• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

June State of the Nations!

dominations vin

Approved user
Apr 17, 2016
so, you're upset because they didn't fix every issue that you personally have with the game in a single patch?


Approved user
May 12, 2017
They didnt even address them. "Hey we know about Concern X and are looking into it, but will be after 5.7, etc"

And some of these issues have been around for a very long time, still unfixed.

They "fixed" sandbagging previously. How about telling us how they think they can fix it instead of saying its a secret. Its pretty clear from their previous fix that their idea of fixing sandbagging was so far off from what the player base thought was a fix.


Approved user
Apr 15, 2016
LordJestix There are more things to come in regard to the whole PTW rest assured. I'm unsure what you mean by "Troop AI issues" but the majority of us seem to get by... not me. but the majority do. adjust your rally's maybe? Nation Balance I agree, baby steps.

RE: upgrading farms/caravans, are you part of the problem or part of the solution?


Approved user
Mar 13, 2016
Yes! Thank you for an insightful and humble State of the Nations! Looking forward to a bigger, brighter, more communicative future! Welcome TinSoldier 😃


Approved user
Aug 19, 2016
so, you're upset because they didn't fix every issue that you personally have with the game in a single patch?
No, he's upset because they won't give him the dev build.

If they were to give a dev build for someone to update the wiki, it would be to someone with a long history of contributions to the domination's wiki.


Approved user
May 12, 2017
Christopher-Outlaws!! Poor Troop AI, im mainly talking about their pathing. I continually see my troops stuck at a wall trying to destroy it when just a tile away is an open wall. Hell just yesterday my troops made 3 openings all with a wall piece in between.

Yes, i am part of the problem, i had them upgraded to GP level and it was at that point i realized it was a waste of my time. There is no incentive to upgrade them.

SebQuattro They could give me that dev build to update the wiki and id still be here saying the same things i am. That has no influence on what i post unless it concerns the wiki. And i dont care if i get the dev build, what i want is them to provide us the info.
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Approved user
Oct 22, 2016
Wait, im lost. didnt he mention that they will be testing some alternatives to take care of the issue with sandbagging... They are taking a more active role in open dialogue with community members, which is very good for us.
All in all this is a positive step. We cant bash on them when they take a wrong step then continue to bash on them when they take the right step. Sending them mixed signals isn't productive. "Baby steps"


Approved user
Mar 10, 2016
i hope you will fix tactics bug. i already saw too much enlightenment or industrial players attacking with 4 sabotages or more different tactics on a world wars. but overal looks very promising update. i HOPE everything WILL work from the first try. good luck!


Approved user
Jun 26, 2015
Wow! I can't come up with words to describe how delighted I am with this communication. Where do I start? First of all thank you for focusing on a great number of our issues. Most notably sandbagging. I'm looking forward to a bright new future with our Knight in Shining (Tin) Armor. Welcome to the Forum TinSoldier !!! It's nice to know our friend Nb4powerup will have help taming this unruly mob. I'm looking forward to seeing your presence here and will be watching your bars and hope to see you soon in the Ten Bars Club 😉.

Update 5.7 looks promising. But the 2 things that interest me the most and would love some clarification on are the matchmaking adjustments to eliminate sandbagging and the new Alliance Levels. Will you share with us what has been tried in the matchmaking and the result? There have been so many ideas thrown out here, I think it would be good to know which ones you tried even if it didn't work out. Also, I was super excited to hear about the new Alliance Levels (because this could also be a deterrent to sandbagging) But then I was kinda deflated that it seems to be geared toward the alliances who can do larger wars like with glory system. Will there be a leaderboard list and if so will alliances like mine who can't field big wars be excluded from the list by it being limited to top 100? Or will you have a list for each level like in leagues so we can finally see our name listed and see the other alliances who are at similar levels? Will this xp have some bering on matchmaking in the future? I suppose these are questions for the next Q&A. I'm hoping this time one of my questions will be answered as I was totally ignored last time.

Thanks again for the State of the Nations and moving us past the Dark Age of this game.

