• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

When 4 markets just aren't enough...

USA Elite Will

Approved user
Aug 10, 2015
Get a fifth... also throw in a 4th barracks, 4th Mill, and another Town Center to go with the Forbidden City just below my screen shot.
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Eddie F1

Approved user
Aug 6, 2015
The aftermath.



Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
Lol, it looks so bare. I'd have left them with the lower level TC as punishment.

Hunter Killer

Approved user
Aug 14, 2015
Sorry but I still don't see how this is fair. All it shows is you can cheat as much as you want until you get caught, then your account will be cleaned up and you become a legit player. It takes no account of the past and just gives cheaters a new virginity.

I've reported players who had more than 14 workers. All that happened is nexon removed the additonnal workers from their account. But that player still had months to upgrade everything with 100 workers or more and is now sitting with a max ia base completely legit while he started out with a cheaters base. What does he care that he only have 14 workers now that he already has everyhing built and can keep playing?

There should only be one rule for cheaters: permanent ban.

Not some kind of you've been a naughty boy, don't do it again BS.


Approved user
Jun 1, 2015
Sorry but I still don't see how this is fair. All it shows is you can cheat as much as you want until you get caught, then your account will be cleaned up and you become a legit player. It takes no account of the past and just gives cheaters a new virginity.

I've reported players who had more than 14 workers. All that happened is nexon removed the additonnal workers from their account. But that player still had months to upgrade everything with 100 workers or more and is now sitting with a max ia base completely legit while he started out with a cheaters base. What does he care that he only have 14 workers now that he already has everyhing built and can keep playing?

There should only be one rule for cheaters: permanent ban.

Not some kind of you've been a naughty boy, don't do it again BS.

I agree and that's certainly how Steam deals with players cheating. There should be zero tolerance, regardless of how much money they have invested in the game. At the very very least they should disable all multiplayer functionality so that the player can just play the single player campaigns.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Sorry but I still don't see how this is fair. All it shows is you can cheat as much as you want until you get caught, then your account will be cleaned up and you become a legit player. It takes no account of the past and just gives cheaters a new virginity.

I've reported players who had more than 14 workers. All that happened is nexon removed the additonnal workers from their account. But that player still had months to upgrade everything with 100 workers or more and is now sitting with a max ia base completely legit while he started out with a cheaters base. What does he care that he only have 14 workers now that he already has everyhing built and can keep playing?

There should only be one rule for cheaters: permanent ban.

Not some kind of you've been a naughty boy, don't do it again BS.
Not all illegitimate bases are cheater bases. Sometimes they are the victim of app bugs (or so we're told). However, cleaning up an illegitimate base still makes it illegitimate for the reasons you've stated. Legit players should not have to compete with illegitimate bases no matter what the reason for it. The only fix is to return it to its last legit configuration and start from there. For Nexon not to require that they have the ability to do it from BHG is a lack of care for players who may experience inadvertent app issues.
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Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
Agreed, cheaters should be banned when accusation is confirmed. Seems there is no consequences for cheating. We all might as well cheat to max out our bases and then they will only take away the tools, but we already got all the results with maxing out everything without being banned.

Nathan Win

Approved user
Apr 13, 2015
Sorry but I still don't see how this is fair. All it shows is you can cheat as much as you want until you get caught, then your account will be cleaned up and you become a legit player. It takes no account of the past and just gives cheaters a new virginity.

I've reported players who had more than 14 workers. All that happened is nexon removed the additonnal workers from their account. But that player still had months to upgrade everything with 100 workers or more and is now sitting with a max ia base completely legit while he started out with a cheaters base. What does he care that he only have 14 workers now that he already has everyhing built and can keep playing?

There should only be one rule for cheaters: permanent ban.

Not some kind of you've been a naughty boy, don't do it again BS.

Agreed, cheaters should be banned when accusation is confirmed. Seems there is no consequences for cheating. We all might as well cheat to max out our bases and then they will only take away the tools, but we already got all the results with maxing out everything without being banned.


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
Legit players should not have to compete with illegitimate bases no matter what the reason for it. The only fix is to return it to its last legit configuration and start from there.

This is interesting coming from someone in this alliance coalition, this very alliance in particular. You have one ally that has admitted to knowingly benefitting from a CS error for months. So why not start the crusade for returning bases to their last legit configurations with that ally? Is there a certain degree of illegitimacy that needs to happen before certain people start being so bothered? Is it an attitude of, it's one little player with a small little advantage so who is it really hurting?

However superficially you actually believe in this statement, I actually do agree. It's the reason why when an internal game error gifted me billions of crowns what I did was screenshot it, report it to CS, and not use a single crown until my (close to) correct crowns were restored (I ended up losing crowns, btw). (I should also note that very similarly to your ally, I had weeks and weeks of frustration with CS, asking them to fix my negative crown issue; the difference is seen in the conscious reaction to the resolution: when I was mistakenly given my advantage I didn't see it as compensation for my previous troubles that I should simply not speak up about, whereas you ally took the alternate path. So, I'll leave it to you to define honest vs. dishonest, or legitimate vs. illegitimate and see where you really stand on this issue).

But, ignore the advantages of some while denouncing the advantages of others, no matter what the reason for those ill gotten advantages.
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Approved user
Feb 23, 2015
I'm guessing that part of the problem is the cheater can probably bypass the punishment period or ban anyway and instantly reinstate their account, because BHG and Nexon don't have that much control over what players are doing.

Isn't that how they cheat in the first place?


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
Sorry I don't read all these posts ... who am I being hypocritical about?


Approved user
Jul 13, 2015
Sorry I don't read all these posts ... who am I being hypocritical about?

Ok, that's fine. Sometimes it's difficult to see what's right there. You can discuss it with your top alliance, two members of which openly congratulated and supported this ally for the unfair advantage, er, compensation gone unreported. (You'll have to reach out to one of them that's still reeling over his own injustices, though.)

Perhaps I was the fool for not using my billion crown 'gift' for all my frustrations? I mean, I'm sure the majority of players that also received this compensation took it and ran with it, so that makes it right, right? Or what do we call those players that did take advantage?