• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

DomiNations Update 12.14 - Tournament of Glory


Greetings Leaders,

The latest update to DomiNations brings many changes to the Alliance World War Glory system. Tournament of Glory is finally here, and you’ll have an entirely new competitive ranking experience alongside it. We’re also updating the rewards granted from the Councilor Collection and adding a new level to the Library!

Tournament of Glory
Update 12.14 will bring the massive Tournament of Glory System, offering new rewards, changing Glory ranks, and revamping our Glory Decay system. Alliances will compete for Glory, and the higher you rank, the better the rewards! Outside of how rewards are obtained, you’ll still participate in World Wars just as you always have. Tournament of Glory will divide Alliances into 8 different divisions and replace the current Glory ranking system.

While you’ll notice these changes when 12.14 is released, the first Gauntlet will not begin until 1/27 at 11AM ET.

In preparation for Tournament of Glory, we will turn off World War matchmaking on 1/22 at 10AM ET. World War Matchmaking will return on 1/24.

The 8 Divisions will have their own Glory Range to compete within.

Each Division is further split into 5 different Star Ranks based on your Alliance’s Glory. Each Star rank shows you how close your Alliance is to either rising into the next Division or falling. Alliances will earn rewards when they gain enough Glory to reach a new Star. You’ll always be able to check where your Alliance stands in the rankings within the Tournament of Glory window.

Established1001 - 1799 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 1001 - 1109 Glory
2 Star = 1110 - 1229 Glory
3 Star = 1230 - 1359 Glory
4 Star = 1360 - 1499 Glory
5 Star = 1500 - 1799 Glory
Certified1800 - 3199 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 1800 - 2009 Glory
2 Star = 2010 - 2229 Glory
3 Star = 2230 - 2459 Glory
4 Star = 2460 - 2699 Glory
5 Star = 2700 - 3199 Glory
Admirable3200 - 5339 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 3200 - 3519 Glory
2 Star = 3520 - 3849 Glory
3 Star = 3850 - 4189 Glory
4 Star = 4190 - 4539 Glory
5 Star = 4540 - 5339 Glory
Renowned5340 - 7939 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 5340 - 5739 Glory
2 Star = 5750 - 6169 Glory
3 Star = 6170 - 6599 Glory
4 Star = 6600 - 7039 Glory
5 Star = 7040 - 7939 Glory
Honorable7940 - 11299 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 7940 - 8489 Glory
2 Star = 8490 - 9549 Glory
3 Star = 9050 - 7619 Glory
4 Star = 9620 - 10199 Glory
5 Star = 10200 - 11299 Glory
Prestigious11300 - 15339 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 11300 - 11969 Glory
2 Star = 11970 - 12649 Glory
3 Star = 12650 - 13349 Glory
4 Star = 13340 - 14039 Glory
5 Star = 14040- 15339 Glory
Iconic15340 - 20159 Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 15340 - 16129 Glory
2 Star = 16130 - 16929 Glory
3 Star = 16930 - 17739 Glory
4 Star = 17740 - 18559 Glory
5 Star = 18560 - 20159 Glory
Triumphant20160+ Glory

Star Rank

1 Star = 20160 - 21069 Glory
2 Star = 21070 - 21989 Glory
3 Star = 21990 - 22919 Glory
4 Star = 22920 - 25919 Glory
5 Star = 25920+ Glory

Tournament of Glory runs in Gauntlets. Each Gauntlet lasts 83 days and has a 24-hour Summary Period at the end. At the end of each Gauntlet, all Alliance members will be sent Division Rewards! The very first Gauntlet will begin 1/27 at 11AM ET


The Tournament of Glory ranking will show the Top 100 Alliances within your Division. You can see your rank, Alliance name, what Division you’re currently in, how many World Wars you’ve participated in while in this Division, and your Alliance’s current Glory. If your Alliance isn’t within the top 100, you’ll see in a window below the main leaderboard showing where they’re ranked. Tapping the ‘view rewards’ button on the bottom right will take you to the Division Rewards screen, but we’ll get to that momentarily.

Glory Decay
At the beginning of each Gauntlet Summary, all Alliances will be taken through a Glory Decay process. This removes win streaks gained in the previous Gauntlet Period and will also lower all Alliances’ Glory to the bottom of the current Division they’re in. There are also several automatic demotions that will take place on underperforming Alliances.

