Details on contributions to parliament


Newbie in DomiNations
Apr 26, 2021
Hello. I wish this message could be taken and discussed by the game developers. Parliament has added a new dynamic within the alliances, but it lacks more details as to the players who contribute. The daily ranking with 10 players is very uninformative, in no way helps the leaders of the alliance and creates internal conflicts. They are usually players from more advanced eras who appear for having the most evolved Parliament building and with library research assisting. This issue is on the agenda and I would like to reinforce the need for more details here. A system that values ​​the number of clicks and not points with a history. This history can be perpetual or restarted every 15 days according to the season, but it includes all players in the alliance that contributed. In my understanding, it would be a fairer measurement and would facilitate the observation of leaders to manage their own alliance. Thank you and I hope you can discuss this topic.