Tactics dilemma


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
Tactics has always been a problem .u upgrade it becomes very strong .players use 6 or so of one tactic and then it gets nerfed ,this has been the trend with sabo ,betrayal ,decoy and now Assault tactic .players are using 6 in attack and walking thru any base .yes it will be nerfed .
in my opinion nexon should not nerf the tactics ,but limit any one tactic to a maximum number one take to war or mp.eg. Max 2 ar or decoy .this will make it less likely to be abused ,and bring more interesting strategies .


Approved user
Dec 12, 2018

This is a race arms. Unless you are a full defensive CWA you'll always find somebody that will easy take down your base. First the difference in war was the level of buildings and troops, then the uni, then the coalitions level, then the extra troop cards, now the museum.

If you are not at the top with all of them then the problem are not the tactics but your base.

I believe that since the museum is on if fragments have not been wasted in useless artifacts it is possible to have between 20 and 40% troops spawn time and nice reductions of all enemy defensive towers damage and hp. For my experience you find one artifact with at least 3 upgrades for those 3 every month an a half (with luck within the first 3-4 slots so that it is easier to unlock). If your museum has not been carefully worked on to counter good attacking museums then you have a problem because you need at least a year to find an have decent upgrades of some good artifacts.

If you are a full defensive CWA with good museum and still get starred 5* in every single war when having at least 2 lvl 7 coalitions on.. that basically means that you have a bad design. Give credit to the attacker sometimes as there are some full attack with nice attacking skills, very good extra cards and an unbelievable museum!. If you are the best base in your alliance you'll get hit by the best attacker
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Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
U must be an attacker with low defense ..lol.and .my base is a good design and even other bases in our alliance playing against KA (mck)the number one alliance if u don’t know .has five starred our bases that they could not do before AND we are five starring there bases that we could not in the past before the AR .SO it’s not about base design at all .
and for info .in current war with ka .i have no def coals and my base was 4 starred 100% ,using 6 AR and a decoy .secong attempt was a five star with 15 eas and 30 plus hrpg .SO ITS NOT BASE DESIGN BUT POOR BALANCE IN THE TACTIC
all I am asking is try something different nexon .limit tactics use to a maximum of 2 per type .
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Nooo why should tactics be limited? That is ridiculous!
Troops diversity is ok, but limiting the way we want to play is just moronic. People could be successful with 7 Decoys, why not? Or 7 Sabotage. Or 4 Decoys and 3 Sabotage, why not? Don't limit the way we set our troops/tactics composition.
Even better... Just don't change the original design and stats.

What else, want them to limit the amount of HTs we can take to 1 unit?! 🙄

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
And I wish there was a Dislike/Downvote button for this idea, booooo! 😝


Approved user
Dec 12, 2018
"U must be an attacker with low defense ..lol." Could be xd

You are talking about super top attackers that may even "guess" correctly where you have your traps... The problem would be easy 5* against your base with 3D. Is that the case?

You are correct saying that the new tactic is very powerful (at least in the hands of good attackers). Do not know if that is the case with the vast majority of non-top attackers... as for what I see most players (outside top alliances that attack with 15 EAs) have real problems to 3-4* full def bases already with the game as it is.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Perhaps your base is susceptible to attackers using one type of flavor-of-the-month tactic?

There will always be some combination of tactics that can work against your base. Those are the players that drop troops in multiplayer instead of hitting Next. In the case of Wars, they can plan what tactics they need ahead of time because they can see your base.

The trick for making your base more tactics-proof is to mount a defense based on what they can’t see: traps, university, museum, stronghold, and gate troops. Many want to see these constrained or made transparent, but then it’s just tic-tac-toe stalemate and boring.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I've always said tactics should be limited to max 2 of any type. That's called 'balance' Nexon, not things like defenders having more hp than attackers!
FYI, I always only have max of two types of tactics. You can never predict what type of base you come across.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
I've always said tactics should be limited to max 2 of any type. That's called 'balance' Nexon, not things like defenders having more hp than attackers!
FYI, I always only have max of two types of tactics. You can never predict what type of base you come across.

Dislike. What kind of ''war tactics'' that need to be limited seriously? You want things like this happen in real wars, ''oh we can only drop the bomb there twice, UN said'' 😆 That will draw more people out of the game, more than rebalance. Let us people choose whatever we want to bring into the battles. There is a reason why Barrage is put in the level 1 War Academy, and Decoys on the last level (before Assault Rally was brought out); which is also the same reason why Assault Rally is only available after we reach Global Age.
The best thing is DO NOT touch anything that has been in current situation right now. It's been buggy, laggy, and cheat-ey.
Just play smart. Or casually. Or lazily. Or whichever, you choose.


