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Honest advice needed

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Approved user
May 29, 2020
I joined my very first alliance a little while back and have been in 4 or 5 wars. Before I continue please keep in mind I’m CW level 264, which I think adds to the problem as I am one of the more advanced in the alliance, but yet with very little to no war experience.

This lack of experience or knowledge was on full display in my last war. Target was AA but just a few levels below me, resulted in a 3 star victory. Alliance mate, who is also CW but levels below me, then attacked and got a quick 5 star victory.

My next attack against AA but 50 levels below me. Resulted in a 4 star 100% victory. The only alliance member to not 5 star. We lost the war by 1 star. So currently I opted out and now am trying to decide if I am wasting my time, hurting alliance that mostly won before my arrival, and causing myself to be stressed. My alliance has been nothing but encouraging but it has to bother them as it bothers me.

Is it possible or at least how high of a bar am I facing just now starting to war at my level? Most people learned gradually as they aged up and mastered new toys as they progressed. So what do I do?

Keep disappointing everyone as I try to learn?
Go back to MP only and quit alliance?
Am I facing a mountain?
How long would it take to climb that mountain?

As info, when I was doing MP only, I used HTs. After joining alliance and trying war I switched to infiltrators and RPGs

Black tiger

Approved user
May 20, 2018
Cougar, my advice is to tell your alliance where you’re coming from and ask them to show you the ropes and help you to improve your attacks. If they know you better they can assign you easier bases to attack until you’re up to speed. Also consider joining a training alliance where they are always looking for commanders just like you to train and support. These alliances can afford to have you attack lower because they can handle the top opponents and theres a lot less pressure on you. Either way, get involved in friendly challenges and watching replays for strategy - and lots of practice. Then, after a few weeks you can decide whether you like it. It’s certainly worth the experience.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
I assume you have a poor war museum, and perhaps low level coalitions. Really your target depends a lot on your war coalitions (offense versus defense). It also depends on war museum for both you and your opponent.

So no, don't give up, but realize that learning a new attack style is a lot of work. It requires doing many friendly matches. The commando attack is powerful but getting the right steps (and exact order) is crucial else it can fail horribly. I'm guessing you're missing a few critical points there. So, consider sticking with what you know (HT) in war too; use lots of rally and 3 or so assault rallies and it should be fast enough for now. Also if your current alliance can't help then consider searching around for a new one. Switching alliances is common, and every alliance is so different.

Also consider going Space Age and focus on the Library as it's awesome. The Space Shuttle wonder is too. Space Age is an awesome age. It also helps improve the museum so search around and you'll learn how... but that's several months away.


Approved user
Sep 1, 2015
Just click to Space age for starters. After that do the Microprocesors in library. The rest will come with experience.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
If you're in an alliance that is encouraging and willing to help you improve, that's one of the most valuable assets you could have in the game. Do not give that up. It's impossible to say how long it will take you to match your alliancemates' performance, not knowing whether your poor performance is due just to your own technique or to your lack of account assets that take a long time or a lot of money to build up, e.g., university research, unit & coalition upgrades, and museum artifacts.

Watch other players' war replays and ask your teammates to give you feedback on yours. Find out what their museums and universities are like, and what you should prioritize. Depending on whether they have other players to take your war roster spot now and then, you might opt in to every other war to work on upgrades, learn from replays, and still get some experience while not dragging the score down every war. But ultimately the way you learn is by doing, so get in and practice. And have fun.

Good luck.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Ask your peers how they would attack your target. Listen to their strategy and learn what works over time.


Approved user
Oct 27, 2019
Hi Cougar

You’re probably taking this too seriously, but everyone’s got their passions, and if your passion is to fight better battles, I suggest you buy and update some legendary artefacts. They are about £1700 each.


New member
Jun 16, 2020
I think first and foremost, it’s a game and in general you should be playing to at least have some fun. If you feel bad about performance it will affect your game play. There’s plenty of players that don’t excel in attacks and it’s up to alliances to figure out targets that match ones skills. Since you mentioned how encouraging your alliance is, don’t think it would be a problem. You don’t have to live up the expectation just because you’re higher up in level and high on the war list. I’ve known many people that max their defenses for whatever age they’re at, placing them higher on the list than their ability to attack. You can try and make a good War base design and utilize your defense.

