• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.



New member
Jan 29, 2024
This game is similar in many ways to Clash of Clans, a wildly successful one. That had a really great idea: the ability to queue future items. For example, troop training, research, etc. Take training: you train up the army you use. Then you train up again the queue so that once you deploy it, when you return from a raid it is available immediately. Or you queue up research, so once its completed it starts the next one right away. There is a queue limit of course, but it speeds up gameplay in a complex game.

I’d like to see that here.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
There's already an instant retrain blessing in the game - exactly what you need to simply click & play.
Maybe in the future they'll invent an Instant Attack blessing and we won't need to do anything at all 😁

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
In contrast to CoC, we have surviving troops. However, you cannot predict whether, for example, 4 or 6 tanks will survive and therefore cannot plan how many troops will come out of the queue. This makes it impossible to plan the troop composition for the next battle and you may end up with a mix that is useless. This is why the troop queue is not particularly useful.
True. Instead of queuing the troop training, perhaps BHG can allow stored troop combos - like the different base layouts - & the planned Museum loadouts?

But I think the idea of queues for the library, university, armory (possibly for improvements in the museum) and the change of materials in the manufactory is great.
Yes - queuing in the Manufactory production line would be a qol improvement.

@Harlems369th ??


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Dominations is better in army training from CoC.

Queuing in manufactory is a GREAT idea as we all produce excess materials while we sleep or work or lose due to the 100 limit.
Why have that limit anyway??