• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

June State of the Nations!


Approved user
May 12, 2017
You are correct, this is a long journey, and we can do our best to make sure it's going in the correct direction.Each would be a great topic for a Q&A session at large. For starters, we can give some quick answers.

Sandbagging - Since Wars are a major focus of players, we do not want to ruin the experience with rushing a solution. We also don't want to present every method we're trying, in the case where a 'surefire' method doesn't always provide the best results.

Can you answer if any of the communities suggestions have been tried? The one ive seen most is not counting the bottom X% for the calculation.

The concern over P2W is--from my understanding--focused around the Stronghold and donating troops, correct? I don't have any insight to add to this yet, but I can bring it to the team's attention.

From everything i have seen in the community, Yes. Its the fact that if you dont have these things for strong holds and deployable troop tactics and even the buildings like bazooka tower and the other alliance does, you almost always lose. A tie(prior to the tie breaker) was most alliances best hope when facing p2w alliances.

It's correct that we didn't discuss the number of bases with upgraded farms & caravans, but it is something that the team tracks. Through the month of April, many of the weekend upgrade discounts focused on making it cheaper to move through the ages. This may be something that can be done again in the future.

For later ages, especially global and atomic, i dont think most players that arent upgrading their farms would take the time to do so even if it was a free upgrade. The workers are just more valuable upgrading buildings instead of resource producers. I believe the bigger issue is the time it takes to upgrade them and the increased workers.

After the Night Witch fix went in, there was an increase to oil production. (https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexon...-ab/584613-oil) We could have promoted that more closely to a fix for the issue.

Better promotion of this event wasnt needed.
This even lasted 6 days. Fully upgraded Atomic Age Oil Wells with all the research produce 105 per hour each. Thats 525 an hour total. 12,600 a day and a total of 75,600 for the entire event.
People have reported losing over 200k oil. One post i saw a was for someone that lost 40-60k in a single night.( i cant remember the exact value) The night witches were a problem for weeks, so much so that people without the night witch to abuse, quit raiding for oil because they would lose it faster than they could gain it.

Just some more numbers, a maxed global age would have produced 55,440, 18,480, net 36,960
Industrial Age: 36,288, 12,096, net 24,192
Enlightenment. 10,080, 3,360, net 6,720 (I lost about 50k during this time so I only recovered 13.44% of what i lost)

Just based off of these numbers, more needs to be done to even come close to recovering many players losses.

AI targeting walls and Nation powers may likely both fall into a larger 'game re-balance'. This is similar to the matchmaking issue, and that the development team wants to work on solutions carefully as it touches many parts of the game.

...and the journey continues! We hope to continue to provide information where we can. Thanks for the questions!.

Its good to know they are looking into solutions to the AI issues.

Thank you so much for responding to my concerns. Its very refreshing to see you here actively engaging with the community. I look forward to seeing all of your future posts.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Better promotion of this event wasnt needed.
This even lasted 6 days. Fully upgraded Atomic Age Oil Wells with all the research produce 105 per hour each. Thats 525 an hour total. 12,600 a day and a total of 75,600 for the entire event.
People have reported losing over 200k oil. One post i saw a was for someone that lost 40-60k in a single night.( i cant remember the exact value)
''05-28-2017, 09:04 PM
At first I thought it was a great event too, but I've lost more oil in one night than I did with the night witches.
41k in 7 attacks!!''

That might be me you're talking about. :)
Nexon gave us an oil boom week and while it didn't cover my losses it was a good gesture and I would rather get some of what I want than none of what I want.
Just like this SotN.

Quang t legend

Approved user
Jan 21, 2016
The concern over P2W is--from my understanding--focused around the Stronghold and donating troops, correct? I don't have any insight to add to this yet, but I can bring it to the team's attention.

not just SH in defense but in offense too. P2W players can have double number of attack troop. That is too much. Better reduce max number of troops card in a battle or reduce the troops inside each troops cards.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
Great News.

