• Update 12.10 Delay
    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the previously mentioned update has been delayed. We will update our socials and here on the forum as soon as that rollout begins.

Defense is now useless. The AR fix broke the game.


Approved user
Apr 14, 2016
ok so i found out that the new AR doesnt increase the attack speed, it effects the delay between shots. with AR lvl4, units arent firing 30% faster, the time between firing is cut down to 30%.

so instead of doing 260% dps like the info screen suggests, it really does 667%.

lol i have 3800 medals and i get matched with Empire1 towns because too many towns above that level have been peace-treatied. i hadnt seen an Empire1 since that event where fighters had double hp and dmg.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I still maintain the AR isn't the issue, it's the fact that people can spam any 1 tactic, like 7 sabs or protects or decoys and now AR. That's not strategy, that's not balance.
If Nexon limited tactic types to a max of 2 (or even 3) it wouldn't be as OP.


Approved user
Dec 26, 2017
Tactics should not be limited. One reason is that tactics can be trained in proportion to their probable need over several battles, and there is only one tactic training queue. You may not typically use more than one of a particular tactic in a single battle, but it may be the tactic that you commonly use one of, so to plan ahead you train several of them at once. I usually carry a mix, but have multiple Betrayal because I am more likely to use it once. In other more special cases I might fill the queue with nothing but one tactic such as First Aid. Limiting their number in the queue would exhaust the supply faster and force longer wait between battles.


Approved user
Mar 22, 2017
BHG_Muet as a top 2 alliance intoo can say the changes 2 days ago have BROKEN the game.

level 310 bases, with max 3 defensive coalitions, with full strongholds of pay to win cards can now be taken down by most players withnabove aveage skill in 2 min 30.

this is NEW as of 24-48 hrs ago... and a terrible change.

Perfect scores in all wars will sky rocket, TIME wars will be back.

Wars SHOULD be won on stars. Max CWA OR SA defense bases should be extremely hard to kill in top 20 alliances. Right now... this 48hrs it’s become a joke.

if you want screenshots of max bases being taken down in new record times let me know.

formthe first time in a year we just had a 150-150 Star result with a top 20 war. This is a BAD BAD DAY


Approved user
Apr 5, 2016
Joe you obviously do not understand or appreciate the effect of this latest cock up. As no base can now hold off an attack there is no point upgrading defence, and therefore no point spending any money in the game.
So whenever your 'current perception' starts to reflect reality please delete the AR tactic until you have beta tested it with some members of the playing community first


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
T31 just had war with Disorder99. We were a big underdog as expected but the final score was 150/150. And that’s without our full lineup. The Assault Rally caused both teams to 5 star big bases in just over a minute. In other words, the game is now broken and not challenging as it should be.

BHG-Muet, I think you’re missing the point since your post says you will not fix this until the next update. This needs to be fixed immediately like now! This has caused the game to be greatly unbalanced and worse then it was before you started rebalancing many months ago. Have you actually played the game in the past 24 hours?

We need a fix NOW!
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Top alliances complaining about the little guy being able to beat them, how delicious. :D
And how infantile.
Now the truth is out, this has nothing to do with an OP troop, this is about top alliances not used to being on the receiving end.
OP troops aside, are you guys that insecure that you can't stand a little competition?
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Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
“Temp text about cloaking” - that’s all that can be said about quality control)


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Leave AR as it is, and rollout the defense-oriented phases of the rebalance that were never rolled out.


Approved user
Mar 24, 2018
We're mostly looking to reallocate the tactic's power away from defence. You can expect AR to transition more into a strategic rally that benefits offensive power.

So if I understand this correctly (which is a struggle), this suggests you will be removing (or significantly reducing) the Protect element (defence) of this tactic whilst keeping the speed and damage aspect of it (offence). If so, I agree this is the best way to modify it. Troops will still be lethal but also vulnerable to damage. It would also create a point of difference between Assault Rally and Protect.

