

New member
Jun 27, 2019

Simple concept right? Not so fast...

I’m trying to figure out what the game considers to be Buildings. It’s important because Building Speed Ups do not work on everything you BUILD. Customer support was useless answering this question, so I figured I would ask this community. Is there a list somewhere? I don’t mean to knock support, but they never answered my question and kept asking if I still had questions 4 times. At some point it becomes ridiculous.

Traps, SAMs, and Decoys are not Buildings.

Towers are.

How are things like Roads, Farms or Caravans classified? Where is this indicated?

If I’m missing some grand indicator, please enlighten me. I seriously want to know.

Building Speed Ups can clear a forest, but not complete a SAM. This is odd, because you are actually building a weapon and a forest is simply wood.
Is wood different than a field? How do we know? Is everyone simply using trial and error?

It seems arbitrary to me. I don’t care how they made the decisions, but would be interested on where they landed with this. It impacts which speed ups you would ever buy.

For the record, there are 3 types of Speed Ups. If you don’t know how they work, it’s best to save your money.

Maybe this game is becoming like the last Star Wars movie and I’m just too old for this, SHIFTing through all this nonsense.

Please help.



Approved user
Aug 28, 2015
You would think that anything you can buy in the Store would use a "build" speed up.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Just like the museum requiring supplies, benefactors, and researchers it seems the designer is a slave to needless complexity.

Or more accurately, they probably have a mandate to water down the dock/chest/ad rewards with multiple variations of the same thing. More stuff they can hopefully make people buy when they don't get what they need. I'm surprised there aren't Gate Manuals now that I think of it.


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Speed Ups won't work on Caltrops, Decoy Traps, Claymores, Spike Traps, or Ambush Traps since they don't take any time at all to complete. It's my understanding that Speed Ups would work on the S.A.M. Battery - since as Freightshaker correctly points out it's something you build from the Store. I'll check with the team to make sure this is on their radar.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Why shouldn't a speed up work on anything that has an upgrade time? By definition we want to 'speed up' the remaining time so it shouldn't matter what the item is whether a trap or a S.A.M or a building.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
Speed Ups won't work on Caltrops, Decoy Traps, Claymores, Spike Traps, or Ambush Traps since they don't take any time at all to complete. It's my understanding that Speed Ups would work on the S.A.M. Battery - since as Freightshaker correctly points out it's something you build from the Store. I'll check with the team to make sure this is on their radar.

You got this all wrong. You're talking about traps being initially placed down, that does not take time, but upgrading them does... sigh...

And he's not talking about speed ups in general but this relatively newly implemented distinctive and arbitrary 'building' and 'research' speed ups, which are in other words just a further limitation of what you can use them on. And according to OP, you can't use the 'building' ones on trap upgrades, which is pretty lame and intransparent.


Approved user
May 17, 2018
they do work on decoy traps. I did it yesterday. The general speedup, not building speedup though


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification. I think we can add a list of what Speed Ups work where as part of the FAQs.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
TinSoldier said:
Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification. I think we can add a list of what Speed Ups work where as part of the FAQs..
Or even better, remove the distinctions and make them all 'Speed Ups'. Let us decide what to use them on.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
That is how it was originally, and then they added the distinction (translate: limitations) of building and research speed ups - they never roll anything back. Especially when it is something that is related to milking money.

The particular problem in this case seems to be that neither of them would work on traps according to the first post. Only the 'normal' speed ups...