• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Is the game server really hacked?

Kev's (Empire)

Approved user
Jan 10, 2020
nope, those are not the artifacts witcat mentions about. Armor and weapons...we all found more than enough!

It is the ww equipment artifacts that are suspicious. We are both defenders for a long time. We do know how difficult it is to find a good artifact in that category. What do you consider the most optimum 5 lines to be? My guess is:
3 or 4 lines of adtd+adth
2 or 1 line of dst
well, i have more than 20 WW equipment artifacts MAXED, yet NONE belongs to that category. NONE!

So, yeah, when i see D museums with 5 perfect artifacts (5 liners like the one mentioned above) and stats of 160-180% then I am like 99,9% sure they cheated somehow.
Hi Oddin,
I have 2, both of these I have had a long time, probably before, as someone above said they change the algorithm so you can't get these types anymore; however, they are not 15% on each line. I do get what people are saying and at times I get quite frustrated with cheats. TBH I don't see what pleasure they get from cheating, where is their sense of achievement/accomplishment as they didn't achieve any of what they got except to pay money to cheat. To take down a legitimate defensive base in under 1:30 or defend against a legitimate attacker, this is not their achievement, this is Clayton's achievement (reference to a non-alcoholic drink in the 80's) an achievement you have when you don't have an achievement, very hollow.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
well, i have more than 20 WW equipment artifacts MAXED, yet NONE belongs to that category. NONE! ........like 99,9% sure they cheated somehow.
And there you have it folks - l don't have what they have so they must have cheated.
Or to put it another way: l believe it so it must be so.

Deja Trop Tard

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
@B like Big Bug

Darknet is heavily marketed yes, but it exists - somewhat like the internet, it is not one single thing ran by a mafia, but a collection of various stuff, and we just call darknet why actually there are many darknets and actually many of these sites of just doing moral stuff. The darknet is not necesarily violence/pornography.

Back to domi.
Most cheats in online games are a direct modification of game client (the app on your phone). The game client is based on official client and amends some stuff so, for example when you click on "purchase", it will say the "main server" you purchased, but it will not cost money. This is possible if some operations are calculated by "client". Many games suffer this. But we have zero evidence about a "server". We may have evidence about cheat -this is somewhat different. You write to BHG, "how can you ignore", but it is actually way easier to ignore than you think.

What is true on the other hand, is we should have transparent information about rollback. How many rollbacks are there? For which reasons? Why if someone is rollback, then no ban?


Approved user
May 17, 2018
And there you have it folks - l don't have what they have so they must have cheated.
Or to put it another way: l believe it so it must be so.
I am entitled to my own opinion since I have been and played for/against many teams in every layer of the leaderboard.


New member
Dec 30, 2022
Hace exactamente cinco años que ha habido varios abusos del juego. Aquí, no tenemos nada que ver con sus problemas secundarios. Solo hay unas pocas preguntas simples;

1-Durante casi dos años, un servidor ha brindado servicios especiales a los jugadores a un costo mensual de £30-£40. Desde recursos ilimitados hasta poder ilimitado, coronas ilimitadas, recursos de museos y artefactos personalizados. ¿Cómo es posible que los empleados desconocieran su existencia?
2- ¿Por qué el servidor sigue prestando servicios? ¿Por qué, de cientos de jugadores que lo han usado durante más de un año, solo un número limitado fue castigado?
3-No hay servidor y de hecho, hay un acceso especial al servidor del juego. El vendedor conectó al jugador al servidor principal del juego registrando la identificación numérica del jugador. Sin ninguna manipulación en los archivos del juego. ¿Cómo es posible tal cosa?
4- El aumento del poder de las coaliciones se viene reportando desde hace varios meses. Se puede ver en los ataques. Cómo es que el soporte no fue capaz de reconocerlo y siempre negó su existencia. ¿Son incapaces de determinar la fuerza de las fuerzas?
5- Se escribe un código especial en el juego que da acceso ilimitado al jugador. Es diferente de cualquier error conocido. ¿Cómo sucedió algo así en el juego? Eso también exactamente al mismo tiempo que los servicios del servidor de trucos.
6-Todos sabemos que puedes identificar fácilmente a los jugadores que han usado el servidor. ¿Por qué no recibieron ningún castigo? En qué nivel vip, los jugadores pueden usar todo tipo de trucos sin temor a las consecuencias. ¿O usar ese servidor no tiene ningún daño para ellos como declara el vendedor? (La prohibición de varios jugadores de algunas alianzas limitadas como Ares fue para preservar su reputación y satisfacer a los jugadores que solo buscaban eliminarlos. Aunque se lo merecían. ¿Pero qué pasa con el resto?
7-¿Por qué se ignoran los informes sobre servidores y otros abusos (especialmente en las guerras)? ¿Carece de la capacidad y el conocimiento para actuar de esta manera o es intencional?
Hay muchas dudas de que este post no esté incluido para no ser borrado.

