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Time Bug in War Battles


Approved user
Jul 19, 2017
Recently my Alliance lost a few wars where our top bases with 3D were destroyed in 1to 1:30 minutes. I’ve just heard there’s a bug related to the internet conection that some cheaters use in wars to have this incredible time in wars. They disconnect before the atack and conect again during the atack. The time only starts to count when they connect. Anybody have experience this and felt really disapointed? I have prints from my last war with my bases with less than 50% destroyed and in the war map showing 5 stars and 1 minute. People who plays honest and spend money shoul have the right of a fair entertainement. Please Nexon, do something to correct this.


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
How does one disconnect from the internet while the game is on? If you disconnect from the internet you lose the battle. Also if you disconnect before an attack you won’t be able to attack. This makes no sense.
maybe they are just really good at attacking
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Approved user
Jul 19, 2017
Should be this way, but you are wrong, when you disconnect the game hold for about 30s, before that you can connect and the battle still run. Go ahead and try in the challenges, you will see.
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Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
It’s that way so if you loose connection you can get it back but it doesn’t effect the actual battle time. It might cause the battle timer to screw up in the replay the same way replays can be fucked up. But I don’t see how you can start a battle if you’re not connected


Approved user
Sep 20, 2017
Everyone is so quick to say it’s a “bug” or “cheat” maybe the person attacking is good at it and know what they’re doing. Is it so hard to believe that people get good at the game and that sometimes even the strongest fall and that maybe in the past the people attacking were just not good at it


Approved user
Jul 19, 2017
Folks!!! I’m not saying it’s a cheat, it’s a bug!! Before anybody says anything, go ahead and test. Click atack in the war, before you drop your troops disconnect, about 3 to 2:45 reconnect. After that you will see in the war map the amazing time you did.
This is a bug, because the system is design to hold the game a few seconds, many people has problems with a bad internet.
The problems is that when this happens the time of your atack will not reflect the real time your atack last, but much less.
I’ve already test this in the war and in the challenges.
This is a bug well know for a lot of people, but Nexon can’t solve it.
But how we can separate people that is using this system problem to five star a full CW in 1:20s from people that just have internet problems?
It’s complicate!!! And lots of Alliances remains silent about this, because they prefer that people doesn’t realize this and do not use to get advantage.
My point to describe this here is make it public, so Nexon can solve this bug and everybody have a fair game, without something that can cost a war to yout Alliance.
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Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
zanes , what you're describing sounds more like an exploit than a bug.
It's not something that Nexon have screwed up unintentionally (bug), instead it's a group of people who have taken advantage of something in the game (exploit).
I can understand making the game playable for 20-30 secs after a disconnect, this sounds like a good design. Unfortunately there will always be people (âssholes) who won't play fair.