Approved user
Dec 5, 2017
I agree that assault rally is likely to get a nerf because it’s really buff but for the time being let’s enjoy how nice it is. A decent base isn’t going to get steamed rolled only from using 6 of the same tactic. It still requires the right troops and such to do so. If it’s only being bested simply because of the tactics and the use of any random troop composition, it means the base isn’t that strong. Of course if you’re a global and getting crushed by a cwa than it’s because it’s a cwa. I don’t find that using the same tactic of anything works. Decoys of course did work for a long time but again that was against bases that weren’t strong than rebalance happened and that stopped working. I’ve always used a mix of sabos and decoys with my troop mix and now I added assault rally. Currently I use 3 decoys/2 sabo/2 assault rally along with glad strength and blitz.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
Guys offering tactics limitations - what’s wrong with you? Have you done any basic maths? We have three useless tactics (barrage, demolition, shield), we have one ht-specific tactic (first aid). 8 - 4 = 4, we have 4 tactics left to choose from. If we have max 2 of each type, then Koreans have nothing to choose from, the rest have only to decide which tactic they want to reduce down to one. Is that what you call “Interesting tactics combinations”?


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
There are some type of players
1. innovators : they innovate ways to attack. they try different combos. no matter how many times nexon nurfs a tactic or troops they keep coming back with a solution. they never have a problem with nexon in changing stats or tactics. he is shepherd.
2. copy cats: they just see a successful attack and use them. they go with the flow of rest like a sheep. they have problems when there is some change. they will be ok once shepherd finds a way to attack. they just don't know what to do in between time of innovation. there can be multiple reasons for them not to innovate time, smartness or lazy etc.
3. so called leaders/ co leaders: they try their best to be the link between sheep and shepherds. they get panicked when something changes as they have to keep sheep not moving anywhere till shepherd is back.

sad part of our game now is we have almost 80% of sheeps and very few innovators.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
limiting number of tactics is not a good idea i am not supporting it neither saying it will cause big issues. but before that they have to balance all the tactics. barrage should be improved atleast damage on troops should be inproved with suppression recommended. protect should have better stats than assault rally in the first place. demolition should have better stats. when all tactics are equally balanced applying limitations on single tactic is not a bad idea so no one goes with all decoys, demos, sabo or AR


Approved user
May 17, 2018
1. My opinion is that tactics should not have some kind of restriction. Each player has its own way of doing battles. Why impose a limit and thus limit the diversity of battles themselves?

2. I also believe that in a mixed army composition, having mixed tactics is the best combo. After the change of tactics to 1 space, I use 2 AR, 2 Sabo, 2 Decoy, 1 Betrayal. Completely mixed tactics that allow me to have great flexibility in almost every base design. If there was ever a limit in tactics, I wouldn't even notice it despite being still global age level.
rocker arsenal or 2+ antitank guns close? = sabotage
high level generals + full stronghold? = decoy
rose base or tough spots? = assault rally
HT MK5 out of factories or MK7 out of TCs? = Betrayal
But that doesnt mean that having 42 HRPG and 6-7 assault rallies is bad. On the contrary, I like such builds! It is the same as having 19 commandos and 7 sabotage! Brilliant!!!

3. The real issue here is, as jagadeeshgarapati and Alexey correctly put it, the other 3 tactics are now useless.
Barrage, protect and demolition need further rebalance to make them viable again.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
Agree the other tactics need to be rebalanced .point I was trying to make was the see saw nature of Nexons tactics introduction and u upgrade it .and then it’s maxed .used like ar is being used now and 7 sabo or decoy at some stage in game .nexon then goes and nerf it and for some time we have nothing good .
if they can improve other tactics then it will be good ,I rather have 2 ar at its maxed lvl 4 (working correctly that is ) than having it nerfed into oblivion like decoy .


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
We have three useless tactics (barrage, demolition, shield), we have one ht-specific tactic (first aid).

ive used first aid with 12~13 barracks tanks.
ive used demolition in dynasty.

im not saying the three tactics dont need buffs and im not supporting the idea of tactics limits.. just saying it wouldnt be the end of the world.


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
Tactics should not be limited. One reason is that tactics can be trained in proportion to their probable need over several battles, and there is only one tactic training queue. You may not typically use more than one of a particular tactic in a single battle, but it may be the tactic that you commonly use one of, so to plan ahead you train several of them at once. I usually carry a mix, but have multiple Betrayal because I am more likely to use it once. In other more special cases I might fill the queue with nothing but one tactic such as First Aid. Limiting their number in the queue would exhaust the supply faster and force longer wait between battles.