we are a medium size alliance with no SA players, 3 CWA and lots of AA and GA and a few IA/EA.
In the past we had some outrageous WW where the opponent had like 8 CWA and it was almost impossible to win
In the past we had some terrible glory loses because the system thought that we were the favorite to win when in reality we weren't and we were losing huge amounts of glory, not to mention the WW with 10 or 30 glory gain in case of a win
This is much more rare now and glory gain/loss is fairer. I don't care if we need to search for 30 mins or 1 hour. It is fine.
This is our history from the moment glory was reset...
313 May 28, 2019
330 May 27, 2019
157 May 24, 2019
125 May 22, 2019
464 May 19, 2019
144 May 17, 2019
-240 May 15, 2019
156 May 13, 2019
100 May 11, 2019
237 May 08, 2019
240 May 06, 2019
221 May 03, 2019
-223 April 27, 2019
98 April 25, 2019
189 April 22, 2019
-178 April 19, 2019
-331 April 17, 2019
219 April 14, 2019
4 Loses, 14 wins (+1 more from today's WW)
Last 3 wars were very exciting and an absolute massacre till the very end. We ended a tie and we won all 3, only because we were faster. This is definitely an improvement in my eyes and tells me that the new algorithm works much better then the old one.