• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

War Museum, Uni research and premium TT need to be fully factored in war weight

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
The matchmaker is still far from fair. Some of the biggest features of the game aren't even included in war weight.
  • War Museum (especially Space Age) is not factored whatsoever in war weight, resulting in mismatches between teams where #1 in one team could have (+85% All Defences Dmg) in Museum vs enemy #1 having (20%). A strong Museum is pretty much a combination of luck/re-rolling, buying legendary artifacts and endless grinding.
  • Uni research has very little weight, e.g. finishing Saladin research (which takes years or thousands of crowns) adds very little weight, while upgrading a few defenses adds a ton of weight.
  • Having hundreds of overpowered premium TT in SH adds nothing to war weight.
This results in wars where the more you pay, the bigger the (hidden, unweighted) advantage you may have.

Hidden factors, such as War Museum, Uni research and premium TT need to be fully factored in war weight.

The result would be more close, fun (and fair!) wars where skill makes the bigger difference. Big spenders would fight big spenders in epic scale wars, while f2p would match similarly minded players in fun old-style wars. Even if it means longer wait times; I'd rather wait 3 hours for a good match than 30m for a mismatch.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
I completely agree that they need to be factored in. The problem is that people don’t actually want fair wars. They want to have an advantage but not have it be a landslide.

i think another method could work. Have matches based on glory and size of war only. The longer you search the wider the glory difference. After the initial settling in period you would find that wars will be closer. It’sa self balancing system. How you perform affects who you end up matching. You want easier wars? Then you’ll have to throw some to drop. Want harder? Then win wars.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
I don’t agree at all. The University and Museum are part of a players strategy and should remain secret and should not be weighted in War matches. Every player can research the University and focus on Museum Artifacts as part of their strategy. It makes the game more fun with unknowns, as all players can create their own strategy.

What it seems some players want is to know whether they will win or lose before the start of an attack. Boring!

This is a strategy game, you can research whatever you choose in the University. If you focused purely on buildings, and neglected University Research, that’s a choice you made. Same with the Museum.

What’s the point if they jelly bean every potential strategy? Boring!


Approved user
Jul 29, 2018
Troop Tactics? Seriously? What’s the point of purchasing premium Troop Cards if they will not give you an advantage?

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
It is about fair play. You need to think of it within that specific context. Every aspect besides individual skill should be factored in matching, otherwise what's the point of a matchmaker that takes defense into consideration? A single bunker upgrade has more weight than -85% All Defenders Spawn Time (which has no weight). Is that logical to you?

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
I know the system you talk of, it's similar to a "competitor game" war-league. This wouldn't work as replacement of regular war. For example, plenty of alliances have high glory yet small teams (3-5SA in war), they'd match with alliances having 15SA. Leaderbaord would be simply about who has more SA not more strength.

Your suggestion could work IF it was a different type of war, parallel to the current. Which could add variety and fun.


Approved user
Mar 25, 2019
How do you know that university and museum bonuses are not already factored in to war weight? From everything I've read, the developers have never stated explicitly whether they are or not, but general player consensus is that they probably are.

Also, how do you propose for troop tactics to be factored in to war weight? They don't have to be selected until after the matchmaking is done, if at all. I certainly don't want the game assigning me a higher war weight simply because I own a strong TT that I don't end up using in that particular war. I get what you're going for here and I agree with having war weights be as accurate as possible, but I don't see a way to implement it with TTs.

Wicked Lord

Approved user
Sep 2, 2018
I agree with the TS, the museum must be part of the war weight otherwise the war weight is a joke.
80% hp/dmg on lets say air defense. Its like a SA anti air looking like a global one.

TT are hard to implement in war weight faktor and uni is already part of it but museum is an important faktor which needs to be accounted.


Approved user
Oct 13, 2017
Individual skill? Ha! When troops stop shooting a wall right next to an opening you can say it is “skill”. This game is just for fun. There is no skill in tapping a screen.

This and the complaints on war weight matching are stupid. I would bet you could count the number of complaints on war matching where the complainer was the team that outmatched their opponent with 0 fingers and toes. It is only terrible matchmaking if my alliance is disadvantaged, not if we have the advantage! Whiners...

