• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Coalitions Improvements Design Spotlight


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
SO, the pressure to upgrade coalitions is now greater, yet they cost the same (14 NTGs for a level 5), the chance of getting them in multiplayer is the same, the storage space for them is still limited, AND the cost to buy them with crowns is still high?

As a leader, I will have trouble with this. Am I supposed to ask players to ignore their families and jobs so they they can collect NTGs all day?

Or, am I supposed to ask them to shell out money for them?

Keeping the balance between time and money spent is important, so that it is actually feasible for players who put in time to compete with players who pay.

BTW, in a month, I (and others) already know what the complaints will be.

If you are a leader or player who actually PLAYS the game and have the same continued frustration with new "improvements" not being thought though,
if you want to be part of the solution, and if you are looking for actual change, join us at the round table:
Leaders for Change - Announce your Alliance and that you would like to join the discussion
Please come here https://discord.gg/csnmzkP
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Tenacious D

Approved user
Jan 2, 2016
Why over-complicate this? If you have sufficient NTGs for coalitions, then you may participate in the war. If you don't, then you sit this war out and join in the next. Leadership is a forgotten skill.


Approved user
Feb 15, 2016
I actually like this new aspect, and am very excited to see these better coalitions in action! Yes, NTGs are hard to get, they should be. The bonuses coalitions give you in war are becoming better and better and the cost of level 6 coalitions (16 NTGs) _should_ be high. It means players will have to be smarter about how they use their goods; maybe three near max coalitions for every war isn't possible for everyone so new strategies have to be developed depending on the opponent. Maybe keeping some coalitions low on purpose for easier wars would save goods, maybe players have to attack lower level bases in multiplayer with less loot to get the goods they need (and bring an army home to fight the next guy) instead of attacking one juicy target that you might not be able to five star/will lose your whole army fighting. Maybe players can just put on one coalition per war. This also means opponents in war will face the same struggle, they will also have to choose wisely who puts on which coalitions too. There are a lot of options here, frankly I'm happy about it because right now I spend 16 goods a war on just one coalition and the benefits are meager compared to what's coming.
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British Coffee

Approved user
Nov 8, 2016
Also, make NTG tradable in... Where should I put it... Oh yeah trading posts. So you can get them no matter what medal count you are in. It also helps more even distribution of goods since you will be using same coalition most of the time so you will have pile of NTG not being used while lacking in some that you use all the time.


Approved user
Jun 16, 2015
Between this and the pay to win building will there be any room left for people going to war with "normal" armies and bases? Or will your war performance be 99% how much you were willing to pay for the privilege of winning...


Approved user
May 19, 2016
Great news. The only problem I see is how to get enough silk once u hit global or AA. As the Japanese nations are hard to find at these levels.
That's another reason why we need to trade.

They could implement trading system from HayDay with newspaper and offers from all players - it's the biggest attraction in HayDay ;)
Or just normal trade market when we could buy/sell things we need. We could even use crowns for it but only if we could spend them or earn them as well.


Approved user
May 2, 2015
I wonder whether Nexon has calibrated properly the Indian coallition:
Even now an Indian coallition at level 6 gives immense increase to TC and by following the described changes it might reach TC hitpoints increased to 60%-70% - given this fact destroying a TC of an opponent with Indian coallition lvl 6 might grant destruction level of the base to even 35% by my calc.

My other question is where will the coalition forces spawn? is there any info on that? Will they spawn at the same random spot as the forest defenders?
The Russian coallition will be too much OP on defense by this setting, imho. All French bases with Russian coallitions will spawn too much deadly tanks.
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Approved user
Aug 29, 2015
forest tanks are easily destroyed by a single plane unless they spawn on the other side of the map and you miss them. Russian tanks will likely just line up with the same cluster.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2016
Or you switch to a less demanding Alliance, that doesn't require fully loaded top level coalitions for every war participant. I'm sure at least a few of these Alliances exist.


Approved user
Apr 7, 2016
Bowmore, you missed my point. I don't want or aim to be overly demanding. I want to avoid that.

I am talking about the balance of the game.

We all play in different ways. But, one thing to avoid is when normal regular players have no chance to fairly compete.

Making a bigger divide between more casual and more serious players will be problematic.


Approved user
Feb 5, 2016
Once in five even when we do five stars we do not get the NGC

I advised the technical service, which does not take our requests seriously


Approved user
Jan 19, 2017
I think if you get 5 stars you should always get at least 2 of the opponents nation specific NTGs and they should also be like the basic trade goods in the sense that if I attack a base fully loaded with NTGs I have a chance to steal a few that aren't that nations specific good. I also like the idea of being able to choose what level coalition you use as dropping 42 NTGs on one war is an awful lot. I do like the choice to activate offensive coalitions on war day as the 5.3 update will allow. There are many wars that should be easy wins and I only need to bring an offensive coalition if I see their top few are doubled up with defensive coalitions.


Approved user
May 14, 2015
When? Please when? And please enough with soon, crazy soon and any other soon-like time horizon.
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Joe Shamback

Approved user
Oct 16, 2015
Looks good but I hate the fact you did not adjust the cost of the NTG considering how hard it is to get certain ones. It is stupid to add more to them when their is not a decent way to acquire them without spending money.

Why do you think theyre doing this? To be nice? Its always about finding ways to make people spend more money. This stinks. Level 4 & 5 coalitions will be prohibitive for most players so im guessing their use will go down even more, but hey, spenders dont care the cost so theyll pay up. Kudos Nexon for always changing things to get the big money guys to further themselves from the "competition" even more


Approved user
Oct 22, 2015
1000 crowns according to the patch notes. I felt it was pretty reasonable to be fair.


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
I'm siding with poop_ on this. If people are participating in wars every 2nd day (as an example) and if getting the required NTGs for a particular coalition takes , in some cases a week or more, then this is a serious hindrance to anyone warring regularly.
Sure, you could choose a different coalition if you have the NTGs but why should you have to ''settle'' for a 2nd or 3rd choice?