So, that's the game now?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I'm happy with the seasons - it's nice to experiment with different metas to keep things interesting but it should be maybe 1 month on, 1 month off so we can go back to our comfort zones regularly.
I like the season I do. But I don’t the constant strain of the buffs and nerfs put on the mid level to low level players. They do not adapt quick enough and then they complain in here to get something permanent nerf or boosted that does not need to be.

Maybe 1 month every quarter they can play boosted and nerf but they need the other 3 months to adjust

Another thought would be only allow the boost and nerf effect MP only and war would be straight up bring what ya got. I would prefer this cause it would still allow other troop combos to be used for MP with the seasonals boost. But removing the seasonal boost from War would benefit players on both sides defense and offense.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Maybe 1 month every quarter they can play boosted and nerf but they need the other 3 months to adjust
1 month on, 3 months back to normal would get my vote.
Maybe, just maybe, we could get a calendar of the proposed seasonal changes a few months in advance - this will give players a chance to upgrade neglected troops or change Museum or council bonuses or craft new artifacts, etc.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
I still like the surprise. Forces folks to think about all their troops instead of leaving some ages behind or they feel the pain of havin useless troops for the month lol but 1 month a quarter for boost and needs seasons can still operate as normal on the other fronts.

Before it asked yes I did upgrade all troops every age.


Nov 30, 2023
This thread is just about crying about sabotage and betrayal being countered and players failure to adapt.

How unfair will it be for the other side of coin? When top defenders see their bases being walked into because of the unfair advantage Betrayal and Sabotage would present if not counter from drone or munitions. It would be 100% win everytime for the attacking players and all defensive would be pointless.

Top sabotage + 50% duration or more with counsel shut down half to all the tower on ur base to allow weak attackers to feel good about being able to 5 star a base with over half the defense shut down for over half the battle. This should not happen or be allowed. Get stronger and use better tactics simple. Stop askingfor a cheat to win. That is what removing the counters would equal too.

Betrayal unrestricted with bonus of more units hit troop spawning building soon as the spawn destroys the spawning building.

Betrayal and Sabotage were put in check to make things fair.

Saying your madd cause you have to wait to use sabotage and betrayal whenever you want is not a valid reason for it to happen. The facts are the counters were put in cause sabotage and betrayal were allowing attackers to simply 5 star every base.

My weak player statement is directed in general not any person.

Again I say stop all seasonal boost or nerfs. It’s a big part of players failing to adapt
Wow bro spot on , I m liking how mediocre attackers are crying as they can't 5 star every base within 2.5 minutes, a guy saying now if we put top 30 alliances in war it won't get all bases 5 star , I mean it should be that way , 5 star should be result of superior skills not just deploy anywhere and watch them destroy everything, defense has got a chance and even if you are willing to pay you can win against top defender. I hope lots of players must have realised their mediocrity if not the Lego troops were there.
Defence is perfectly okay and wars should be tight , a fight for every star , defensive players should be rewarded for their patience it takes much more efforts to be defensive, you have to upgrade everything then move to next age.


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
Wow bro spot on , I m liking how mediocre attackers are crying as they can't 5 star every base within 2.5 minutes, a guy saying now if we put top 30 alliances in war it won't get all bases 5 star , I mean it should be that way , 5 star should be result of superior skills not just deploy anywhere and watch them destroy everything, defense has got a chance and even if you are willing to pay you can win against top defender. I hope lots of players must have realised their mediocrity if not the Lego troops were there.
Defence is perfectly okay and wars should be tight , a fight for every star , defensive players should be rewarded for their patience it takes much more efforts to be defensive, you have to upgrade everything then move to next age.
That's the problem.. It's not about good defensive players being rewarded they used to still be rewarded, stopping mortars was never about the museum I mean seriously come on people were playing with close to 150 mort dmg along with aztec and broken mongol you think even a 85% dmg nerf was ever enough to stop mortars? It was never the case but mortars were still stopped before. you needed to be smart with bastion/barbed wire placements, on my O accounts I've had mortars stuck for well over a minute over bastions and lose it..

But these days especially with manufactory even the most mediocre wannabe defenders are holding stars.. I got a Digi account with absolutely dogshit museum (61 adtd, 49 dst, 69 adth) with mostly global and Atomic defenses and it is consistently holding stars every war against spaces and digis! Yea it being in a top 200 alliance does mean it sees a fair share of noob attackers but still it's demoralising to see such a bad base hold off stars (sure ultimately it does go down but such a rushed base, and garbage museum, it should be a walk in the park for anyone Cold war or above)

So that's my case, if mediocre attackers aren't gonna be handed free wins, mediocre defenders shouldn't either. And that's that balance I dream for, because right now the script is completely flipped where even mediocre defenders are defending and feeling good about themselves when in reality they are still mediocre it just so happens to be quite a defense favouring meta these days..

