• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

To JoeG and TS


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Hello JoeG and TS,

Good job starting this leaderboards cleanup and rebalancing tweaks. I realize you’re working on War matchmaking. Please communicate with us about progress. We need this badly now. War search wait times are much longer now. This in turn drives players to get bored and even play other games. It also may be costing you revenues as many alliances need to rotate players. Here at T31 our war search times are often more then 30 hours for a war team of 25.
Also, many alliances are now seeing even worse mismatch’s. Some are outright ridiculous. This needs fixing immediately.

With that said, gaining rubies in war were misrepresented to us. We were told that we could use rubies to trade for troop cards. That is not often the case. Lately you’ve been asking for crowns. So, I recommend you consider giving crowns instead of rubies for war. This will also help motivate players and in the long run help BHG.

JoeG, we have not heard from you in two months. You expressed to us that you would be more active talking with us here on the forum. Please chime in from time to time. Communicate with us as to your progress. Right now I see matchmaking and long war searching as the priorities. Also, please consider holding off til summer to roll out Space Age. Give us more time to get use to all the recent changes.

Thank you you both for all your help.

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Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
I doubt that will have very little to do with the day to day operations of Big Huge games. If EA gets involved it will only help.


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
Hey Dradis. Thanks for the write up and your thoughts.

Here’s a quick progress update:
We got the Leaderboard Decay script up and functional. The initial decay ran smoothly and did a lot to clean up inactive Alliances. Moving forward, we’re monitoring War activity and will run the script again as necessary.

The next game update should be dropping soon. It has some exciting changes, including a new reward update to World War. I’ll be curious to read feedback and thoughts after everyone has had a chance to play it. The new matchmaking system won’t be included with this next update but we’re looking to release it soon after. It is a server-only update so it can be released on its own, outside of our normal cadence.


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
That's good news Muet. Or alliance just a avarage one playing at low glory and are especially interested in the new match making system.
War is what keeps us together.
And good to hear from you again 👍


Design Lead
Nov 12, 2018
It is a complete overhaul. There will be a Design Spotlight coming out soon that will dive deeper into the specifics. The goal is to improve the competitive integrity and match quality of Wars.

War sizes are being reduced to get more Alliances into the matching pools. Glory will become part of the calculation. The new system will be better at determining the power level of bases it is considering matching. It will also understand the delta in power within an Alliance and try to pair them with an Alliance that has a similar composition. That’s really just scratching the surface of the changes. Keep an eye out for the Spotlight!


Approved user
Jan 19, 2016
For clarification—earlier there was some discussion about the Leaderboard Decay function continuously and automatically running at random intervals between (x) and (y) days long...but “we’re monitoring War activity and will run the script again as necessary” sounds a lot like it is not automatic. Is it automatic, or no? I’d hate to see this go from a productive and useful new function to one that was (potentially, at this early point) just used once and forgotten about thereafter.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2017
War sizes are being reduced to get more Alliances into the matching pools. Glory will become part of the calculation. The new system will be better at determining the power level of bases it is considering matching. It will also understand the delta in power within an Alliance and try to pair them with an Alliance that has a similar composition. That’s really just scratching the surface of the changes. Keep an eye out for the Spotlight!

BHG_Muet . This is a serious mistake, in the case of our alliance we are more than 40 active players, we continually make wars of 40 players. You are only forcing to improve the matching for alliances with few players. I think that a better measure is to restrict the wars to 10 20 30 and 40. So the alliances with numerous players are not harmed.

AVOID 15vs15 AND 25vs25 Wars, but not 40vs40 wars


Approved user
Jul 16, 2018
Where mostly playing 20 vs 20 and reducing the size doesn't have to mean that 50 vs 50 or 35 vs 35 are not a option anymore.
Could also be a 5 vs 5 war to get the alliances with fewer members a chance.
For my alliance I like the glory matching. Maybe we just have to wait and see.


Approved user
Apr 24, 2017
A new reward update for ww. Awesome(sarcasm) considering your track record I can’t see anything good coming from it. I remember the new ruby feature to make wars better but Marco only sells tt for crowns. With the war museum even if my team won I would lose more oil in troops then I’d gain and of course four hours and twenty minutes training time per attack. So it’s either going to be another nothing burger or a pay to win scam. As far as reducing war sizes why do you think you have to do that??? Hum perhaps it has something to do with the awful unbalance and war museum causing people to play other games?
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No Angel

Approved user
May 1, 2017
Limiting war size is a good idea. Perhaps we're getting bigger XP then?!
I would like to know the compensation for facing cheating alliances as well. Void the result?
In case we're getting mismatches, what will be our compensation?

Also here's an idea for transparent alliance strength calculation. Put the strength number after the match is formed. It's not in the form of glory number, but strength number. We always want to see how you guys put the algorithm in each search.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2016
Hello JoeG and thank you for responding. Glad to hear you have these changes coming. Looking forward to it. Also, any chance you can share some info about about the Space Age target rollout date?


Approved user
Apr 4, 2016
It was a great update where you got rid of the inactive alliances on leaderboard. Thank you.
Though there are still 3 teams in front of us in top 10 who are trying to hold on to their glory and only play 1 iron war every 2 weeks for 1 glory. Guess everything cannot be fixed, and there are always some trying to bend the rules and ruin the game for others.

The rebalance and focus on better defence were a great succes from the start.
Strategy in war has never been more important then now.
Every time it becomes harder to get 5 stars, it becomes even more fun and strategical challenging for us.
Please be careful not to make it easy to 5 star again :)


Approved user
Jul 26, 2016
I have been attaqued 4 times last 2 weeks. One of our other 258 level players, 1 time in 2 weeks. Only other attaques are medal droppers. Who cares about the leaderboard. The game has been completely destroyed by greed. More and more cheaters in worldwar as most alliances don’t fight anymore except for the cheaters. Pffffffffffff..


Approved user
Nov 21, 2017
If you're going to reduce war sizes (mentioned in comment 4.2) I would suggest you allow multiple wars to occur simultaneously in an alliance. For example an alliance with 50 members may have 2 - 5 wars going on, perhaps 10 in one, 20 in another, etc. No one player could be in more than 1 war at the same time of course and this would allow teams to divide into lower, middle and upper level players if they choose. This would also allow all players in a group to be involved if they so choose.


Approved user
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Dradis. Thanks for the write up and your thoughts.
The new matchmaking system won’t be included with this next update but we’re looking to release it soon after. It is a server-only update so it can be released on its own, outside of our normal cadence.

so what you are saying is matchmaking changes can be deployed in production at any point of time without our knowledge as this is server side changes not device specific. so the hiccups we are facing in recent days is because of some release you guys have taken to production on matchmaking with or without knowledge. this is breaking some where please find that change and roll it back. it will hardly take any time.