• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

Who else wants to unblind the Casino (sorry, Museum)?


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
Hey guys, Lots been written about the positive, and uhm not so positive, impact of Dom's Casino (aka Museum) since they introduced it this summer.

Nexon's taken (some of) our cash to improve our Museums, or our Archives, to buy Speed Ups or Wall books, whatever they are, plus a regular dollar stores worth of Marco sales and Crown ships... the 'opportunity' to spend money is bigger than Christmas...

But that's meant that some of Dom's uber-payers (oops, sorry guys, I meant players, ok, players) have 'worked up' Museum benefits to like +50% or more... so they walk all over us in attack... or send our strongest attack troops fleeing in shame in defense... and we have no idea why this is happenin... So Nexon's solution over the fall has been to neuter all of our troops, yours and theirs, to level the playing field if you like, back to where it was before the Museum got introduced...

The problem is that we're still playin' blind. Nobody has any idea what they're attacking or defending against. The Museum remains a (massive) hidden factor. In MP and in War.

I understand why some (credit card) players might wanna hide their extremely large hands (sorry guys, benefits, I mean Casino/Museum benefits). And I can see why Nexon might wanna keep em happy by letting them hide their precise benefits... Heck, who wants to see oppo stats like heavy tanks +86%, fighters +71%, all towers +99%...

So, here's an easier suggestion...

Don't show us the exact enemy Museum stats. We know you're never, ever gonna do that. So no point askin. But maybe convert enemy stats into a simple summary? So after an attack, you could show us just a couple of lines, like 'enemy defense troops HP' then a drawn line next to that (a long line equals they got 50% benefit or more; a short line, less than 10% benefit; no line, no benefit)... Under that, show 'enemy defense troops DPS' next to another line, under that 'all defense towers HP' next to another line, under that 'all defense towers DPS' next to another line... So it's only four summarized stats and their lines, on our attack results screen.

And you could show a similar four summarized stats and lines on our defense replays screen. Easy as.

It would require some behind the scenes maths, to add up and average all of the benefits across all of the troops and buildings. But if you took a creative intern off making up some of your hundreds of 'offers' for just one week, you could bang this out in no time.

And it would make a lot of your players so much happier... that we could at least have some vague idea how the Museum is working... for and against us.

Hey, you listenin Santa? I been good. All year. Mostly... :angel emoticon: :rolleyes:

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Yeah I would love to see the boosts.
Especially on result screen.
As for the artifact itself, I'd love to see it too, probably won't be as having to visit the museum, but they're just displayed on top of museum buildings, or when we click the museum ; especially on war bases. It would take too much time if it's also enabled in mp bases. (Or no?)

This will track the museum cheaters much easier as well.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Meh as far as I’m concerned the game is dead. Players in my alliance keep moving on. I opted out of wars, vids, offers, and spending. Just log on every once and a while to fart around. Will never care again unless the war museum is completely removed. Honestly I want the normal museum and silo removed as well as ea troops. Until that’s done the game will remain a steaming pile of excrement. My only hope for dominations is that another developer will see how much it made and copy the original version. I’d gladly play the new nations of domination rip off lol


Approved user
Nov 14, 2017
This is going off tangent, Blood, but actually you might be onto something there...

If a developer came up with a DomiNations like engine, where players could invest in building up their nations, and cooperating with others in a team... but where winning or losing whatever the equivalent of world wars was, resulted in gaining or ceding alliance territory on a map, or something global like that, that would be really cool...

All sorts of ways to build in tech and culture trees, national characteristics, etc...


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
Problem is, now that Nexon has broken my trust, I'm not starting over somewhere else. I knew going into this that it was a lot of time to invest in something a company could take away on a whim. Not saying it wasn't worth it, because I had some good times here. But even a clone game that fixed ALL of the problems would inherit a lot of the burnout.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
That would work too. The part I always loved about domi was the interactive fights. Most games are just boring troop movements. I just don’t feel like I’m accomplishing anything in that type of game. Maybe if command and conquer does well more games will put fighting into the fighting games.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
You guys will never find similar games these days! Keep playing, kitties! 😑

Ah yeah, and then later when a new game coming up with Dominations concept, there will be haters saying, ''this is copying Dominations!'' 😆


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Didn't TinSoldier say, about a year ago, that something like this was going to be implemented?
At the end of each battle we'd see the defenders' boosts?


Approved user
Oct 30, 2018
Agreed. At the moment you have no idea at all about the boosts. I just had a good example of this - three spawned defender cavalry from an Industrial Ages base - fighting two level 10 generals. They would not die - the battle timed out and they were still fighting.. Not sure how that is even possible, so I'd like to see the stats as either they had some crazy museum boosts, or cheats.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Dominations is not unique I was playing pc games like this in the 90’s. You just think it’s special because your a kid and don’t have enough experience to know otherwise. Old concept only thing unique about it is it’s on my iPad instead of my laptop. Simply more convenient.

No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
If you refer to Age of Empires, I played it too 😃
I'm an adult at my mid 30s anyways 😉
Not as old as most boring players here though 😆

Dominations was not my first civilizations themed mobile game, and no I didn't play CoC. I know which good games to play.
Among all civilizations themed games, it still stands out. Yeah I heard about RoC, but looking at its cartooney design, and Lilith (the game dev, I tried their other game before, not a fan), I don't really think it would ever compare to Dominations gameplay.


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
Well we’re at it let’s have arrows that show the easiest point of attack and a button that tells us when to rally. The war artifacts aren’t that great anyway unless you can afford to max them but even then it’s not that significant. If you’re blaming an artifact for losing a battle then maybe it’s not the artifact........
Being prepared for anything, Being able to adapt to change those are things that help you win.
Do you think in real life when soldiers go to war they look over the battlefield to check out stats and what potential boosts the entire has? ( that would be pretty sweet if they could) no, they prepare for the worst and go in screaming. So instead of complaining about stats they could have, be prepared for them cause if you go in thinking you’re gonna lose them you’re gonna lose.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
Seriously your troops losing 50% hp while all their defense gains 35% hp and dmg is no big deal. Good god seriously I’m so tired of nexon white nights with no clue.


Approved user
Jul 12, 2017
i don't mind the bonuses; i would like to appreciate them better by seeing all that work. :)


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
You people can complain, suggest, poll or just talk about ideas all you want, l wish you luck.
The reality is most of these ideas are good but the other reality is nothing you say will change anything.
Just accept that your ideas affect nothing, someday you'll die and our sun will someday go supernova!


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
You people can complain, suggest, poll or just talk about ideas all you want, l wish you luck.
The reality is most of these ideas are good but the other reality is nothing you say will change anything.
Just accept that your ideas affect nothing, someday you'll die and our sun will someday go supernova!

Our sun has no chance to supernova - it hasn’t anywhere near enough mass.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Actually the sun is expected to swell into a red giant enveloping earth in its surface layers. We’ll all be fried long before anything more dire would happen!