Sin embargo, si aceptamos que los programadores no pueden garantizar la seguridad del juego y los servidores, este caso debe informarse a los jugadores. La existencia del servidor durante dos años y su existencia al mismo tiempo muestra una falta de voluntad para impedirlo o una profunda debilidad.
Incluso la mayoría de los divertidos juegos en línea en el mercado, actualmente, no hay posibilidad de abuso. Incluso si se encuentra un problema, se solucionará en unos pocos días.

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
Everyone can have their own opinion. It's absolutely true.
The fact is, for me personally, this game is no longer important. Sometimes, every two or three days or more, I will watch the game for a minute to see if there is still a rabbit running in it. Now I have enough time to take care of my dailly works. However, abusers continue their work, cheaters take their advantage, and the naive are satisfied with their game whether they spend or not. It is important that the player is well , even if it is wrong. NOTHING CAN BE CHANGED, so play your game. I also look at the posts from time to time to see how the story ends.


New member
Aug 17, 2022
It has been exactly five years now that there have been various abuses of the game. Here, we have nothing to do with its side issues. There are only a few simple questions;

1-For nearly two years, a server has been providing special services to players at a monthly cost of £30-£40. From unlimited resources to unlimited power, unlimited crowns, museum resources and custom artifacts. How is it possible that the employees were unaware of its existence?
2- Why is the server still providing services? Why, out of hundreds of players who have used it for over a year, only a limited number were punished?
3-There is no server and in fact, there is a special access to the game server. The seller connected the player to the main game server by registering the player's numerical ID. Without any manipulation in the game files. How is such a thing possible?
4- The increase in the power of the coalitions has been reported for several months. It can be seen in the attacks. How come the support was not able to recognize it and always denied its existence. Are they unable to determine the strength of the forces?
5- A special code is written in the game that gives unlimited access to the player. It is different from any known bug. How did something like this happen in the game? That too exactly at the same time as the cheat server services.
6-We all know that you can easily identify the players who have used the server. Why did they not receive any punishment? At what vip level, players are allowed to use all kinds of cheats without fear of consequences. Or does using that server have no harm for them as the seller declares? (The banning of a number of players from a few limited alliances like Ares was to preserve their reputation and satisfy the players who were only looking to eliminate them. Although they deserved it. But what about the rest?
7-Why are reports about server and other abuses (especially in wars) ignored? Do you lack the ability and knowledge to act in this way or is it intentional?
There are many doubts that this post is not included in order not to be deleted.