It is terrible when with 1 CW, 2 AA have to face off with 4 SA and 6 CW but it is perfectly fine when the same 1CW and 2 AA face off against 4 GA...

suck it up chimps. Learn to play and not need a 5 Star every time without loosing anything. That attitude is no better than all those cheaters out there.

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
Museum weight is top priority. It makes the biggest difference nowadays. Uni is weighted but has "very little weight". Should be similar weight to the corresponding building/general upgrades.

TT is a maybe. Tricky but doable. Having 100s of premium TT could add similar weight to having maxed troops.


Approved user
Aug 24, 2018
Don’t expect too much from them pal. They couldn’t fixed even war matching, adding unnecessary contents makes game worse only,this game can’t be worse anyway I’m just saying.

NoMem Wilson

Approved user
Jul 15, 2015
All we would have to do is take our artifacts off display before we spin. You may say all should be counted well what if we have 8 offensive and 8 defensive. Should all 16 be counted even though only 8 can be used?

Ramesses the Great

Approved user
Jul 14, 2016
The MM can weight it based on the latest Museum *values* from the previous war day.

Alternative: every player would have a stored *strength/weight rating*, updated with every upgrade, similar to *level*. This concept exists in some other online games.


"How" is achievable.


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Maybe lock them in at spin time by allowing upgrading but not swapping? Not perfect but a viable solution.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
I don’t agree at all. The University and Museum are part of a players strategy and should remain secret and should not be weighted in War matches. Every player can research the University and focus on Museum Artifacts as part of their strategy. It makes the game more fun with unknowns, as all players can create their own strategy.

What it seems some players want is to know whether they will win or lose before the start of an attack. Boring!

This is a strategy game, you can research whatever you choose in the University. If you focused purely on buildings, and neglected University Research, that’s a choice you made. Same with the Museum.

What’s the point if they jelly bean every potential strategy? Boring!

I agree. Where's the challenge if you know your opponent's strengths and you can make preparations to match? Every player wants to know the enemy but every player doesn't want the enemy to know them!
That why camouflage was invented, to fool your enemy. Domination is not like real life. The players are generally the same with subtle differences due to Uni and library but that's why you have SH troops and alliance troops and coalitions They help you adapt during the game when you get a few surprises, no?
No-one can know everything all the time. That would be boring. (like he said) :D
Last edited:


Approved user
Apr 7, 2019
Individual skill? Ha! When troops stop shooting a wall right next to an opening you can say it is “skill”. This game is just for fun. There is no skill in tapping a screen.

This and the complaints on war weight matching are stupid. I would bet you could count the number of complaints on war matching where the complainer was the team that outmatched their opponent with 0 fingers and toes. It is only terrible matchmaking if my alliance is disadvantaged, not if we have the advantage! Whiners...

It is terrible when with 1 CW, 2 AA have to face off with 4 SA and 6 CW but it is perfectly fine when the same 1CW and 2 AA face off against 4 GA...

suck it up chimps. Learn to play and not need a 5 Star every time without loosing anything. That attitude is no better than all those cheaters out there.

Good comment.


Approved user
Oct 2, 2016
They would be weighted the same way generals and coalitions and anything else is. Doesn’t matter if it’s equipped or not. All coalitions carry war weight regardless of whether they’re equipped. All your unit levels add to your war weight regardless of your army comp. saying you’ll just not equip them shows you don’t understand the concept of actual war weight at all


New member
May 17, 2019
I would far prefer that the war weighting system be fixed so that I don’t end up in a match where I’m #6 and a newbie in Atomic Age and my base is trampled by an opponent’s #11 that’s in Space Age than I am with adding weight to museum artifacts or troop tactics (I assume these aren’t factored in to war weight—I assume uni research is).

I enjoy having the hidden advantage of my museum artifacts and my uni research. I feel it’s a nice counterweight to those people who don’t bother to understand the power of university research. I have outright defeated or denied stars to a great many opponents that are 20+ levels above me in wars. Uni research and museum bonuses are a huge part of how I’ve pulled that off. Ditto with getting attacking stars against bases above my level.

I would make the argument that part of the “reward” for someone who spends so much time and resources for “Hold the Gates” should be that it doesn’t count towards war weight—or at least not very much.