Ps: it's obvious but I still feel the need to mention it that this message was not directed towards any perticular individual, it was a general first hand read that I had from a very mediocre D base of mine.


Sep 1, 2023
Again it is not game fault. Every base is not going be 5 starred without premium TT nor should it be.

The reason let’s not forget sabotage and betrayal can be countered for a limited time is they are way over powered and make defending impossible without the current counters.
It’s not fun to see all your tower sabotaged and then have what troops do deploy have betrayal hit them as soon as they spawn to destroy the spawning building.

The counters are doing exactly what they should be doing and do not need changed. Make any excuse you want bringing back betrayed and sabotage without counters is simple I WIN for the offense. It would bring days of T1 defenders being wiped in under 2 min and make game pointless truthfully like it was becoming before for defenders

It simple I see players everyday wipe top bases yes most time it takes premium TT but it should be hard to hit T1 auto defender. I WIN every battle under 2 minutes is bad for the game and eventually defenders say hell with it and stop playing.
1 star is a win every star should count in war . Personally time wars are boring

This thread is just about crying about sabotage and betrayal being countered and players failure to adapt.

How unfair will it be for the other side of coin? When top defenders see their bases being walked into because of the unfair advantage Betrayal and Sabotage would present if not counter from drone or munitions. It would be 100% win everytime for the attacking players and all defensive would be pointless.

Top sabotage + 50% duration or more with counsel shut down half to all the tower on ur base to allow weak attackers to feel good about being able to 5 star a base with over half the defense shut down for over half the battle. This should not happen or be allowed. Get stronger and use better tactics simple. Stop askingfor a cheat to win. That is what removing the counters would equal too.

Betrayal unrestricted with bonus of more units hit troop spawning building soon as the spawn destroys the spawning building.

Betrayal and Sabotage were put in check to make things fair.

Saying your madd cause you have to wait to use sabotage and betrayal whenever you want is not a valid reason for it to happen. The facts are the counters were put in cause sabotage and betrayal were allowing attackers to simply 5 star every base.

My weak player statement is directed in general not any person.

Again I say stop all seasonal boost or nerfs. It’s a big part of players failing to adapt
any imbalance between defense and offense that results : "every base being 5stared under two minutes" comes from recon plane TTs ,not from sabotage/betrayal normal mode.

the recon TTs creates that problem, for years.

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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I still like the surprise. Forces folks to think about all their troops instead of leaving some ages behind or they feel the pain of havin useless troops for the month.
Originally the seasons were to encourage players to try new troops & new metas, so what's the point of springing it on people? Give them a chance to upgrade these troops and peripheral boosts. Even if it's just 1 or 2 levels, so it's a worthwhile experience for them.
Depending on the level of neglected troops, the seasons might not boost troops enough to use them for an extended period.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
any imbalance between defense and offense that results : "every base being 5stared under two minutes" comes from recon plane TTs ,not from sabotage/betrayal normal mode.

the recon TTs creates that problem, for years.


I am used to being hit with premium TT and recons they are not an issue.

The only issues other than Season buffs/nerfs I see causing an actual issues are FSH and Hanger. Players are ghosting the building by not setting them and not updating war base till the buildings have expired so make point of spying pointless in addition the FSH is listed as defense building that is pointless for defenders cause the defender does not get the 5 th stronghold space only on offense.

Suggestion for fixes for the Hanger and FSH would be if they are not set on War base they can’t be used in war until war base is update ( I can’t set up invisible Zook Tower not fair they get to use invisible building), the next fix would be allow defenders to use the 5 th stronghold space when defending or change FSH listing as defense building to offensive which would not be allowed to be used with black Hanger. Let’s face it FSH is offensive currently and it is listed as defensive so players can basically break the rule of only 1 offensive building. It basically allowed cheating or I WIN cause I bought a FSH.

Getting hit with 17 air slots is basically allowing player to win for cash not skill

So for all you players having issue taking down top bases just buy the FSH and BH. For basically 50 bucks a week you can make cool YouTube video acting like you actually have skills lol when most know its cause your spent for FSH and BH lol strictly pay to win on these two. ( I doubt anything will change cause money makers)

I am not directing my comments at anyone or any group just stating the current issues with FSH and BH being pay to win
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Sep 1, 2023
I am used to being hit with premium TT and recons they are not an issue.

The only issues other than Season buffs/nerfs I see causing an actual issues are FSH and Hanger. Players are ghosting the building by not setting them and not updating war base till the buildings have expired so make point of spying pointless in addition the FSH is listed as defense building that is pointless for defenders cause the defender does not get the 5 th stronghold space only on offense.