And any plan to speed up upgrade speed for early ages? It is really stop new joiner now


Approved user
Apr 25, 2015
Early age upgrade times are nothing, it's the later stuff that's a pain.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
If you were to have one OR the other which would be better: Troop cards or coalitions?


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Really SiuYin ? Things are so quick in early ages! You have to work for some things sometimes!
If you think it's bad there wait until you progress!

Wynne D Fanchon

Approved user
Apr 19, 2017
''You are correct, this is a long journey, and we can do our best to make sure it's going in the correct direction.Each would be a great topic for a Q&A session at large. For starters, we can give some quick answers.

Sandbagging - Since Wars are a major focus of players, we do not want to ruin the experience with rushing a solution. We also don't want to present every method we're trying, in the case where a 'surefire' method doesn't always provide the best results.

The concern over P2W is--from my understanding--focused around the Stronghold and donating troops, correct? I don't have any insight to add to this yet, but I can bring it to the team's attention.

It's correct that we didn't discuss the number of bases with upgraded farms & caravans, but it is something that the team tracks. Through the month of April, many of the weekend upgrade discounts focused on making it cheaper to move through the ages. This may be something that can be done again in the future.

After the Night Witch fix went in, there was an increase to oil production. (https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexon...-ab/584613-oil) We could have promoted that more closely to a fix for the issue.

AI targeting walls and Nation powers may likely both fall into a larger 'game re-balance'. This is similar to the matchmaking issue, and that the development team wants to work on solutions carefully as it touches many parts of the game.

...and the journey continues! We hope to continue to provide information where we can. Thanks for the questions!''

TinSoldier That is really reassuring to hear you say that. A lot of people have been hanging in real tight waiting for updates, balances and bug fixes. We really hope that you can be the bridge that gaps the devs and the community. With you coming in, it's been sort of a morale boost to everyone and hope that you have the same passion that a lot of players on this forum have, including myself, to keep this really unique game alive.


Approved user
Aug 8, 2016
I feel very happy about future features written in the state of nations, and the changes already made are huge step in the right direction. So for now Good Job!
Dominations is a game and will always have problems, as it's normal. So for all those not happy yet i say, let's wait and see! For now i think most of the main problems are being addressed, or at least it's what's written in the state of nations.
Sometimes is better to see the glass half full than half empty!


Approved user
Dec 30, 2015
Nexon increased tactic's capacity which made people look to other tactics but an unpleasant surprise is the lag we get when we deploy tactics. Going vs an AA and deploying a decouy = lag until decoy is dead. Going vs an AA with SH troops = game over you cant play anymore.
Are you aware of this issue? Will you address it?
If your intention was for people starting using other tactics than you blew it.

Maybe you can introduce war tournaments so that p2w clans can pour their money in there and leave the rest of hard working community waring freely based on skill only.
I guess this sotn is better than any other but i cant wonder how many players did you lose because you still need to have "secrets".

Speeking of bad pathing: how about the one where troops set their mind on a specific buidling and they go at it passing by other buidlings and obviously into the fire of other defenses.
Why is Nexon still refusing to take into consideration proofs from players about their attacks in wars that get lost due to server errors?


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
We all know the track record of this company to postpone delivery and not deliver at all ! I am happy to read the interesting ideas, and I want to see them implemented in the game without other regressions and bugs. Then only we can open the bottle of champaign.

So dear BHG/Nexon, put your development teams in second gear and deliver all the things that you have promised in a reasonable time frame with the best quality that you can offer :)


Approved user
May 12, 2017
Coalitions, as everyone is on the same playing field since you earn them by attacking and not with the credit card.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
''05-28-2017, 09:04 PM
At first I thought it was a great event too, but I've lost more oil in one night than I did with the night witches.
41k in 7 attacks!!''

That might be me you're talking about. :)
Nexon gave us an oil boom week and while it didn't cover my losses it was a good gesture and I would rather get some of what I want than none of what I want.
Just like this SotN.

