nah honestly decoys don't deserve to be 2 space tactic
it's usage is not as easy as u think if ur facing a well planned base, not as easy as sabotage which is a fire and forget tactic for the following reasons
1- it's easily taken down by anti tank guns specially if they r placed next to mortars (the usual target players are going to use decoy against)
2- it triggers defenders which if excessive will cause defender overwhelming on ur troops
3- it triggers Tc defenders and generals
4- it's not effective if ur troops become in closer range to defensive buildings
5- it's not effective at all against sniper towers
for these reasons, making it a 2 space tactic will render it obsolete, it's a hazardous tacitc which requires careful use and a fair trade for who want to protect his army from mortars to face difficulties of triggering many defenders around