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Question for offensive players


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
I want to hear from offensive players.
What you want to be changed in game to make game more interesting to you?


New member
Sep 26, 2022
Nerf recon, buff all d buildings 30-40%, remove Spawn cap, change sab to 2 spaces. Maybe nerf heli mortar and para? There's nothing fun about leveling tier 1 3ds in 1:45 and huge drone offensive bases going down in sub 1 minute. We need a challenge and steam rolling bases without having to really plan your attack is to easy . This is the most imbalanced this game has ever been in over 4 years of playing. I've seen allot of metas come and go and this one needs to go asap.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
I've seen allot of metas come and go and this one needs to go asap.
hahahaah this reminded me of the zook+assault rally metagame.... what a joke!!
and it took them 4 tries to actually code the assault rally correctly!! This must be a unique case in game development!!


Active member
Aug 6, 2021
So, for world war. Give a coalition that reduces the duration of debuffs on enemy defensive buildings (this includes, blitzkreig, sabotage, stun from fighters MRL) and increases the health, damage and attack speed of the missile silo greatly (yes make missile silo great again). And buff sniper tower damage on troops like mortar, paras, attack helocopters considerably. Nerf that stupid TT called black hawk medic and the recon TTs. And for nerfing recon, you can either reduce the damage multiplier or keep the damage same and make it a chance hit thing. Its like you have a 50% chance to critically hit the affected target and the critical damage amount is the damage multiplier. I don't think any barracks or factory troop needs nerfing. And besides BHG, whatever idea you take and whose ever idea you take. Do proper testing for a good amount of time before release. BHG has more problems than just balance and a stupid loading circle bug, they have forgotten what made domninations dominations.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
hahahaah this reminded me of the zook+assault rally metagame.... what a joke!!
and it took them 4 tries to actually code the assault rally correctly!! This must be a unique case in game development!!
Remember when most thought the Attack Helicopter change nerfed it into oblivion? Good times :)

In any case, this sort of talk (mentioning nerfing AH, Mortar, Para) subtly indicates a desire to make all Heavy Tanks the only meta again; one meta for offense with only one meta to defend against. Please, no. The more metas the better for offense; it's more fun (for offense, which is what this thread is about) to have multiple attack styles available. I'm not suggesting to keep the game's inbalance, but nerfing all troops isn't the answer.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Add drone age library with researches for massive D, probably war only. Add two sniper towers, give them more damage and speed.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Remember when most thought the Attack Helicopter change nerfed it into oblivion? Good times :)

In any case, this sort of talk (mentioning nerfing AH, Mortar, Para) subtly indicates a desire to make all Heavy Tanks the only meta again; one meta for offense with only one meta to defend against. Please, no. The more metas the better for offense; it's more fun (for offense, which is what this thread is about) to have multiple attack styles available. I'm not suggesting to keep the game's inbalance, but nerfing all troops isn't the answer.
It’s not the AH, Mortars or even the paratroopers. It’s two other factors. The problem is number one, defense structures and air defense needs a big boost. Second, it’s those support items used with the AH, Mortars and para’s. I’m talking about the ridiculously over powered Recon, the black Hawks, sabotages, Stallions and Eisenhowers. All of these items are killing the game in the higher levels. We also need more and better defense legendary‘s. BHG needs to go to work and create some.
it’s not Rocket science to fix the game. One thing is for sure, many players, offense included are fed up with the present unchallenging nature of the game. It’s a boring game now and as such, players are either spending less or like myself have cut off all spending until BHG fixes this imbalance. Should BHG take their sweet time, like months, it will hurt their revenues and even more players will stop spending. So, its in their best interest to roll up their sleeves and get this done ASAP.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
It’s not the AH, Mortars or even the paratroopers. It’s two other factors. The problem is number one, defense structures and air defense needs a big boost. Second, it’s those support items used with the AH, Mortars and para’s. I’m talking about the ridiculously over powered Recon, the black Hawks, sabotages, Stallions and Eisenhowers. All of these items are killing the game in the higher levels. We also need more and better defense legendary‘s. BHG needs to go to work and create some.
it’s not Rocket science to fix the game. One thing is for sure, many players, offense included are fed up with the present unchallenging nature of the game. It’s a boring game now and as such, players are either spending less or like myself have cut off all spending until BHG fixes this imbalance. Should BHG take their sweet time, like months, it will hurt their revenues and even more players will stop spending. So, its in their best interest to roll up their sleeves and get this done ASAP.

Doesn't feel like a simple issue, when one accounts for Age (as discussed previously, seems most agree that focusing on Drone+ defense is okay), Troop Tactics (people already purchased, legal/marketing concerns to change past; but still, agreed future changes helps), giant custom museums for multiple attack styles, ..., and well all this and more has already all been discussed elsewhere. I was referring nerfing specific troops as not being the answer in response to a previous poster, that's all, in terms of playing offense for fun which is what this thread is about... doing so would mean going back to using the same old troops again.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
It’s not the AH, Mortars or even the paratroopers. It’s two other factors. The problem is number one, defense structures and air defense needs a big boost. Second, it’s those support items used with the AH, Mortars and para’s. I’m talking about the ridiculously over powered Recon, the black Hawks, sabotages, Stallions and Eisenhowers. All of these items are killing the game in the higher levels. We also need more and better defense legendary‘s. BHG needs to go to work and create some.
it’s not Rocket science to fix the game. One thing is for sure, many players, offense included are fed up with the present unchallenging nature of the game. It’s a boring game now and as such, players are either spending less or like myself have cut off all spending until BHG fixes this imbalance. Should BHG take their sweet time, like months, it will hurt their revenues and even more players will stop spending. So, its in their best interest to roll up their sleeves and get this done ASAP.
Every time I read your posts I can see the message „please nerf offense and boost defense so much that MY BASE can’t be five starred2. This way you will never find a common sense from all players.