  1. If an Alliance waits more than 14 days before matching for a War, their Glory will be lowered to slightly above the floor of their current Division if above this amount. If an Alliance qualifying for this Demotion is in the Established Division, they are lowered to 1000 Glory and considered unranked. This can happen at any point during a Gauntlet’s active phase, but not during the summary phase.
  2. If an Alliance does not reach 1 Star above their initial placement over the course of an entire Gauntlet, they will be demoted to the next lowest Division at the end of the Gauntlet.
  3. If an Alliance does not participate in a single War during an entire Gauntlet, their Glory will be reset to 1000 at the end of the Gauntlet. They must win 1 World War to resume Tournament of Glory eligibility.

Alliance Leaders and co-leaders will receive a notification before the Alliance is demoted due to a lack of World War participation.


World War Win Streaks
We’re updating how World War Win Streaks awards glory. Win Streaks will earn Alliances double the normal Glory for each World War victory; however, now Win Streaks only affects Glory in a positive way! If your Alliance loses while on a Win Streak, you’ll lose the same amount of Glory as you normally do.

If an Alliance initiates a World War that would end during the beginning of the next Gauntlet, that World War will be scored without a Win Streak. The World War will be treated as the first of the next Gauntlet.

Division Rewards
At the end of a Gauntlet during the Summary phase, your Alliance will automatically receive their rewards through their inboxes. You can see what rewards your Alliance will receive by opening the Tournament of Glory Window and tapping the ‘view rewards’ button. (Note if you are ineligible for rewards due to Division Lockout, you will be unable to tap this button)

Division Lockout
Division lockout is a 7-day period where Players become “locked in” to their current Alliance. Players that leave and join a different Alliance during this period will be ineligible for Division rewards. You will see a notification before leaving your current Alliance warning you of the ‘Lockout Period.’


The Lockout does not block the player from earning Star Rewards.

Star Rewards
Each Star rank your Alliance rises into gives your entire Alliance a one-time reward! Just starting out in a Gauntlet and simply participating in one World War will reward you the first Star Reward!

Losing Glory doesn’t give a Star Reward, only ranking up will give you the reward.

What about my Alliance’s current Glory?
With the release of the Tournament of Glory System, we’ll squash current Glory Scores to align with the new system. (This squash will take place 1/22 10am ET)

Alliances will transition to the following Divisions with Update 12.14:

Current Glory RangeNew Division Rank
< 12000Established 1001 Glory
12001 - 16999Certified 1960 Glory
17000 - 19999Admirable 3360 Glory
20000 - 22999Renowned 5500 Glory
23000 - 33000+Honorable 8100 Glory

Creating a New Alliance
New Alliances will always start at 1000 Glory as ‘Unranked.’ You will need to participate in a World War and win to start climbing through Tournament of Glory.

Removing Old Leaderboards
Tournament of Glory replaces all Glory and Medal-based Leaderboards in DomiNations. The old Glory Leaderboard button will now be replaced with the Tournament of Glory Button. Medals and Leagues will still exist, as well as their respective Rewards, but the League button will now be at the Dock and in the Multiplayer Window, where you can view your current Medals and League.


Triumph Leaderboards will remain unchanged.

With Tournament of Glory, this is a clean slate in Competition amongst Alliances within DomiNations! The first Gauntlet will allow for Alliances to truly settle into the new system and acquire proper placement for the next Gauntlet. Good luck as you wage war to climb the Divisions and obtain valuable rewards!

With the release of Tournament of Glory, we’ll be taking a break from Seasons to give them a rework for a later release. The hope is that with Tournament of Glory, you go into the new competitive system with base stats. However, this doesn’t mean that Units won’t see adjustments outside of Seasons. We’ll still be able to tweak Troop, Building, and other stats during special events.

Councilor Collection Reward Adjustments
We’ll be making adjustments to the Councilor Collection Rewards. At the outset, we gave far more crowns in a quicker timespan than we had anticipated. This adjustment will remove Crown rewards for reaching Councilor Collection Milestones and instead offer SpeedUps and Premium Recruitments. We’re also reducing the Crown reward for collecting a Councilor for the first time.

