• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Status of chat repair


New member
Jun 4, 2017
*** UPDATE ***

Monday, June 11th, 2018 - We have added an new fix to chat to prevent old messages from bubbling up to the top of the thread. While it is far from a flawless system, chat should now be back to the same level of functionality now on the new system. We will continue to monitor this closely for any lingering bugs and issues.

Thank you again for all of your patience as we worked through this to update our chat system.


Earlier in May we rolled out a new chat backend system in Dominations in the hopes of fixing a number of long standing Alliance chat bugs and provide greater stability and performance in chat.

Unfortunately, as players reported--and we see in our errors logs--the update came with its own set of bugs and issues. Since the roll out, we’ve been debugging errors and deploying fixes as quickly as possible, and we know we still have more to do to get Alliance chat and all the supported chat features back into a reliable, steady state. Here’s what we’re working on now:
  • Some player names displaying incorrectly
  • Unable to donate troops
  • incorrect donation cap or able to see negative numbers for troop donations
In order to create better transparency and let you know where we’re at with fixes, we will update this thread going forward with any chat changes. We know that requesting donations and communicating with Alliance members during this time has been more difficult than usual, and we thank you for your patience as we take the necessary time to ensure making the right fixes for Alliance chat.

On a more more personal note, I'd like to thank Hobbit Zombies, Illuminaughty, and RABBITT EMPIRE for allowing me to pop in and out of their Alliances over the past week as we look at new fixes.

In non-chat related news, the newest DomiNations update is available! The ‘Treasures of the World’ update contains the Museum and a number of bug fixes and improvements! (You can read more about it here.) Updating DomiNations will not interfere with (or fix) Alliance chat.

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Approved user
Jul 14, 2017
Seriously is there like an ETA on a fix for the chat, cause it's one of the worst bugs I've seen and it's killing the social aspect of the game


Approved user
May 6, 2018
Alliance chats, friendly challenges bugs....

1.Every friendly challenge remains active for a period of 24 hrs but now If we issue a new challenge even after 7 days it says your previous challenge is still active...how come?
2.while chatting with alliance members all of a sudden all the previous friendly challenges come to the top...and present chat text goes below all the past friendly challenges.. because they are not expiring after 24 hrs.....
I don't know what the developers are trying to achieve here and how much time they require to fix all these issues....It's as if no one is bothered about fixing these issues.....only one repeated replies can be heard that We are working on it!!!!!!


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
the entire chat system for Nexon is broken beyond repair. I ducked into the other game forums and its the same issues there including similar game bugs. This means its not isolated to Dominations, its a sign Nexon truely has no idea wtf they are doing and have no intentions of maintaining stable games.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Pretty remarkable that more whale bait in the form of the museum was implemented without a hitch though, no?

Wondering if the return of troop chests was just a one-time thing to placate the player base as they take off for a 4th weekend with a basic component of the game being broken? Considering that they were sidelined for months due to being ''mislabeled'' yet this week's chests look the same as they've ever been.

Hey, I'll take my victories where I can get them from this crew.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
It's kinda annoying that after we post something, those old chats and expired challenges appear on top of our posts.
What is happening?
Plus my game name, which is using special characters can not be shown correctly.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Buggy buggy buggy 😭
Old chats and challenges keep reappearing, constantly.
Are you guys repairing this chat issue or not? Did you ever test the new update package before releasing it though? I demand old versions 😐


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Alaskan Bandits still has old friendly challenges showing up from 1-2 weeks ago. Same problem with sharing replays.

Part of the day everything appears to work normal then boom, all the old challenges show up. It affects all or most of our members and it happens about same time for our group to start seeing the challenges.

I admit that we haven’t left and restarted to try fix it as we are afraid we will get the other problems too so for now it’s annoying but we hope eventually you will get it figured out.

tinsoldier, can you give us an update on when you guesstimate a fix on just the old friendly challenges/sharing replay problem will be fixed? Thx

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Yup, it'll be four weeks as of tomorrow that you folks have left a large aspect of this game broken. One would think after a long holiday weekend one of the community liason's highest priorities would be to update us about what's going on with this major long-term issue.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Boy howdy, this handy image 907245d8081128545faa43f880e3fab4.jpg will be getting quite a workout it appears.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
New Really Bad Chat Bug

Now you can no longer see what you type in chat before posting. The game hides what you are typing on your keyboard with invisible characters.

This game so bloody broken its now a laughing stock among its player base.


Approved user
Nov 27, 2016
Looks like they did something to chat to fix it but now you cant see what you are typing before posting in chat! lol good God this dev team cant do anything right.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
I can usually see it, but the contrast between colors is so bad that it takes squinting. What irritates me more is sometimes I will be halfway through writing a message, and it will erase and I have to start over. If I notice - when I don't, I end up with a really stupid looking half message.