Hugs and kisses, Gail
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Old Farmer Bob

Approved user
Dec 19, 2015
Really great news. Thank you for addressing the key issues that the community has been concerned about. Yes I know everything is not yet fixed. But just so pleased you are working on all this stuff. Bugs can be worked on and keep swatting them 🐜🔫 but with this new direction that really does address our concerns am really happy and confident to give you the time you need to fix them. Guess I will be here a while yet 😀

Motaz Tarek

Approved user
Apr 19, 2015
nice to see update more focused on bug fixes than releasing new features,
i hope u consider monthly reset of WW ranking to keep it challenging and to punish sandbaggers by prohibiting them from making it to the top of leaderboard in time
also what about the pre-existing troop balance u promised in every upcoming updates? i heard bombers will recieve a modification.. please think of making the least used troops more useful again for more variety of strategies other than british shooter+howies spam striking the game
also no word on reducing the pay2win invasion of this game is so disappointing, premium troops, premium bazooka building, that's so tough for free2play players


New member
Jun 4, 2017
You are correct, this is a long journey, and we can do our best to make sure it's going in the correct direction.Each would be a great topic for a Q&A session at large. For starters, we can give some quick answers.

Sandbagging - Since Wars are a major focus of players, we do not want to ruin the experience with rushing a solution. We also don't want to present every method we're trying, in the case where a 'surefire' method doesn't always provide the best results.

The concern over P2W is--from my understanding--focused around the Stronghold and donating troops, correct? I don't have any insight to add to this yet, but I can bring it to the team's attention.

It's correct that we didn't discuss the number of bases with upgraded farms & caravans, but it is something that the team tracks. Through the month of April, many of the weekend upgrade discounts focused on making it cheaper to move through the ages. This may be something that can be done again in the future.

After the Night Witch fix went in, there was an increase to oil production. (https://forum.nexonm.com/forum/nexonm-games/dominations/announcements-ab/584613-oil) We could have promoted that more closely to a fix for the issue.

AI targeting walls and Nation powers may likely both fall into a larger 'game re-balance'. This is similar to the matchmaking issue, and that the development team wants to work on solutions carefully as it touches many parts of the game.

...and the journey continues! We hope to continue to provide information where we can. Thanks for the questions!


Approved user
Apr 23, 2016
I'm excited :) Welcome Tin Soldier.. NB4 can share the load of our angst!

a lot of my wish list addressed

TinSoldier and Nb4powerup
what is happening with the chat bug? It is driving us crazy and killing game chat
people retraining too many tactics? is this being addressed
removing abandoned alliances from top 100 - or as suggested glory decay - can this be looked at

bit dismayed at this
you mentioned you don't want to RUSH a solution on sandbagging.... it is coming up 12 months.. its time to rush.... and there has been no gain in this area whatsoever..


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Not yet for me. Why isnt sandbagging fixed, seems to be such an easy solution when is the ETA on 5.7?

They failed to address the community's concern about the switch to p2w even though that is contradictory of Nexon's views.

They failed to address the issue of lack of resources in advanced ages because no one is upgrading the farms/caravans.

Great, they apologized again for the night witch situation, yet they really havent done much of anything to really show they are sorry. How about 2 weeks of 50% oil cost reduction across the board. That still probably wouldnt make up for what some lost but it would be a great gesture to show they really care about us and want to make up for their bad programming and slowness to fix the problem.

They failed to address the troop AI issues.

They failed to address Nation balance.

This SotN was a great start down the right path but its only a couple of steps in a very long journey.
Posts like this always make me laugh because there are always people with closed minds but open mouths! Yet the one line that makes me laugh the most is the 3rd one!
Because it's Nexons fault that players aren't upgrading their buildings, yah? ;) :D
Good, honest, transparent SotN!


Approved user
May 12, 2017
Posts like this always make me laugh because there are always people with closed minds but open mouths! Yet the one line that makes me laugh the most is the 3rd one!
Because it's Nexons fault that players aren't upgrading their buildings, yah? ;) :D

Actually yes. They require more citizens to upgrade each building at later ages. Who wants to tie up 4 workers for 7+ days for a 200 per hour increase in production? It takes 31.64 days for a level 15 farm to produce enough resources to "pay" for the upgrade.(without university discount) That isnt counting the down time when its not producing and the extra citizens that could be working on a building that makes a difference.

A level 16 Farm produces 62,880 food per day. Having all 8 at level 16 only earns you 503,040 food per day.

It takes 17.39 days just to produce enough food to upgrade Artillery to Howitzer.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Whatever my friend. You can play the ''guilt transference'' game, if it helps you sleep at night!
Cheers. :)