Suggestion for fixes for the Hanger and FSH would be if they are not set on War base they can’t be used in war until war base is update ( I can’t set up invisible Zook Tower not fair they get to use invisible building), the next fix would be allow defenders to use the 5 th stronghold space when defending or change FSH listing as defense building to offensive which would not be allowed to be used with black Hanger. Let’s face it FSH is offensive currently and it is listed as defensive so players can basically break the rule of only 1 offensive building. It basically allowed cheating or I WIN cause I bought a FSH.

Getting hit with 17 air slots is basically allowing player to win for cash not skill

So for all you players having issue taking down top bases just buy the FSH and BH. For basically 50 bucks a week you can make cool YouTube video acting like you actually have skills lol when most know its cause your spent for FSH and BH lol strictly pay to win on these two. ( I doubt anything will change cause money makers)

I am not directing my comments at anyone or any group just stating the current issues with FSH and BH being pay to win
Think this : without recon TTs , even with nighthawk hangar and FSH , air attackers couldn't wipe any base .

Its all about that. Recon TTs cause the problem not the Extra air space from premium buildings mn


Active member
Oct 17, 2022
Exactly! Take recon TT out of picture no one is taking a 3D base down even if they run 10 fighters, 5 Tupos it's simply not gonna be enough fire power..
Even if the defender makes it an inviting closed layout without bdar it still won't happen

Recons have ruined the def/off balance of the game like for forever since their introduction, and it's the prime example even in such a defensive meta, top attackers are staying relevant by mostly piggy back riding recons.. Why is it that 1-1½ years ago the most common deals used to be XSH or x2.0 but these days it's mostly esh or nothing? Back then offense was broken and no one felt the need to use broken TTs, but now D is the clear favourite and se it's either weaken it while still maintaining full offensive arsenal or go full force for both O/D

Fighters? Need recon to destroy Air defenses, Towers
Bombers? Need recons to destroy ADs, DC, TC
Lego? Needs recons to deal with that seemingly infinite amount of protected defenders spawned
AH? Same thing as lego can't do 💩 without recons
You take recons out even with the most premium museum, nh hanger and FSH for 5 premiums TTs on O most top 3Ds are going for 3* 50-60% tops


Sep 1, 2023
Exactly! Take recon TT out of picture no one is taking a 3D base down even if they run 10 fighters, 5 Tupos it's simply not gonna be enough fire power..
Even if the defender makes it an inviting closed layout without bdar it still won't happen

Recons have ruined the def/off balance of the game like for forever since their introduction, and it's the prime example even in such a defensive meta, top attackers are staying relevant by mostly piggy back riding recons.. Why is it that 1-1½ years ago the most common deals used to be XSH or x2.0 but these days it's mostly esh or nothing? Back then offense was broken and no one felt the need to use broken TTs, but now D is the clear favourite and se it's either weaken it while still maintaining full offensive arsenal or go full force for both O/D

Fighters? Need recon to destroy Air defenses, Towers
Bombers? Need recons to destroy ADs, DC, TC
Lego? Needs recons to deal with that seemingly infinite amount of protected defenders spawned
AH? Same thing as lego can't do 💩 without recons
You take recons out even with the most premium museum, nh hanger and FSH for 5 premiums TTs on O most top 3Ds are going for 3* 50-60% tops
Yep. Exactly 💯
Also without recon air defences couldn't melt with demolitions .

Thanks for the better explanation, my English isn't that good lol 😁

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Exactly! Take recon TT out of picture no one is taking a 3D base down even if they run 10 fighters, 5 Tupos it's simply not gonna be enough fire power..
Even if the defender makes it an inviting closed layout without bdar it still won't happen

Recons have ruined the def/off balance of the game like for forever since their introduction, and it's the prime example even in such a defensive meta, top attackers are staying relevant by mostly piggy back riding recons.. Why is it that 1-1½ years ago the most common deals used to be XSH or x2.0 but these days it's mostly esh or nothing? Back then offense was broken and no one felt the need to use broken TTs, but now D is the clear favourite and se it's either weaken it while still maintaining full offensive arsenal or go full force for both O/D

Fighters? Need recon to destroy Air defenses, Towers
Bombers? Need recons to destroy ADs, DC, TC
Lego? Needs recons to deal with that seemingly infinite amount of protected defenders spawned
AH? Same thing as lego can't do 💩 without recons
You take recons out even with the most premium museum, nh hanger and FSH for 5 premiums TTs on O most top 3Ds are going for 3* 50-60% tops
Well if that's the case then the game is seriously unbalanced. If you're throwing all that against a top base you should expect 4 or 5 stars.
Even if you have to throw in the kitchen sink, offense should win 'most' of the time.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
The problems are as I stated above not Recon.

