It has come to my attention that everyone is unhappy about the changes to the game, which I guess is expected after all what other gaming company balances things by changing the stats by 200-400% making anything they balance go extinct like that awesome new game changing Unit they introduced a while back... what was it called?? A tactical helicopter? Ah well it’s balanced now so who needs to know it’s name. Regardless, people are obviously unhappy because their now balanced game is unplayable, but i’m here to say don’t worry. I have a clear solution for you. Having just looked over the list of things that they balanced it is clear to me that the only usable and still working offensive strategy is the one they didn’t balance (until they do), so have no fear, log in delete your current tactics and units and train Heavy Tanks and Healing tactics. Until they balance it, you’ll still be able to win some battles
you are welcome
you are welcome