For those who have already completed their Councilor Collection Milestones, you’ll be able to claim the new rewards all over again. We’ve also increased the amount of Milestone rewards available, which you can retroactively collect!


New Councilor - Leona Vicario (Revolutionary)
Leona Vicario was a fearless Mexican revolutionary and one of the most influential women in the country’s fight for independence from Spain. Born a rich heiress in 1789, she received an education rare for women of her time, studying literature, art, and law. Leona eventually became a journalist and wrote articles for newspapers in Mexico City such as El Ilustrador Americano. Yet when the independence movement erupted in 1810, Leona risked her resources and connections to secretly help finance and support the insurgency. She famously smuggled crucial military intel to them by sending secretly coded messages through her newspaper articles. Her home quickly became a hub for revolutionary activity and her sharp intellect and bravery made her a trusted ally to revolutionary leaders like José María Morelos.

Leona’s benefits in DomiNations will reduce the strength of invading Troops for both Multiplayer and World War battles! Leona Vicario will be first available in Recruitments starting 2/17!

Invading Fighter HP -7%Invading Fighter HP -9%Invading Fighter HP -12%Invading Fighter HP -16%Invading Fighter HP -20%
Invading Fighter DMG -4%Invading Fighter DMG -6%Invading Fighter DMG -9%Invading Fighter DMG -14%
Invading Bomber DMG -6%Invading Bomber DMG -9%Invading Bomber DMG -14%
Invading Heavy Tank HP -10%Invading Heavy Tank HP -16%
Invading Heavy Tank DMG -16%


New Councilor - Ada Lovelace (Scholar)
Ada Lovelace, often hailed as the world’s first computer programmer, was a visionary mathematician who laid the groundwork for the modern digital age long before the invention of the computer. In 1843, Ada translated an article on Babbage's Analytical Engine, but it was in her own extensive notes—three times longer than the original work—where she outlined algorithms that could be executed by the machine and became the first person to envision and write a program for a computing device. Ada Lovelace’s groundbreaking ideas were rediscovered a century later and are now recognized as fundamental to the development of computing. Ada’s ability to imagine the future of technology long before it was feasible has made her an enduring symbol of innovation, creativity, and the untapped potential of the human mind.

Ada Lovelace’s Primary Chamber benefits increase the amount of resources you’ll loot from Multiplayer Battles. Her War Chamber benefits increase the DMG of your Heavy Tanks and improve the stats of your Machine Gun Infantry. Ada Lovelace will be first available in Recruitments starting 3/17!

Oil from Oil Wells +5%Oil from Oil Wells +7%Oil from Oil Wells +9%Oil from Oil Wells +12%Oil from Oil Wells +15%
Library Tech Oil Cost -4%Library Tech Oil Cost -5%Library Tech Oil Cost -7%Library Tech Oil Cost -10%
Oil Looted +8%Oil Looted +10%Oil Looted +13%
All Resources Looted +7%All Resources Looted +10%
All Resources Looted +10%

Machine Gun Infantry DMG +7%Machine Gun Infantry DMG +9%Machine Gun Infantry DMG +12%Machine Gun Infantry DMG +16%Machine Gun Infantry DMG +20%
Machine Gun Infantry HP +9%Machine Gun Infantry HP +12%Machine Gun Infantry HP +16%Machine Gun Infantry HP +20%
Enemy Wall HP -6%Enemy Wall HP -10%Enemy Wall HP -16%
Heavy Tank DMG +8%Heavy Tank DMG +12%
Heavy Tank DMG +12%

Automation Age Upgrades - New Library Level

We’re adding another level to the Library, which of course brings another set of Books to research. The Books will feature improvements to Munitions, Assault Vehicles, and even reduce the costs of Building Upgrades.

