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When is the update that will make this fun again


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Assult rally has killed this game , I have been playing since it came out and since the rebalance it has been in decline to this point it is boring. I used to stay up all night talking with my team and logging in as soon as my eyes opened. Now with assult rally bekbe so overpowered the game lost everything that made it a strategy game , it's a kid's game now a very overpriced kids game . Where we all get participation trophies and can take any base with any troops yes any you can literally take a 332 with raiders and 7 Level 4 assult rally , war is a time race again as it was only worse than pre rebalance. Basically they whole reason for the rebalance. I'm tired of being a game tester and not a player . Test it yourself if I'm testing for you pay me ! Yes I asked for assult rally level 4 to be fixed because it wasn't fair to lose based on level 3 working better that 4 but this is stupid now . Fix the game make it at least a little fun to play. Stop making me test then write reviews here I could be playing if the game wasn't terrible. Fix it get to it stop taking months to do anything and do something about this cheating haven't you looked at dominations.pl in a while you have more than 200 players at 332 all in the asina market all started in 2018/2019 ans Don't spend a dime . Like I have heard Joe Grubb take over a game the game doesn't exist anymore all the same.issues too addressing issues that upset more oeopeo than it helps , massage pay to play not just pay to win actually pay to play , and little to no security. The prebprev development team did a way better job than this group of clowns .


Approved user
Jun 21, 2017
With all the money you have spent on this game you could have bought yourself a sweet gaming rig and move onto real gaming. Mobile games suck. Try any of the Total War games for a real strategy challenge.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2017
You know, I made up a rule for myself: “Don’t read Chadwicke’s posts, it’s a waste of time”. But this time I decided to break this rule out of curiosity. And you know what? I’ve made up a new rule: “Don’t break your own rules.”


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Museum broke the game, war artifacts to be specific. There are teams out there with -100% on all enemy defensive towers. Does not require the skill of a brain surgeon to be 5-starring any opponent with that kind of stats. I understand Nexon have to make money but I don’t think giving big spenders such huge advantages contributing in widening the player base or make Nexon more money in the long run. When chatting with your teammates has become more fun than the game itself and you spend more time doing so than actually playing the game, something is definately seriously wrong. Wars was way more fun even before the stronghold, the museum just made things worse but I guess money talks, sad enough.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
4 slots of war equipment artifacts, lets say you have all enemy defensive towers damage -6% on 2 stages on each of those to start with. Fully upgraded thats a total of -128%. If Nexon at least could make it possible to view opponents stats it would be helpful, removing museum from wars completely is probably never gonna happen.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
I've said all along that the rebalance was necessary...5 Star victories would be the exception, not the rule. And yes, I also think the Assault Rally is too powerful. But I also think the Stronghold and Museum contents should remain secret, as this is part of a players strategy. Everyone who plays can choose what type of Artifacts to build and keep, and to use, or not use Troop Cards.


Approved user
Mar 23, 2019
What does actually happen when you have -128% on enemy def. towers damage? Do they just do zero damage while shooting you?

The only way of counter would seem to be having the opposite defensive artifacts, with over +128% values on all your own defensive towers... but even then the question is, are the offensive or defensive artifacts counted first? If it's the -128% over your total values including defensive artifacts too, it would still make it 0 damage... it's all just so confusing. And even if it was counted afterwards, having 10% damage or something isn't gonna defend your town...


Approved user
Sep 22, 2016
The limit on negative boosts you can apply to the enemy base and his troops is -85%
This is possibly the limit for positive boosts you can apply to your own base and troops (not personally confirmed though).
Loot bonuses can go over 85%.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
I agree with you on the rebalance, 5 star victories should be the exception. About the museum, think if a football team could not only buy better players than the other team, they also could buy themself a goal that was half the size of their opponents.


Approved user
Dec 23, 2015
Would be great if anyone could confirm there is a limit at 85%. That is still way too much though. Must be almost impossible not to 5-star everything that comes in your way with those kind of stats. Why not just remove museum from wars and let player skill decide the outcome instead of a fat and well filled wallet. I think Nexon is biting their own foot with this.