• Update 12.10 Delay
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Combat Rebalance Stage Two Patch Notes


Approved user
Oct 1, 2015
And all they needed to do to avoid 5* being easy? Make all wars 0TT. Look at the history of community wars that are 0TT - the scores are never even close to perfect when there are big bases on both sides. What an easy change to make compared to this nonsense, but since it would touch their revenue stream we are doing this instead.

I actually like the troop tactics as it adds some variety to your attack combos, if you take EAs out of the picture it would definitely make 4TT wars more difficult to 5 stars bases


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
This will create a new born called "no one is playing"


Approved user
Oct 15, 2017
Oh don't feed us that line Tin, just replace all your comments with "we want all your money"


Approved user
Sep 24, 2018
Oh yea gameplay will be different. Every army composition was just weakened and the damage boost to commandos and attack helicopters was still not enough to make a difference.

Results of "Rebalance" Phase 2
defensive buildings 2.5x hp
demolition 2.5x dmg,
fighters 2x dmg,
bombers 2.5x dmg,
transport paratroopers 2.5x dmg,
commando 2.5x damage multiplier,
attack helicopter 1.4x damage multiplier
ground troops 1.3x health boost and no damage increase,
heavy tanks 1.5x dmg
..... Looks like defenses win again. Net result: MultiPlayer game now even harder, still no time training reduction for airstrip or tactics, still no war improvements, commandos are still useless when they hit a land mine, AND Decoys are now USELESS. Cheaters will continue to 5* Max'd CWA bases in 30sec.


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. One thing people haven't really mentioned, is that without a reasonably strong decoy, strongholds filled with EA are nearly impossible to take out. This will make EA filled strongholds a lot harder (other troops at least have a counter still, EA are just horrible for the game in every way). It makes the game even more PTW than it already is.

I do also think this makes sandbagging the only viable remaining strategy for gaining glory. Certainly, whichever team has the most AA/CWA defense will win almost every time. You can no longer have successful mixed teams above an IA/GA average, it will have to be min/max all the way. Although the increases for defense buildings were equally applied to all ages....the fact that they didnt change the comparatively giant increases in base/starting health for AA/CWA defense structures has amplified the really big difference in those defenses. Global and below are still relatively weak. It would have been nicer if they made it a more consistent jump through ages.


Approved user
Feb 2, 2016
True, but in WW maybe with Mongol coalition vs Missile Silo it will give you more space for other Tactics, That is if Decoy and 4 corner attack won't be so great anymore.


Approved user
Mar 21, 2018
You have officially killed the game. You wanted to reduce 5 star victories, but in actuality you have made it difficult to achieve a 1 star victory in the high medal ranges. Funny how you pretend to care about player feedback. If you actually did, you would scrap the stage 2 rebalance changes and instead implement changes that the community who love the game have been asking for here on the forums for the past three or so years.

RIP DomiNations (April 1st, 2015 - October 4th, 2018)


Approved user
Oct 3, 2018
Do you really take into account the opinions of the players?
Well listen, after almost 3 years playing dominations, today I leave the game.
I do not like those readjustments and lose more of my time, there will be no games to play.

goodbye dominations RIP


Approved user
Feb 26, 2017
I couldn't agree more. This game is about attacking and they just going to make attacking almost impossible. So I see no reason this game to exist any more. Anyone wise enough can see this is just preparation to shut-down and earning as much money as they can in the process.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Just boost EVERYTHING IN THE GAME, don't make it patch by patch! So it's going back to normal 😑
That way you guys game developers won't get these complaints, and you will still earn your purple stars for update efforts!


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
Tin Soldier. You can say that, but very very few attackers have 'kept pace' with the defensive buildings. You made it harder to 5* simply because there are so many hit points that need to be beaten down. 36k for a silo and only 1.1k for a Heavy Artillery. The attacker strength went up by 1.3x, the HP went up by 2.5. So now it will take 2 times as long to destroy.