Im hoping that by bringing this up with TinSoldier that maybe he can see why i think more needs to be done and maybe get us something that really makes up for peoples losses.

I honestly think doing something like 50% reduced cost for all oil upgrades for 2 weeks, would actually make them money. People will take advantage of the discount and start using crowns to speed those upgrade times. So it would be win/win for bhg. They really show the player base how they want to make up for a huge mistake and they make money in the process.

Yes it was better than nothing, but the numbers i showed were best cases for players at that age. Not all players have the research or maxed oil wells to have benefited the most from that event.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
TinSoldier welcome.

This is the kind of communication I expect from game devs. And instead of talking about the game itself I’d like to use this thread opportunity to give some insight and tips on that topic, which bother me from quite some time ;)

I don’t know if its cultural or corporational thing but so far game devs community feedback SUCKED all the way, and I hope that starting from this point now You will increase the attention to it. So based on my experience with customer care and IMHO:
1. Community expect more answers. You don’t need to give precise answers (although it would be nice) but even answers like – we hear you – is better than nothing!
2. Community expect to see devs/community managers more often than in every 2000 post like Nb4powerup – more often so players can’t say devs don’t read/hear. Take some curses how to write short replies so they don’t look like copy/paste although they sure be like ;) Those things show the community that at least someone read his/her post, comment, etc. Also don't bounce the ball from community managers to Nexon to game developers BHG - players don't care who's who - if this is the official forum for Dominations then everyone here is responsible for Dominations.
3. If Nexon can’t take care of their customers, game devs – BHG - should do it themselves, I hope that with TinSoldier this will become true.
4. From the beginning of the game there’s information problem clearly see everywhere - starting from inside the game, in example - there’s no explanation in statistics of troops/buildings, just the total amounts. Players have to guess it all or go to wiki/this forum to ask/check specific things - in example – we have total amounts for health/attack strength and we can’t tell which part come from basic troop statistics and which from bonuses (and which bonuses). So it would be nice to have more explanation in game itself – both with statistics like DPS 150 (100 + 50 from bonuses) and some strategy tips for specific troops/buildings. We even can't see the cost of upgrades before advancing to next age or before upgrading the building (*ie university). Why all those information are hidden?
5. Compared to other games this one looks like some amateurish low budget project (from the information perspective). No explanation in game, no explanation in wiki! Community expect data and there’s no place to find them. Although all history descriptions are nice I’d love to trade them for actual information I can use during my gameplay. No information about defenses in multi??? like in majority of the similar games. Even the forum is not working properly, can’t post images here.
6. Most players playing this game don’t know how to use wonders and roads/gates which is somewhat specific to this game. Devs should make better description for players how they should use those things to max benefit. Even few simple YT videos from game devs could help to promote this game better!
7. Wiki and some content for game fans - ie. pictures from game, some early projects, drafts, etc. How hard it is to copy some of those pictures, give some basic description and let players download them to promote the game? How hard it is to give players all building/troops statistics – You have those information but You don’t want to share them with players.
8. You don’t use player feedback enough or at all ;) Each community have players that are willing to work for free to create added value to the game. You should focus on those players and give them all the help they need and promote their work – even simply by creating FAQ on this forum and put in it all links to those threads/posts that explain different aspects of the game!
9. Don’t assume that people writing on this forum are a small portion of player base. Most people, like me, just come here to read some threads/find answers and don’t write/chat often or at all. Respect those players that take their free time to write about issues because those few that write – represent the majority that don’t have time to write.
10. If increase oil production event was to cover some players loses – always write that down in the event description itself. Don’t hide from the players that might not know about this issue. Just be honest and write that down - we give you oil boom event to cover some player loses due to night witch bugs. We are sorry, etc.
11. English is no 1 on the world – ALWAYS!!! So instead of posting news on Korean forum first - post it everywhere at the same time! It’s not that complicated!
12. I understand that high customer service through community feedback requires time and for company it generate employees costs but BHG/Nexon is not a local store with owner and his family trying to earn some money for food. Those are big companies earning huge money and those kind of costs should be cover. Especially if You want to attract new players.
13. For community managers - I understand that this a lot of job for You guys Nb4powerup and now TinSoldier but sorry – this is the job you have and people may praise or trash You for its quality ;)
14. Those things are SO OBVIOUS for me and yet SO STRANGE for game developers.Like I said - maybe it's cultural or corporational thing?