Something does need to be done about it. Whilst it's the same for everyone and it's nice to be able to boast about taking out bases 50+ levels above again; having an army of Zooks clearing bases under constant influence of AR is strategically boring and makes a mockery of the rebalance work. Wars are far more fun when determined by stars, not time.


Approved user
Feb 20, 2017
if only they banned cheats and fixed bugs as quickly as they delete forum posts


Approved user
May 2, 2015
I believe scaling down the damage reduction of the tactic to its half for all levels would be a solid step in the right direction.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Point taken but l carry no more than max 2 anyway so, speaking from personal experience, as do you, its very manageable. Even with tactics cooking people can carry on with multipe battles, you just need to search for bases that will likely need no tactics or suit the tactics you have. Its about strategy after all, isn't it?
Besides, most of the comments were 'war' based and my comment was based on that. MP might be different but even a limit of 3 is very manageable.
I don't share the opinions of the complainers but l also don't see why one tactic can be so powerful as to change the game entirely that people spam it. First it was protect and sab, then it was decoy, now its AR. I agree that one tactic shouldn't negate people's hard work and effort but l dont agree that it's the tactic's fault.
There is no strategy in spamming something to make the battle a walkthrough. The tactics should be a onetime use for a momentary advantage, hence a limit.
Make people think and strategize when and where to use them. Nerfing them won't do that or stop people spamming them.
Limiting will stop people taking the easy way out and make them think.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
​​imo, the OP tactic is not the problem, spamming is the problem. First it was sabs, then protect, then decoys and now the AR. A tactic should be powerful but it should be a momentary advantage. That's the point of a tactic. Having 7 at your disposal is what makes it OP. lmo, limiting makes people think and strategize.
At least do this for wars. The crux of all the complaints seem to be about wars and people walking through strong bases easily. It isn't right that a single tactic can negate a person's hard work (or money) in building up their base but l don't blame the tactic. People should think about when and where to use tactics instead of taking the lazy option.
At least do this for wars since the bases are a known component. In mp each 'next' base is an unknown so l can understand people might not like the idea of limiting. But even so, limiting to max 3 of a type isn't a game killer and will encourage people to think.
When tactics were 2 spaces (which we all hated) people had to think about their choices. That was a 'limit' of sorts yet no-one died. 7 tactics is better but l only carry a max of 2 per type anyway and can attest that its very manageable. It makes me strategize instead of being lazy.
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear other thoughts on addressing the issue of easy wins without limiting or without the usual nerf.

ps: dont reply with ''we need stronger defenses'' 😁


Approved user
May 21, 2017
Did you even read the post above, or just tossing your trolling garbage on any topic without understanding. The post was from a member of the underdog alliance stating they had no chance but reached 150 stars because of the OP AR tactic.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Did you even read the posts above the post above?
My response wasn't directed toward underdog alliances, if you took the time to understand my comments.
Close your mouth and open your mind and eyes.

ps: do you have any constructive commentary to add, or just complaints about my opinions?
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Approved user
May 21, 2017
I did read the post above.....you may want to read it again.
The reference was a top 20 match up going to time, where it should be going to stars. Nothing to do with being beaten by a little guy.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Read between the lines. Things like globals taking out maxed CW, lvl 310 bases taken down by above average players, etc.
Put your prejudices on hold and understand what's being said.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2018
I think your time is over Sir, rebalance... now AR were some guy with 35 bazookas destrois a base using 7 AR, you a fail Sir, you sending the game to the grave, people is leaving again because you not aware of what you doing. It´s a shame that I invested time, money, and patiente for 4 years and things always go wrong. It´s bad game management, poor costumer support, cheaters en masse, gargatuan shipments, macro polo (named to crown greed) unfriendly game management and support, gangster managed chests were high expectations are put on 1% items... and so on, so Sir again, make a favour to comunity and quit your job, you ruin some games before and you doing the same to dominations... Please move solong you still have a say in the video game or mobie game industry, please let someone that understands something from managing a game take your place, I beg you for that.