I haven’t been here on the forum for a while. Have no access to a new ipad anymore, and Domi crashes too often on my mini iPad to make it worthwhile. So I parked my base for the time being.
But I have been thinking a lot about this rushing to EA vs maxing base, which has become the main topic in the thread. As I wrote in the OP, this is also much discussed on the COC forum, and the arguments are similar (although training blessing is available at all levels in COC, at the cost of crowns/gems). The clashers that advocate rushing your townhall are usually very active AND skilled players, who can play efficiently and for long stretches, and use much of the gathered loot for an upgrade before logging off. Those are the folk who think in gold per hour – rightfully so!
Of course the majority of the player base are not like that. The majority are kids with a short attention span, or casual players, or people who also play a few other games, or people with only little spare time on their hands etc.
Then again, those players would probably not come to this forum for advice, and read a starter’s guide…
OK.. rush your base to EA if you know you are skilled at these type of games, and you intend to play Domi rather intensely.
If you want to pick up your tablet every now and then for a few raids, or if you are struggling for loot already in Classical: max your base (except walls) before proceeding to the next Age
I have modified the OP to reflect the thoughts in this thread. Thanks all.