Level 17
Upgrade Time 16d 12hCitizens Req’d
Through the Ages Bookcase

Economy Book: Compartmentalized Production
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Farms adjacent to Mills Produce +20% Faster12,500,000 Gold6d 6h2,500
Food Costs on all Building Upgrades -5%17,500,000 Gold12d 12h9,000
Gold Costs on all Building Upgrades -5%22,500,000 Food15d10,000
Oil Costs on all Buildings Upgrades -5%27,500,000 Gold20d11,000
Oil Wells adjacent to the Oil Refinery produce Oil +20% Faster3,000,000 Gold22d 12h12,000

Defensive Book: Fully Loaded Defense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Manufactory HP +15%175,000 Oil6d 6h2,500
Buildings with both Munition Slots Assigned have +8% HP225,000 Oil12d 12h9,000
Buildings with both Munition Slots Assigned have +10% DMG21,600 Oil15d10,000
Buildings with both Munition Slots Assigned have +8% HP28,800 Oil20d11,000
Buildings with both Munition Slots Assigned have +5% Attack Speed32,400 Oil22d 12h12,000

Offensive Book: Fully Loaded Offense
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
World War Victories grant 5 Platinum175,000 Oil6d 6h2,500
Troops with both Munition Slots Assigned have +8% HP225,000 Oil12d 12h9,000
Troops with both Munition Slots Assigned have +10% DMG21,600 Oil15d10,000
Troops with both Munition Slots Assigned have +8% HP28,800 Oil20d11,000
Troops with both Munition Slots Assigned have +5% Attack Speed32,400 Oil22d 12h12,000

Offensive Book: Assault Force Optimization
Chapter BonusUpgrade CostUpgrade TimeXP
Assault Vehicle HP +10%12,500,000 Gold6d 6h2,500
Assault Vehicle DMG +10%17,500,000 Gold12d 12h9,000
Assault Vehicle Movement Speed +15%22,500,000 Gold15d10,000
Assault Vehicle HP +10%27,500,000 Gold20d11,000
Assault Vehicle Attack Speed +10%30,000,000 Gold22d 12h12,000
Additional Fixes
  • Removing Global Messages from Reward Claims (Black Bar messages)
    • This is a first step toward implementing a ‘Claim All’ button for the various reward spaces within the game.
    • Other Global Messages will now be limited to 2 messages appearing at the same time from multiple rapid actions.
With the release of Tournament of Glory, we’ll be taking a break from Seasons to give them a rework for a later release. The hope is that with Tournament of Glory, you go into the new competitive system with base stats. However, this doesn’t mean that Units won’t see adjustments outside of Seasons. We’ll still be able to tweak Troop, Building, and other stats during special events.
@Harlems369th @TheWise, We are all very eager to get an official answer about the triumph.
What happened to him and how soon will he be back?
The Sky is falling omg 😱

If y’all listened when this was all started they said seasonal are just on hold. So chill the annoying seasonal will be back.

Also might want to consider this is their first tournament so this is the focus of staff. Let them get tournament under control and trust their greed will force them to reinstate the seasonal events.

Trust me I love busting on BHG but this was already covered
I do think you’re correct, triumph event will return. Question is, when? Next month? Next year? Will they have it back in time, before too many devoted players have moved on?
I don’t like seasonal they are annoying with nerfs and buffs. The rewards aren’t all that and winning in not really possible. Just look at some of the suspect scores.

When they do bring them back hope they fix them.

Now for those asking when that on BHG and I get it but really its not that big of deal lol if you can’t live without those few freebies difference between tournaments and seasonal you may want to rethink way your playing or break open that wallet lol
We all play for different reasons. Community and triumph were my two main things, atm half of it is missing. War is just another part of the game and, for me, not the end goal by any means. I want the competition of grinding back, plain and simple.
Not sure, at all, what’s up with the disrespect, but I do wish you would refrain from it.
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War matching is awesome. That was sarcasm. If everything is based on world wars wouldn’t be a good idea to get the matching part in order?
Please explain this:
In forum it says triumph leaderboard will remain unchanged. But then customer service says it’s squashed and replaced with the new Glory system.
It stinks, I want the triumph back, now.
Ah, weird wording here, sorry about the confusion. I've reached out to the CS team about it. But Triumph Leaderboard isn't gone. We did, however, pull it down to make room for the launch of Tournament of Glory.

Right now we plan to have the next Triumph Leaderboard later this month.
I can't see my personal medal leaderboard now, only my medals and league?

This is affecting war matches? Cos so far we've had 2 nasty mismatches we had no chance of winning.
Thanks for deleting my post. Good to know the Devs have a sense of humour.

ps: that was sarcasm. (wonder how long this one will stay up?)
The team confirms that there will be no restriction to matchmaking based on your Division rank. They hope and believe that matchmaking will improve with the regular Glory Decays. There are no plans to implement matchmaking with Division Rank as a parameter at this time.
After a few wars under our belt I have to say that matchmaking is not improving and I respectfully request that you implement Division rank as a parameter. Because we have heavy players we are matched with heavy teams in the uppermost division (many of whom pay to win, which we do not).