I would agree that being able to get the 10 stars is a good feeling so here’s a few suggestions. I would not check out of war because you need practice to get better. I wouldn’t exactly suggest you pumping more money (Assuming you used money) or jumping to space age because it’s not a guarantee that you get 10 stars, it’s more like a crutch.
(1) Watch replays of war attacks that are strong and understand why it works and imitate that style though it won’t work right away because you’re relying on your war artifacts and research and it takes time to adjust. Obviously we here on the forum can’t see your troops composition but since you’re having issues, it needs a change.
(2) Make sure you upgrade and use the appropriate coalitions to benefit your army.
(3) Upgrade those troops that you use in war. Don’t upgrade useless troops, tactics, and coals though you may have already being that high of a level. Generally speaking you should be using nearly all factory troops at this point. Barracks troops lose their usefulness over time no matter how much you upgrade them.
(4) Request ally troops that will compliment your war attack strategy. High lvl troops are nice and shiny but if they don’t go with your attack plan they won’t help you.
(5) Practice with ally challenges. It helps and there’s no rss or tt’s wasted. It’s quite helpful but it’s not a replacement for war attacks since attacking the same ally base will result in you remembering where the traps and such are.
(6) Don't fret and don’t leave the alliance. From your words, they seem like a good group to help you. War is why 99% of us play this game and with good or bad matchups, you just have to endure it and move to the next one. If you joined another alliance you would still have the same issue and they may not be as supportive.


Approved user
Jun 10, 2020
Cougar Here are few points which you can consider for WW.
Form a strong coalition
Make a good troop tactics
Identify the factory or barracks troops and war academy tactics combinations
Invest some time in university for attacking troop's DPS and Health (HT, Commando, Bazooka, Air Troops), also check's your opponent's library, university and museum level. Harriet Tubman research will help on this.
Try to upgrade some offense war museum artifacts.

Most important thing is to watch your team's war replays and observer their strategies. Try to create your own strategy and implement that in multiplayer wars first (try to attack high level opponents and test). If that gives your good results (like min troops lost etc ), go for WW.

Kuroda Kanbei

Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
As long as your offence is maxed (for what you use) make the jump to Space Age during the upcoming rush event - and continue follow the suggestions here such as watching replays, trying friendly challenges, etc.


Approved user
May 29, 2020
Thanks all for your ideas and suggestions as it helped me look at some things in different ways. Going SA has been on my mind as my library is complete thru level 12 (I think that’s max for CW). Yes been upgrading coalition’s but am only level 5 & 6 for the ones I use. Will have to see where I am when SA rush gets here

Kuroda Kanbei

Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Cougar suggest only upgrading offence that you use - there is no need to waste time on items you'll never use such as mortar troops and some of the coalitions (unless you need the XP to age up).


Approved user
Dec 13, 2017
If you got a 4 star 100%, then you did almost everything right but missed the quick victory star. It happens. Try to find a way that lets you hit the town center fast without their massive army picking you apart while you attack the TC. Also, always scout for the forbidden city because you need to blow that up and the TC in the designated time frame to get quick victory. Sometimes they have a decoy so an assault rally tactic can be useful back up. Just do your best, make adjustments, see what works and doesn’t work and go from there. Sitting out will only keep you inexperienced.

Don Mario

Approved user
Nov 24, 2019
Thanks all for your ideas and suggestions as it helped me look at some things in different ways. Going SA has been on my mind as my library is complete thru level 12 (I think that’s max for CW). Yes been upgrading coalition’s but am only level 5 & 6 for the ones I use. Will have to see where I am when SA rush gets here

If you are german, you can come to us (BERLIN NEWORDER) and we will teach you how to attack. It’s coming with experiences, so you need to try and you need to do attacks to get better. Friendly challenge is a huge benefit if you want to learn. Ask your members to give you friendly challenges and than do fights after feights.


New member
Feb 7, 2020
It's happen for the first timer in war cougar.

My advise is to learn from others below your attacking. Don't change tactics if you are not familiar. HT by far is the greaters. Some suggestions will be,

1. Use fighters only. Helps you to destroy the spawned troops from cc.
2. Plans for the attacks.
3. Use war tactics effectively. As you using HT, bring betrayal to betray spawned troops from cc. Demo for anti-tank guns or sabotage for it.
4. War coalition american and ethiopian is a MUST.
5. Use only tank destroyer or heavy tank destroyer from merc camp.
6. Always look what in the path for your HT. you need to clear all the obstacle in HT path and you can get 5 star especially anti tank.

For this to work, need practice mate. come visit us at UK Knights. We will teach you.


Approved user
May 1, 2017
Go to SA asap and max archaeology in library, then spend a lot of time in the museum crafting artifacts using the ‘upgrade each line once then sell’ method to gain blueprints and gain/barely lose fragments. The museum is the absolute biggest game changer in this game and it gets blown wide open in space age once archaeology is completed. If you need more info just ask.
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