My city has auto re-arranged itself, I have two town centers, and all of my troops have been replaced by troops that I didn't train. Also, I never had Stonehenge and I had started work on my second building, which has disappeared.
did your city center revert to before the Iron Age? mine did, now i can't upgrade anything. I'm stuck until the Devs wake up and answer all my in game reports i've sent.
Lucky you ... I'm in Medeval stage but mine reverted to being upgraded to iron age ... well the game is recognizing that i'm suppose to be in Medieval so it won't let me do the iron age upgrade because i'm not a high enough level ... yet the city is recognizing the city center and won't let me upgrade any buildings because the city center is too low.
You expect people to play a game, when you can't even reply to their issues? Horrible service, will I be assisted with the issues I'm having or should I take my money and in-app purchases elsewhere?