When this Division/Gauntlet thing was announced I had hopes that it would allow us to see ourselves ranked and compete with the teams that were around the same glory and thus the same level of play. However this IS NOT the case. Teams that are falling in rank from the upper division into ours are taking up the top of our leaderboard with their 5 stars. Meanwhile we are losing wars because we are matched with teams above them in the top division. To make matters worse, the lighter teams in our division who we could probably have a chance at winning are moving their way up in our division while we move down. At this rate we will continue to drop rank to lower and lower divisions. Can you see how unfair this situation is? Teams should play against teams within their division, at the same level of play for ranking to be legitimate.

We have been together as a team for nearly 10 years. We can’t ask our players to drop out of wars in order to “lighten the load”. We enjoy playing together, but it would be a whole lot more fun if your System didn’t penalize us for playing the game.
So a team falls to lower division, then the lower division they go to they are able to beat everyone. That is how a tournament works folks.
They lost and because they lost they got put down a division and y’all crying cause they stronger than your alliance. Well that is way it works and fair. I don’t see an issue with this at all.

Just like high school football a Division 1 school dropped down to division 2 they clean house in division 2 then jump back to division 1 .

Long Live The Exiles A Misfits Nightmare
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So a team falls to lower division, then the lower division they go to they are able to beat everyone. That is how a tournament works folks.
They lost and because they lost they got put down a division and y’all crying cause they stronger than your alliance. Well that is way it works and fair. I don’t see an issue with this at all.

Just like high school football a Division 1 school dropped down to division 2 they clean house in division 2 then jump back to division 1 .
You didn’t read what I wrote. All of our matches have been with teams in Honorable division (the top division) and we are at the bottom of Renowned division soon to be demoted to Admirable and according to the dev’s interpretation of “matchmaking” we will keep matching with Honorable level teams no matter what division we are in. I have no problem matching with people in my own division. With your example, If I’m in division 2 I should match with teams in Division 2 not Division 1. That’s exactly what I am asking for. Do you get it now?
After a few wars under our belt I have to say that matchmaking is not improving and I respectfully request that you implement Division rank as a parameter. Because we have heavy players we are matched with heavy teams in the uppermost division (many of whom pay to win, which we do not).

When this Division/Gauntlet thing was announced I had hopes that it would allow us to see ourselves ranked and compete with the teams that were around the same glory and thus the same level of play. However this IS NOT the case. Teams that are falling in rank from the upper division into ours are taking up the top of our leaderboard with their 5 stars. Meanwhile we are losing wars because we are matched with teams above them in the top division. To make matters worse, the lighter teams in our division who we could probably have a chance at winning are moving their way up in our division while we move down. At this rate we will continue to drop rank to lower and lower divisions. Can you see how unfair this situation is? Teams should play against teams within their division, at the same level of play for ranking to be legitimate.

We have been together as a team for nearly 10 years. We can’t ask our players to drop out of wars in order to “lighten the load”. We enjoy playing together, but it would be a whole lot more fun if your System didn’t penalize us for playing the game.
You didn’t read what I wrote. All of our matches have been with teams in Honorable division (the top division) and we are at the bottom of Renowned division soon to be demoted to Admirable and according to the dev’s interpretation of “matchmaking” we will keep matching with Honorable level teams no matter what division we are in. I have no problem matching with people in my own division. With your example, If I’m in division 2 I should match with teams in Division 2 not Division 1. That’s exactly what I am asking for. Do you get it now?
Actuality I did read what ya wrote. You said team come down a division and have 5 stars. Which they should have cause they just dropped down
Your also upset that you deem match making unfair and matching with division higher than urs. Well to me this also fair cause if you win you get huge points what’s the problem?

Folks truth is if your alliance wasn’t good before tournament and you haven’t changed things then your alliance won’t do well in the tournament. Is it a perfect match making system no but best your going get this time around. If BHG is smart they will make note and try to improve it some. But to me match with a group a division high give great chance for mega points I would be happy to have.