You want to change the philosophy of the game. Since the beginning smashing a base is the main goal, especially in MP. You and your virtual sibling Legend are talking to much in your own bubble, with only people there agreeing to your opinion.

If you are writing „many players“ you always ignore that those „many“ are 98% drone age players at top alliances. Alliances where only grime and Info Age Players are included in wars, alliances with crazy museums all around the place, alliances with attackers willing to spend on PTT.

BHGs revenue from sales is coming 80% plus x from players not being in the top 200 AND especially from people out of top 200 watching ads to get things for free. Your individual revenue is peanuts, face it.

If you want to get an agreement, learn to get all people on board, not only your buddies.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Over the last days I tested the „op helis and Paras“ at MP on a space age account with zero MP museum. Nope, they are not op. Helis haven’t enough base value on damage and hp, transports haven’t the 25% speed boost from digital library research and paras haven’t the damage and hp boost from Info library research, transports and paras haven’t the awesome boost from drone troop research.

Nerfing those troops in general would be a nightmare for all players below digital/Info Age.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
Looking on upgrade stats, the main issue is, that for many ages offense got a boost of around 30% by upgrading troops, but defense only got around 10 to 15% per building every age.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2019
I am defensive player and what I see basically offensive players want stronger defence.

Any troop exept recon shouldn't be nerfed if basic stats of defensive buildings get boosted by hp dmg and range. And especially time of upgrade. Comparing time and money how much player need to max off or deff base again big advantage and cheaper is on off bases.
Mine sugestion is to cut time for any age on 50% time on every building. Like that and smaller players will grow faster and get interested to invest money to game to catch big drone age players.

But also it will be very good to have few defensive nation and coalition against barrack troops.
You attackers must commit there is big disbalance in those two thing , nation and coalition.

Also sabotage duration with council is crazy long. I like defender use sabotage and clear any off drone baze without off stats in museum. Sabotage also need to be nerfed.

Council is also big advantage to off players. In war room council is only one def person , and all other mostly off.

Dominations is game where ofensive players is trying to dominate over defensive player.
I am not talking against players who spent money on extra building and 8euros for TT and clear top def base. Problem is how easy and fast it can clear.
Whit that kind of setup and good off museum against top def base time of 90 sec is ridiculously fast.
But now trying is not actual. Now trying is how to clear top bases for less than 1.30min. That is not game dominations where off and def are important equal. If def is not like, some of you say, important part why the hell defensive building, coalition, museum exist?

I really don't see where is fun in this kind of wars. You don't need even to scout base now, principle of attack you know and you know you will finnish any 3D base under 90 sec. Just relise army, put sabotage in line and watch on time when it's finished.

I hope BHG, tru @TheWise and @Harlems369th and others who are reading will collect all info and help this game become more challenge for attackers and more wish for defenders to build better,stronger and heavier bases.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
There's already a solution for all players complaining offense is too OP - go to your next war without coalitions, TTs, Legendaries and/or councillors. Problem solved.
I mean, it's not as if you're being forced to use them ... is it?

A lot of us that only play mp battles like the balance as it is.
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Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
The D boost could be for drone age bases and war only, not seeing an issue to realize that. And to cover @Tedi925 concern of long upgrade times it could be ONE library research „all defensive building plus 20% hp“ or something like that.

Also another readership could be „reduce recon hp“ (as example), cause this is the real point. Since drone age, and with helis, recon can survive 3 or 4 runs if executed wisely.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
And again, after some more testing: sniper towers could be a very powerful defense unit. Their hp is already really high, the range is good. Only damage and speed are low. But nethertheless, if attacking with space age helis and paras a base with maxed space age sniper towers, even paras haven’t a long life.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
we talked in great detail about offence and defence. Many players proposed many solutions that go even beyond the normal and easy route of balancing the game. All that remains is BHG's response and Sitrep #2


Active member
Aug 6, 2021
And again, after some more testing: sniper towers could be a very powerful defense unit. Their hp is already really high, the range is good. Only damage and speed are low. But nethertheless, if attacking with space age helis and paras a base with maxed space age sniper towers, even paras haven’t a long life.
dont forget, ambush trap and spike trap kills paras almost instantly

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
dont forget, ambush trap and spike trap kills paras almost instantly
And this means what, exactly? How do we guarantee that paras will go where the traps are? And even if they do, it's a one-time defense. (blessings notwithstanding). The next para attacker who rolls in will have a free ride.
If the game is going to be changed it needs to be a solution that can work with each battle.


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
And this means what, exactly? How do we guarantee that paras will go where the traps are? And even if they do, it's a one-time defense. (blessings notwithstanding). The next para attacker who rolls in will have a free ride.
If the game is going to be changed it needs to be a solution that can work with each battle.

MP isn’t the important area, it’s war. And there traps are loaded every attack. I think changes should be only for wars.