• DomiNations Back Online
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Silo no problem


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Angel forever My post agreed with you that at low medal counts you can find easy silo bases / bases without silos, and that with a good / great atomic offense you can crush them. You clearly have a great atomic offense with every important troop maxed, and likely all university research done as well, and have found a path that works well for you, so kudos.

I think your video on poop_ 's post perfectly illustrates his points about homogenous attacks with a single style, lower level players struggling more, and everyone getting bored.


Approved user
Sep 18, 2017
I still think making tactics more feasible in multiplayer (by making them train faster) would be the best way to go. It's the best way to add diversity to attack styles. That and giving heroes unique auras (something that has been suggested plenty of times in Ideas forum). As it stands, heroes are just punching bags and aside from Napoleon it really makes no difference which one you deploy.

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
My wife playes the game as a IA brit playerand she playes the game the same way I do! And its efftive at all levels. If u go to my page. I have a useful vidoe page. Its worth watching some of those! And like insaid training blessings and tactic blessing and play pnly when u can play for upwards of an hr really will help you vet the stuff you need

Angel forever

Approved user
Aug 3, 2016
I agree. But for you new players. It took nexon years to listen to the players. Its unlikely they will listen now


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Silo yes Problem. In the Bugs section I posted some pics of my newly minted silo NOT targeting 8 tanks but it did target 1 or two raiders doing cleanup. (In two separate attacks)
Between it's introduction and people's strong responses, this is just a mess. But I suppose we'll all perservere and keep going.
If anyone is interested I've left mine outside my walls and used the space more effectively. I see no point to the silo, wish I could get back my oil. :(


Approved user
May 19, 2016
If you choose to chase medals - which necessitates hitting the toughest bases available - don't whine when you have to hit tough bases with missile silos. Seriously, zero sympathy for you, you're the one who decided to chase medals (something I've always thought was stupid, personally).

The missile silo is fine. Leave it alone.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Not sure who you're talking to.
I don't recall anyone in this thread talking about silo's while chasing medals.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
I think Angel forever might not understand what "homogeneous" means.

I will post a definition for you:
1.composed of parts or elements that are all of the same kind; not heterogeneous:
a homogeneous population.
2.of the same kind or nature; essentially alike.

Before you ramble again with lack of spelling or grammar, you should actually have read my post and tried to understand my point. The problem is NOT that you can't destroy the silo. The problem is it makes the game less fun (at least to a large number or players). It is great that you are not one of those players, but you cannot tell them what is fun and not fun. Most people on here have invested a significant amount of time into the game, and see the introduction of the silo as a major negative change. Please do not dismiss their perspective by continuing to post how you can destroy the silo and so no one should have an issue with it.