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Stage 2 rebalance solution for everyone

Jarl Bobi

Approved user
Jan 7, 2018
It has come to my attention that everyone is unhappy about the changes to the game, which I guess is expected after all what other gaming company balances things by changing the stats by 200-400% making anything they balance go extinct like that awesome new game changing Unit they introduced a while back... what was it called?? A tactical helicopter? Ah well it’s balanced now so who needs to know it’s name. Regardless, people are obviously unhappy because their now balanced game is unplayable, but i’m here to say don’t worry. I have a clear solution for you. Having just looked over the list of things that they balanced it is clear to me that the only usable and still working offensive strategy is the one they didn’t balance (until they do), so have no fear, log in delete your current tactics and units and train Heavy Tanks and Healing tactics. Until they balance it, you’ll still be able to win some battles ;)
you are welcome


Approved user
Aug 20, 2015
yep its what i am doing but loosing all my planes and mk7 to crashes which i rarely experienced before update


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Sound advice in principle...

But I am sure there are others somewhere like me who are truely buggered!

I never added to much irrelevant "weight" to my base.... for things I never used or were crap compared to other options.

So I will be a Cold War player with mk1 Heavy Tanks and lvl2 Healing Tactics....

PMSL.... So I probably wont even be able to raid efficiently to get them upgraded and up to speed because this has already been apllied with no decent prior amount of warning as to actually what exactly was going to be implemented.

Have fun with your Heavy tanks, I'll be the one sunbathing on that little island on the rug waving and cheering you on!

British Lions!
British Lions!!


Approved user
May 20, 2017
You can't use the word 'everyone' as at least 1 player (that would be me) does actually like what they are doing (or trying)
My first thought are suprisingly good. I think Nexon might actually have succeeded in balancing some things.
Spawning buildings are the real challenge for what I've seen now and with the new decoy, it's actually important to carefully time the dropping well.

Don't be so negative, at least try it a few days before making conclusions.

Jarl Bobi

Approved user
Jan 7, 2018
You can't use the word 'everyone' as at least 1 player (that would be me) does actually like what they are doing (or trying)
My first thought are suprisingly good. I think Nexon might actually have succeeded in balancing some things.
Spawning buildings are the real challenge for what I've seen now and with the new decoy, it's actually important to carefully time the dropping well.

Don't be so negative, at least try it a few days before making conclusions.

I’m not being negative, I tried using my old set up of APCs,HA,rpg,rifles and decoys and failed badly so I switched to the only thing that I see as viable after the “balancing” and i’m Back to rolling through high lvl cwa bases with ease. The problem most people have is that they are trying to use what used to work. Nexon doesn’t balance things, they overbalance and then multiply by 2 just to make sure no one could ever use it again, you won’t find a useful way of using your decoys, that you should be sure of. Without decoys defenders overwhelm you and planes rarely last through high lvl battles (260+ cwa bases with 3D). The only unit in the game that has a splash that can deal with tanks is Heavy Tanks, it’s not a balance it’s just pushing the game from one set up that uses many different units (Howies, APCs, rifles, medics,rpg) to using just Heavy Tanks and rifles + troop tactics. It won’t be long until that’s all you see in war, having tested it now I can tell you 5 HT MK7 + rifles + 3 donated HA and rifle,rpg,ha etc troop cards works very well in War. Now in multiplayer I guess we will all drop down to where we can roll over the little guys, like Nexon intended it ;) ok I guess they intended for us to stay in the high leagues and buy cards for every battle, but let’s face it, they aren’t that smart ;)


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
What have they balanced?
Right now I see a push to HT's for almost everyone.
If the Silo wasn't there then I could see a lot more diversification and people trying to use different troop groupings but the Silo really has forced a specific attack meta because you cannot afford to try anything other than merc's to distract it while you get on with business.