2015
All i remember about you hardstyle is I accepted you having enlightenment age, the next day you are on gunpowder age..and you got kick because you dont want to donate and you dont ask for troops but your medals builds up..


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
First of all I was about 35 hours a member of your alliance. Thats not a long period of time.

"All i remember about you hardstyle is I accepted you having enlightenment age, the next day you are on gunpowder age."

Thats untrue and a lie I was never enlighment age. I couldnt even been because at this point of time i was level 58 and not required 60 (it was before the 1.5 patch when they increased the amount of xp per buildings).

I hit first time enlightment age in about 8 hours. :)

" I didnt ordered and donated troops in that short time"

Thats true,

My alliance gate is low. 6 additional units kinda useless. In my current alliance i have every season a demand/donate blance of 60/60 thats pretty low, but I play this way.

"but your medals builds up.."
Yes, Im sniping towncenters with pretorian guardians. I dont need donated troops for that lol.
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Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
All i remember about you hardstyle is I accepted you having enlightenment age, the next day you are on gunpowder age..and you got kick because you dont want to donate and you dont ask for troops but your medals builds up..
Hardstyle was in my alliance, then he dropped out because of an argument between him and another player. He was gone for like 2 days. Before he dropped out and after he joined back he was gunpowder. I remember because he was top of pvp medal list. So i looked at his base a few time. Hes still gunpowder age but hes been upgrading the tc for a while so sounds like he will be enlightenment soon. A little slow for my tastes but its his game and certainly the opposite of what u would expect from a cheater. He has low level walls, low level buildings relative to rest of alliance. Frankly, if hes cheating i dont see the point if he has to hide his cheating behind an underdeveloped city. If thats what cheating gets u then im more than happy to see more of those....any players dont get much benefit from reinforcements. Especially underdeveloped players with alliance gate that gives 6 extra tropps. Im annoyed with players who request a lot but dont donate, leeches. But 0 0 is fine by me


May 16, 2015
I am just stating facts as to what happened when you were in my alliance.You mentioned on the alliance chat that you are 24/7 online. You said you wont be donating and you wont be requesting for troops. The first time you joined it was discussed to you that you need to donate to help others to level up and you agreed with the alliance rule. I just find it odd that you dont want to donate and you wont be requesting for troops the next time you talk in alliance chat,where in the fact donated troops helps to defend your towncenter. You were replying to alliance chat that time,but when you were asked to try sending troops you did not reply on chat after that. I gave you few hrs to reply but no response until you got kicked.I should probably blame myself for remembering you..
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Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
Im actually 16 hours a day online and yes I dont request or donate troops often.

If this is a problem I am not the right man for your alliance. So it was a good decision for you and me that I left.
Im not mad of that. All fine :)


Approved user
Jun 8, 2015
Still lm very dissapointed of many people who called me out as a cheater demanding an account ban and insulting me. Now Im here to discuss with you about that. Noone says anything anymore because you guys have nothing to judge me. You cant proof a sh iet, because their are no evidence.

I never cheated, get over it now. Sad boys.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. if you are concerned about cheats why do you allow cheats to operate who ate inside the top 10 players!?! Your full of it mate. If you were a man of your word you would have banned hardstyle and menshop already. But your not. You don't give a crop about cheats."

Whatwhat im still waiting for your response.
You flamed me several times. Im here to speak with you like a man.
Get some balls now and give me the proofs. There is still time until I leave the forum.

Unless you dont respond me and dont give me any evidence for banning me, your behaviour is really pathetic (Attention I didnt said he is pathetic, I dont insult his personality I insult his bad unmature attitude and behaviour.) You guys all create anger because of the ingame bugs, hacks and cheats I know that and I understand that. But blaming, accusing and judging innocent, fair players like me is a really weak attidude.Calm down and take a break from game. Build up some self-controll and honor.
I exspect an apologise of you Whatwhat or a clear statement why I am cheating.

Moreover, an really funny guy fakes my identidy and shouting in public out that he is cheating. Pathetic attempt to pin the blame to me. Hardstyle*TD No comment. How desperate is the account creator? Atleast they banned your forum account now.

This Forum is full of hate, crap talk and depressive people. Instead of discuss about the current situation on a respectful high level You guys react cocky and toxic. Starting to hunt random people in Top tierlist like the catholic church witches in the past. Stop your jealousness and concentrate at your gameplay and life!

Im a proponent for competetive fair-gaiming and if I get in contact with any cheats, hacks or exploits I report them by adding pictures etc privately to Nexon.
Instead of calling them in public forum out to start a wave of hate. Whats the sense of that?

Aussie guy commented
Could you please change your profile pic? I don't want to see your ladyboy bits every time I scroll down these posting. Thanks in advance.

Arekville commented
Ok, this made me laugh for a while. Then go read his profile: "'s all about..the clap...". But to stay on point, he/she is right, even chicks with d**ks deserve respect, man. Or woman. Or whatever.

Again you guys try to insult me personal and dont tell me now "It was just a joke". Its a obvious an attack versus me and I will report that and suggest a ban of your forum account unless you dont anpologise.

I give you all one last time 96 hours to serve me any evidence versus my account
(I bet the only things who will show up are insults, crying people and toxic behaviour.)

​If no real material or facts shows up I gonna leave the forum and concentrate back on gaming. Afterwards, you have time to set up further outrageous conspirancy theories without me. Enjoy it.

TopDominators1 Hardstyle (cheater)
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Approved user
Apr 30, 2015
Not that I want to get involved in this flaming but I did get attacked by you Hardstyle/Cheater though not with industrial troops. However, Im actually not complaining cause it was a cheap shield for me with low medal and resource loss. I do wonder how you could do a full 100% destruction tho with only a handful of these troops but unfortunately I am unable to see a replay.


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