• DomiNations Back Online
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My new "Amelia" unit combo that dragged me out of the mud after the rebalance


Approved user
May 17, 2018
run some test the past few days and i can testify that with the addition of those riflemen, i also have fewer casulaties. This combo indeed seems to work better. thanks Manifesto !!


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017

Hey Wrathchild! Just wanted to say thanks buddy.
Going Attack Chopper heavy is the most effective attack tactic post Dom's summer 'upgrades'.

Using it, I can fill all my resources in half a day of back-to-back raiding, losing maybe 1 or 2 choppers per battle. Sometimes no losses at all.
Typical load out: 6-9x Attack Helos, 2x APCs, 1-2x HTs, 2x Air Evac/Tac Helos, top up with RPGs, MGs, or regular rifles. I usually pick up Artillery from allies.
HTs suck up defense towers shot (pretty much never die), APCs throw out grunts to keep enemy ground troops distracted, Helos take down all defense structures from range. Nice!
Didn't expect this to work in WW, but just managed to 5* the oppo no.1 (CWA vs AA but still) with a few low era impis I wanted to burn anyhow. Didn't need any mercs.
Air cover with either four fighters (to kill anything that even looks at one of my choppers) or two fighters + a strat bomber.

Is anybody keeping a book on how long it takes Nexon to decide to 'improve gameplay' by reducing attack chopper effective range?
Lol, get your upgrades in while you can guys. Killer strategy Wrathchild...!!


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
And... Of course attack choppers eat up defense from range... Everybody knows that...

But an unexpected extra bonus, for any player invested into bomber research at Armory & Amelia, is that your strategy to go heavy with Attack Choppers means that most of your target's SAM anti-air missiles are triggered bringing down choppers, instead of hurting your valuable (oil expensive) fighter/bomber fleet...

Replacing choppers. Less than 5 mins per wave of 3 helos. Cost cheap food... Replacing 1 bomber. 48 mins. Oil...

So next battles come round real quick too.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016

Hey Wrathchild! Just wanted to say thanks buddy.
Going Attack Chopper heavy is the most effective attack tactic post Dom's summer 'upgrades'.

Using it, I can fill all my resources in half a day of back-to-back raiding, losing maybe 1 or 2 choppers per battle. Sometimes no losses at all.
Typical load out: 6-9x Attack Helos, 2x APCs, 1-2x HTs, 2x Air Evac/Tac Helos, top up with RPGs, MGs, or regular rifles. I usually pick up Artillery from allies.
HTs suck up defense towers shot (pretty much never die), APCs throw out grunts to keep enemy ground troops distracted, Helos take down all defense structures from range. Nice!
Didn't expect this to work in WW, but just managed to 5* the oppo no.1 (CWA vs AA but still) with a few low era impis I wanted to burn anyhow. Didn't need any mercs.
Air cover with either four fighters (to kill anything that even looks at one of my choppers) or two fighters + a strat bomber.

Is anybody keeping a book on how long it takes Nexon to decide to 'improve gameplay' by reducing attack chopper effective range?
Lol, get your upgrades in while you can guys. Killer strategy Wrathchild...!!
Shhhh, keep it down. Nexon is listening. ;)


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Manifesto Ulysses pckrn @Freightshaker
just an update for you guys after the re-rebalance...

The change of tactics effectiveness got me confused for a few days and everything was a bit weird. I could not 5 star bases that in the past were relatively easy.
Today, I was testing army combos and tactics and managed to 5 star a level 275 base fully armed and loaded!! Yes luck helped me BUT it still shows that Heli combination is strong!

Army composition was (currently 237 level and still on 150 capacity...):

10 Heavy attack Helis
1 HT MK4
9 Elite Bazookas
2 Elite machine guns
4 foot soldiers

Planes: 4 SSF MK2

Alliance army was 7 Heavy RPGs.

Tactics 5 betrayal 1 sabotage 1 decoy. I used betrayal on all HTs that spawned + his EAs that got out of his SH

Mercenaries: 2 tank destroyers, 2 T-62 tanks

Troop cards used were Rajput warrior, 2x shaolin monks and 1 EA

Unfortunately, 2 mins after the battle, I could not watch the replay anymore so I am waiting for the defending ally to make a video of my attack.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
That's a lot oil oil power, good thing it was a war battle. :D Congrats on the win!
Do the oil rewards cover your troops or do war rewards still suk?

PS: I'm out for 11 days while my factory is being maxed. Looking forward to my HT Mk7!

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Out of the rebalance topic actually, but a sweet hummingbird have just told me that attack helis work a lot better for pre-industrial players than howies! Think we've got to start donating them more 😊


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Yes true, but oil is a bit easier to get now and all oil costs have been halved so even if I lose, its not such a big deal anymore.
With the latest rebalance in dominations bonus, I only attack low level cwa bases now. Yes I use more troops BUT I get 8-12K oil from loot + another 8400 oil from domination bonus = 16-20K oil per battle. I can make that 3-4 times daily.

WW loot does barely cover oil costs but I don't care since I play WW for the adrenaline rush....


Approved user
May 17, 2018
the game changes, the tactics change, so are we...

Assault rally only made this build better (as with every other build I guess).

1. vs CNCDNC level 255
My opponent had max defence except redoubts and sniper towers.
Unit composition was:
8 attack Helis
3 machine guns
8 bazookas
3 engineer
Alliance gate: 8 bazooka
Tactics: 3 decoy, 1 sabotage and 3 Assault rally level 1

2. vs IronMan level 275
One of the highest level opponents I have fought. No problem...
Unit composition was:
8 Attack Helis
3 machine guns
8 bazookas
3 engineer
Alliance gate: 8 bazooka
Tactics: 3 decoy, 1 sabotage and 3 Assault rally level 1

Maybe I should rename this build from Amelia to 383838 build...anyway, enjoy guys!


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
on my 3rd acc my favorite thing to receive is APC. preindustrials really need to try APC's :)

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Sweet! This will be a good trial for me especially that my AR is level 1 😂
I don't like machine guns really 😒 can I replace them with just mitra?

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Sounds tempting pckrn ! I'm the only one who would be able to fill it though 😆


Approved user
May 17, 2018
not really...I wouldn't because machine guns are there to supress until the zooks finish them off. You can try to replace them and see the results by yourself.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
Due to inexperience, preindustrials will not give them the credit they deserve. It seems that helis, HT MK7 or HRPGs are more to their liking


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
What were your losses for each match?
I try and avoid major losses wherever I can, without retrain videos. I like to bring my men back alive! :D


Approved user
May 17, 2018
these were WW battles. Loses were heavy but I always have Instant retrain active for that reason. If I can't bring my men back safe then I can resurrect them!!