Long live The Exiles A Misfits Nightmare
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TOG isn't meant for ranking; it's more like an event where you can claim prizes at higher divisions, though the rewards aren't particularly valuable. If they hold another season after this one ends, all glory will be reset again.

Now we lost the real ranking on domistats.com, sad.
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TOG isn't meant for ranking;
Then why keep score? And have glory? And have different divisions? Harlem even quoted in his first post "entirely new competitive ranking experience"

Why bother playing - just to get crappy rewards? Tournaments like this are just for those few individuals (most of you know who they are) to say "Look at me, I'm ranked #1"
For me the most interesting part of dominations is WW. If a team wants to climb the ranks, then that team will need:
- to have a war plan
- divide between strikers/defenders
- invest countless hours and resources in shared bonuses (perks, council)
- individually complete all library and university research
- select the proper munitions
- select the proper councilors
- build a dedicated museum
and all the above is just to get started. I am leaving out of the list so many other prerequisites.

Defenders need to really invest in their base design and their different artifact sets and what base to use with what armor and weapon set.
And strikers... well, lets just say that getting 5 stars against defenders is like esports. Strikers need to practice their reflexes, their decision making on the spot, their patience, constantly adapt their combo (tactics, TTs, # of units) and of course follow their battle plan as best as they can.

And I wrote all this to justify WHY some people see the leaderboard as a competitive thing. After all this effort, we do not play the game just to see our team lose every time and be fine with it. We want to win and we dedicate ourselves to it. If we try our best and still lose then so be it. That's ok. But being at the top, for us, is an indication that our effort paid off.
For me the most interesting part of dominations is WW. If a team wants to climb the ranks, then that team will need:
- to have a war plan
- divide between strikers/defenders
- invest countless hours and resources in shared bonuses (perks, council)
- individually complete all library and university research
- select the proper munitions
- select the proper councilors
- build a dedicated museum
and all the above is just to get started. I am leaving out of the list so many other prerequisites.

Defenders need to really invest in their base design and their different artifact sets and what base to use with what armor and weapon set.
And strikers... well, lets just say that getting 5 stars against defenders is like esports. Strikers need to practice their reflexes, their decision making on the spot, their patience, constantly adapt their combo (tactics, TTs, # of units) and of course follow their battle plan as best as they can.

And I wrote all this to justify WHY some people see the leaderboard as a competitive thing. After all this effort, we do not play the game just to see our team lose every time and be fine with it. We want to win and we dedicate ourselves to it. If we try our best and still lose then so be it. That's ok. But being at the top, for us, is an indication that our effort paid off.
Very well said my friend.

Long Live The Exiles A Misfits Nightmare
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For me the most interesting part of dominations is WW. If a team wants to climb the ranks, then that team will need:
- to have a war plan
- divide between strikers/defenders
- invest countless hours and resources in shared bonuses (perks, council)
- individually complete all library and university research
- select the proper munitions
- select the proper councilors
- build a dedicated museum
and all the above is just to get started. I am leaving out of the list so many other prerequisites.

Defenders need to really invest in their base design and their different artifact sets and what base to use with what armor and weapon set.
And strikers... well, lets just say that getting 5 stars against defenders is like esports. Strikers need to practice their reflexes, their decision making on the spot, their patience, constantly adapt their combo (tactics, TTs, # of units) and of course follow their battle plan as best as they can.

And I wrote all this to justify WHY some people see the leaderboard as a competitive thing. After all this effort, we do not play the game just to see our team lose every time and be fine with it. We want to win and we dedicate ourselves to it. If we try our best and still lose then so be it. That's ok. But being at the top, for us, is an indication that our effort paid off.
You're talking about reflexes in a 100% pay to win mobile game that hardly qualifies as a PVP game 😂🤣🤡😂🤣🤡 bhg loves lonely cash whales that pay to feel like "striking" takes skill 😂🤣🤡
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You're talking about reflexes in a 100% pay to win mobile game that hardly qualifies as a PVP game 😂🤣🤡😂🤣🤡 bhg loves lonely cash whales that pay to feel like "striking" takes skill 😂🤣🤡

I dont know if you are a striker or a defender, but as someone that is both, I most certainly need fast reflexes when a protected horde of defenders is coming at me with zhukov leading it! If it was THAT easy then I guess everyone would just deploy troops and get 5 stars.