• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

[TacticalMinds] looking for active skilled base players


Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
Hello fellow DomiNators,

It's been a month of weaving down players so 20 were out so I'm going to look for worthy members again
I've created the alliance called "TacticalMinds" and is recruiting skilled players who is:

- Active in game and chat (NO RUSHED BASES)
- A base strategist and wants to be really dedicated in the game like us, this the alliance you belong!
- Me and other councils will offer advices if you need one
- Councils are very experienced as we played AoE, Star Galaxy, Total War and Rome, SC2, Clash of Clans

We don't use level as basis of entry, I'd rather have an active lvl 60 than an inactive lvl 95.
We will weave out inactive players for the place of more deserving ones.
- I've set medals to go in at 800 medals because people at lower medals commonly dedicate lesser time to the game. If you can prove yourself otherwise, I'm willing to lower medals so you can go in.
- We're currently not a medal-oriented alliance but I already have a plan in order for the future and only members know about it.

One motto: Strategy and Tactics is #1
There are some requirements to join the alliance:

1. Efficient and Base Strategist (BIGGEST REQUIREMENT)
- We will evaluate your base if it's within tactical standards, just the base layout alone shows us your game knowledge
- And also capable to transition within ages by considerable or more punctual amount of time (Iron-> classical normally takes 4-6 days)

2. (Active, in game and chat)
- If me and councils are monitoring bases, you should at least have something to upgrade
- Even though chat active is still an issue due to different time zones, we still encourage people to make the alliance lively.

3. (Donate and Dominate)
- This is not an alliance for selfish people, the alliance grows stronger with more troops. Thus donate, low donations are warned
- As you can see, the people who achieve most in the clan has the best Donate ratios, therefore giving is winning!

1 rule = warned
2 rules or more = kick [being high in donations alone or having a strong base alone doesn't make your stay longer here]

Weekly Checkup
- Every weekend

Join the alliance and you will be evaluated first, no hard feelings if you didn't reach standards because I'm setting it high.
- KazehayaYuuki