• DomiNations Back Online
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Generals not getting credit for supply wagons


Approved user
Jan 7, 2016
OK so I have noticed this for some time and tried to confirm. I believe what I suspect is true.
In battle if your general gets attached, in the end you have to spend crowns to retrain or wait the time to use. The problem is you don't get credit for the supply trucks healing.

So think of it in numbers, let's say it general has 10k in hit points. Something knocks it down to 8k, but your supply truck heal it back to 10k. In the end I still have to pay to get the general back. Now because the 10k , 8k and damage are not listed by numbers the only thing I have to go by is the bar on top of the general.

Now I am not saying I know for sure I its back to 100% but when I have time left in the battle I will rally my troops in a way to get the supply trucks to continue to heal the generals. Raising the bar back up to 100%. The only problem is after the battle when I try and retrain all my troops the generals cost up to 50 crowns even tho they were either 100 or close to it.

I hope this is just a glitch and not a way to get us to spend more crowns.


Approved user
Jun 4, 2015
I'm afraid it is exactly to get us to spend crowns. I asked cs the same thing, they confirmed that generals damaged in battle need cooldown, despite the fact of being healed by healers or tactics. So if you want to keep your generals, save them for cleanup, and prey they don't walk into spike trap or land mine.


Approved user
May 19, 2016
What sucks is they have a cooldown if they get healed by a supply cart (even if they don't take any damage).
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