However, if we accept that the programmers are not able to ensure the security of the game and the servers, this case should be informed to the players. The existence of the server for two years and its existence at the same time shows a lack of desire to prevent it or a deep weakness.
Even most of the funny online games in the market, currently, there is no possibility of any abuse. Even if a problem is found, it will be fixed within a few days.
meds now

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
The famous "server" is still in place and offers unlimited Strong Force, unlimited event building, etc. Other things have become more widespread. No change has been made and will not be made. This is a marketing method, so it cannot be corrected.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2017
The famous "server" is still in place and offers unlimited Strong Force, unlimited event building, etc. Other things have become more widespread. No change has been made and will not be made. This is a marketing method, so it cannot be corrected.
and you know that for a fact? 🤔

B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to accept that a company still can't remove cheating from the game after 4 years. And worse, detect fraud in attacks or any other case. No problem. Let's be optimistic that they can't. I can. Is there a place to send an offer?


Active member
Nov 11, 2022
Many players got banned for using a bot, and somehow the museums are now even stronger museums. You must have almost perfect 5 liner artifacts to get these stats.
Hi, this museum seems normal to me, I even have a better one …


Active member
Nov 11, 2022
Guys , I spent 2 hours on Facebook, discord, Reddit and general internet trying to find any thing related to this server but I cant … so either it does not exist or only you get contacted by specific person only when you are so high level or something. The only thing I found is this , a hacked version that provide free shopping. My advise to everyone here would be why don’t you provide evidence a single evidence of this server to BHG?? I am vip level 7 I spent close to 100 usd over few years very slowly and very carefully and I am having a lot of fun, me and my alliance are making our way slowly to the top & sure sometimes we lose a war when there is a level 490 drone player who wipe our lvl 1 and 2 but this only happens so rare..


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King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I am vip level 7 I spent close to 100 usd over few years very slowly and very carefully and I am having a lot of fun, me and my alliance are making our way slowly to the top & sure sometimes we lose a war when there is a level 490 drone player who wipe our lvl 1 and 2 but this only happens so rare..
Sooo ... pretty much normal for games like this, yeah?


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2020
Hi, this museum seems normal to me, I even have a better one …
Agreed, I’ve spent 4 years crafting my museum, countless hours upon hours and I recently had some salty kid comment on my YouTube channel that my museum was “obviously” obtained through cheating. 🙄

I can assure you that BHG thoroughly checked my account when that museum bot thing was going around.

Sometimes people just have to accept that others are more determined to build a top tier museum when war crafting events come around.


Active member
Nov 11, 2022
Sooo ... pretty much normal for games like this, yeah?
The game requires a lot of grinding, but its a lot of fun, now some may be cheating, some not. We will never know. But these rumors have always around for years, I just hope BHG community managers to be more active and to respond to these topics. Being always so quiet is bad and hurt the overall imagine of the company.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Agreed, I’ve spent 4 years crafting my museum, countless hours upon hours and I recently had some salty kid comment on my YouTube channel that my museum was “obviously” obtained through cheating. 🙄
We would've been doomed as a species if everyone thought something couldn't be done just because everyone didn't believe it could be done.


Approved user
Sep 15, 2018
Hi, this museum seems normal to me, I even have a better one …
Having all 5 liner equipment artefacts for defence and even offence is not the norm but the exception. I highly doubt that your museum is stronger than NomberVan and Belle’s who are from Panda. The former was just rolled back and the latter can’t even be found on Domistats so your guess is as good as mine as to why.


New member
Mar 12, 2022
The delusional people/s saying their are no cheats is hardly supprising. If you have a reasonable grasp on searching you can find these services without issue. The only reason why these nay sayers are not btfoed is because we can't post links too it on here. Which ironically defends the cheaters/hackers by these people putting doubt to their existance.


Active member
Nov 11, 2022
The delusional people/s saying their are no cheats is hardly supprising. If you have a reasonable grasp on searching you can find these services without issue. The only reason why these nay sayers are not btfoed is because we can't post links too it on here. Which ironically defends the cheaters/hackers by these people putting doubt to their existance.
The delusional people/s saying their are no cheats is hardly supprising. If you have a reasonable grasp on searching you can find these services without issue. The only reason why these nay sayers are not btfoed is because we can't post links too it on here. Which ironically defends the cheaters/hackers by these people putting doubt to their existance.
Why you can’t share ??