15. This post is harsh and long but worth consider if you plan to expand this game for 8 more years ;) Please don’t waste time to answer to my post. Just use it as a guide - how to take better care of customers ;) And please remember I didn’t waste my time to write it as negative feedback – I write it as a huge Domination fan that is willing to spend my time and money for Your game but only if there’s enough quality both in terms of gameplay and community/information feedback.
Sorry and Thank You.
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New member
Jun 4, 2017
Hi Gail!

I think (given its history) getting a work-in-progress Design Spotlight on the matchmaking process would be of great interest - as would a preview of the Alliance levels and perks! I can bring this up to the dev team. Since we don't have a release date yet for 5.7, I can't yet guarantee what the list of perks will be released.

I'll keep an eye open for you during the next Q&A, and can't wait to join the 10 Bars Club!
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New member
Jun 4, 2017
I think I saw a post in Ideas & Feature requests to reset the leaderboards in regular intervals like 'seasons'. We do review that channel for ideas for the (ever-growing) backlog of great suggestions!

The patchnotes for 5.7 will include more details about the bomber modifications. Other balance changes are being discussed now as well.

The Bazooka Sentry will be the only 'Bazooka' defensive building available in future sales and events. I know that there are concerns of the Stronghold, and perhaps that could be a focus of a more in-depth Q&A.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Yes - the team has eyes on the lag related to the use of Decoys. In a few places, the community has suggested trying to reproduce the bug dropping this tactic multiple times on an Android device. This type of insight has been quite helpful! The team is currently working on this issue.

War tournaments seem like a very interesting suggestion. Just recently, I heard another player ask for a screen to address 'the terms of war' - where Alliances could opt to include or exclude different Units/Tactics/etc.... I can't promise that either of these ideas will be implimented, but Nb4powerup & I can pass these ideas to the dev team.

Some of the observed pathing issues come from the way units count the 'closest' target - and if that target is to the North, South, East, or West of them. There have been other places in the forums where players have cited their base design with the AI in mind.

Some of these recent server errors could be caused by the missing stars issue. This was corrected this week, and you can read more about it here: https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexo...wn-issues/586333-world-war-fixes-improvements


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Fair questions about chat bug and overcapped tactics!
We can talk to the dev team and see if we can get more info on where we stand.

My guess would be that when the team rolls out a new way to do matchmaking, they will be more excited to share some of the work that went into the process.


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017

Seems 5.7 is coming soon, and I am expecting 6.0 will be out in less 3 month, or Mid Sept.
Is there any plan to help new joiner to advance faster, so they can join world war?
Understood that crown sales are one of the major source of profit making, but it is no point for a new player spend almost one year in order to advance into latest age.

With more age introduced, the building time seems lost control after Industrial age (4days in EA->7/8days IA),
it was not a problem when IA is the last age, but when Global, Atomic introduced into the game, it become a problem.

Currently, if you look into the base in global/ atomic, most of them only got defense in Gunpowder / Enlightenment, only a very small potion with Industrial level defense.
it need some boost in the building time for early age


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
if you are working on alliances, you must also deal with inactive leaders.

until now, if the leader stops logging on for some reason, others can just go and create a new alliance.

but with alliance levels, if the leader of a level 5 alliance stops logging in, should others have to go and create a new level 1 alliance and start over?

auto-kick those that arent logging in!
doing this will also disband many inactive alliances, making alliance searches cleaner