FSH pay to win, Hanger combined with FSH, The ghosting, 2 Offense building being allowed cause no matter how you slice up FSH it is a OFFENSE building and should be listed as such

Look at this way if you need ego boost on game just buy them lol 50 bucks a week to be the next hero of your alliance lol 😂 Possibly a YouTube channel of your own. 😂

Think BHG should be giving T-1 defenders a profit share lol cause all the FSH and Hanger money we make them lol
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Active member
Oct 17, 2022
FSH pay to win, Hanger combined with FSH, The ghosting, 2 Offense building being allowed cause no matter how you slice up FSH it is a OFFENSE building and should be listed as such
See thats the thing, 10 fighters, 2 recon, 2 tupos (you only need NH hanger and not FSH in this case) you can still clear most bases, the additional Tupo or BHM only speeds up the impending doom of the base, however even if you take 10 fighters and 5 Tupos you wont be able to clear most top 3Ds you NEED recons, so idk why you think just having an additional FSH makes all the difference.. I agree its weird that one can have 2 offensive buildings and should be fixed however it isnt the root cause.. atleast not in my books or experience


Approved user
Sep 15, 2018
The excessive advantage that defenders gain from high Defensive Strength (DST), as supported by councils and similar entities, was a concern I raised several months ago. Attackers struggle to match this advantage. To restore excitement and re-engage players who have lost interest or left the game, BHG must ensure that all troop types have significant roles, thus reintroducing a variety of attack strategies. While munitions were a positive addition, they often only balanced out the strengths of attacking troops against defensive ones. For instance, increasing the range of attack helicopters was countered by boosting every defensive tower, rendering helicopters ineffective against robust 3D bases. There needs to be a solution that enhances the viability of HTs, infiltrators, and MRLs. HTs are hindered by bastions, suggesting a need for increased speed. Infiltrators, despite their high HP, are easily countered by Tubman and new MGs with suppression. Meanwhile, MRLs could benefit from enhanced durability or other adjustments to improve their effectiveness.
This is example a poorly set up council which was geared strictly for DST. No defender would really run this set up that has a clue. Most defender are running about + 28 % DST in there counsels so they get other buffs to towers, AA and other defensive buffs. Plus not let’s us forget their is DST limits

Below is what the average T1 D auto player runs in war


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
See thats the thing, 10 fighters, 2 recon, 2 tupos (you only need NH hanger and not FSH in this case) you can still clear most bases, the additional Tupo or BHM only speeds up the impending doom of the base, however even if you take 10 fighters and 5 Tupos you wont be able to clear most top 3Ds you NEED recons, so idk why you think just having an additional FSH makes all the difference.. I agree its weird that one can have 2 offensive buildings and should be fixed however it isnt the root cause.. atleast not in my books or experience
No you need both night hawk alone is not walking into my base on regular bases I fight top wars all time it takes both. ( this is battle between maxed defenders and maxed attackers)

I am defender and say recon is fine. It’s extra air slots and troop tactics space given by Hangers and FSH are pay to win
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2022
The excessive advantage that defenders gain from high Defensive Strength (DST), as supported by councils and similar entities, was a concern I raised several months ago. Attackers struggle to match this advantage. To restore excitement and re-engage players who have lost interest or left the game, BHG must ensure that all troop types have significant roles, thus reintroducing a variety of attack strategies. While munitions were a positive addition, they often only balanced out the strengths of attacking troops against defensive ones. For instance, increasing the range of attack helicopters was countered by boosting every defensive tower, rendering helicopters ineffective against robust 3D bases. There needs to be a solution that enhances the viability of HTs, infiltrators, and MRLs. HTs are hindered by bastions, suggesting a need for increased speed. Infiltrators, despite their high HP, are easily countered by Tubman and new MGs with suppression. Meanwhile, MRLs could benefit from enhanced durability or other adjustments to improve their effectiveness.
Your point not correct I see attackers with + 150-160 EDST all the time not counting their counsel. Now the example he gave was from MP I care nothing about . As for war most DST I have seen is in war counsel mid -40s witch with munitions and spawn of -120 museum which most don’t run cause they put in towers.

So no defender spawn time from counsel on war is not overpowered currently.
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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
For instance, increasing the range of attack helicopters was countered by boosting every defensive tower, rendering helicopters ineffective against robust 3D bases.
Don't forget a new drone is coming that will reduce the range of troops. Ya gotta luv BHG.
Guess they have to make their money somehow.