What are your Favorite troops to deploy? I like to make sets of groups for different purposes whether it's looting or complete base destruction. These sets I call them battalions and they can contain different types of units. My favorite one, I call (1RB) First Raider Battalion (in case I come up with other combinations for battalions, i number them). It consists of 10 (1AVU) First Armoured Vangaurd Unit (1AVU stands for first level Armoured Vangaurd, which is the Horseman). 3 Heavy Horse Raiders, and 2 Legions. I update this battalion by upgrading the units it consists of. The order in which I deploy them is, legions first, so they can destroy a wall or something. Normally these always get killed. It's only two of them so it takes 30 seconds to recruit two more. Then I deploy the Horsemen, they always go directly for the defense buildings, so I don't have to worry about targeting buildings. Once they've cleared up an area, I deploy my 3 Horse Raiders, then they're free to just shoot at all the loot. Normally I'll loose the two legions and maybe sometimes 1 horseman. I never lose any raiders. This set of units costs me f5,550. So it's very cheap, plus they almost never all die! I only almost always spend 220 to replace the legions, which isn't bad depending on how much I loot.