• Upcoming Hotfixes
    Two fixes are going out soon. One addressing the loss of Crowns and the 2nd Drone Command slot, the other addressing players in Asian territories unable to log into the game. Players will receive compensation for each issue that affected them, and crowns lost will be restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

any idea when defense committee will be fixed going on a week now people spent money for this and no updates?


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
lie the headline @Harlems369th when is the defense committee good to be fixed so the things work
sniper towers still don't explode defense attack speed didn't improve balisa and silo speed no improvement spawn time near wonders not working can this be fixed or updated for a time frame


Active member
Aug 23, 2022
They don’t care it’s defense.
Which make no sense. BHG sold a product they can’t make work correctly. My eyes is either fix it immediately or refund every crown or money spent on cards for council. Selling products that does not work and does not come close doing what is published is not right and will lead to very upset customers.


BHG Community Manager
Staff member
May 6, 2022
They don’t care it’s defense.
Which make no sense. BHG sold a product they can’t make work correctly. My eyes is either fix it immediately or refund every crown or money spent on cards for council. Selling products that does not work and does not come close doing what is published is not right and will lead to very upset customers.
This issue is from last year, and has been fixed for quite some time.