If it were a single structure that would be one thing, but it is almost every defensive building in the game getting that same huge bonus. So in aggregate killing a base is going to take almost 2x as long, and that is without accounting for ANY extra damage done by those defensive buildings during the lengthened period of their existence, much less considering their damage boost. Take the tower.

It has had a damage boost of 1.18, and a hp boost of 2.5. Given that some units have had a damage boost we can reduce that hp boost to 2.
So that means it will be doing 1.18x more damage, for 2x as long, for an effective damage boost of 2.36. That same kind of math works across all defenses. They are all basically going to be doing at least 2x more damage to an attacking army.

Maybe that is good for world wars, maybe...

But for raiding? This is going to be murderous.

The only time people will bother doing a 'full attack' is before bed or before work when they know they will have 2+ hours away from the game before they get back.

You should look to see what the average medal count for your players is and how it changes with this 'fix'.


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
Because the problem is 5* victories in World Wars, just boost hp of every structure by a % based on the enemy teams glory. If you have high fame, then your opponent will have more hitpoints on their buildings, and your war will be harder and you will get fewer 5* victory's.

Want to remove sandbags as an issue? Only use the top 50% of bases for calculating war weight. That encourages people to have better bases and will push CWA to fight CWA and so on because if you have more than 50% bags then 'gasp' your bags would have to start winning battles!

TinSoldier Look at these two suggestions. They are from a player. They help solve the WW balance issue, and the WW 5* victories issue. As an added bonus, they let players continue to win in MP mode so that they are enjoying the game and spending money, not getting discouraged and quitting. I would like a well thought out response to my suggestions and why they either will or will not be implemented.

You say that you listen. Now tell us what you think.


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Didnt like the brain washing comment then did you... lol

Never played Candy Crush, never will...

What I want is a game like this used to be with a few more bells and whistles, without bugs, without cheaters and a reasonable war matching matrix...

You may think these changes are interesting and fun to adapt to, but the numbers say it all... Daily raiding will be less productive and wars will require more event armies (of which the most benefit comes from paid ones)

Been reflecting for a year and half, watching things go downhill so thats quite a while, its the tip of the iceberg taking away things we have worked very hard for.

Roll over if you will, they will still trample you too if it gets them what they want.



Approved user
May 2, 2015
I have checked a few values based on your list provided and found many discrepancies to the stats I have...

Just an example with the highest off:

Heavy tank base damage:
My current HT MK7 has 3317 dps (Blitzkrieg 22% and Leonardo's 30% inside, and additionally 15% faster speed from Library - Warfare Ch.3 ) so old base value for damage is 3317/(1+.22+.30)= 2182 and then applying the Library research 2182/1,15=1898 dps.
So the old base dps for ht mk7 is/was 1898 while your team says it was 2783. From 1898->4175 in base damage its a substantial increase. I hope its true :)
This information (ht mk7 base dps value) is also provided at this wikia page: http://dominations.wikia.com/wiki/Heavy_Tank, just for quick confirmation of my value.

Similarly the old values for most of the troops are simply wrong, I did screenshots of all my troops and will be back after the release of this patch with full comparison of the CWA troops and planes.


Approved user
Sep 16, 2018
This reminds me, when will we see that long promised 'all the modifiers of your kingdoms attack and defense bonuses?' We can see what the museum gives but that's it. What about the rest?


Approved user
Jan 25, 2017
base value is damage per hit. Base cooldown of HT is 1.5s
so old base value is 3317 /(1 + 0.22 + 0.3) * (1-0.15) * 1.5 = 2783


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
Where do you crap free decent stronghold troops from ecactly...

They should not be a feature and requirement to play the game in a reasonably competitive manner!


Approved user
Sep 14, 2015
We have just started our Wednesday War, I must say we and our opponent are all looking forward to getting 3 Stars instead of 4 and 4 Stars instead of 5 for someone to save the day by buying some 3x Elephant Archer packages.... haha like chuff! We'd rather lose than conform to the evil plans of Nexon BHG..

Only problem is, without the united war effort, why would we wamt to play the game? I for one, only play as it is because of my friends and comrades in the alliance.... not for Nexon or enjoyment!