This Game should be about Offense -not Defense.


Approved user
Aug 20, 2018
With the rebalance tables have turned. If you wanted to balance the game for passive gameplay, you certainly succeeded. Attacking has become frustrating. Surviving troops? A luxury!
I, for my part, rarely succed at getting a 4 star anymore at someone at equal level -and that's already including all tactics, blessings, Teutonic Fury,... It should be possible to do 4 stars without blessings and 5 stars with blessings and/or SH troops.

Everyone in our Ally is equally frustrated about the game. I could post a screen of the chat log, but that's in German and certainly not "clean language" anymore...

I highly recommend Nexon/BHG to rollback defender HP and structure HP in general to make this playable again. There must be same troop base stats in offense and defense. i.e. a HT Mk5 defender should have same base stats as a HT Mk5 on attack.

The overall boost comming from Museum, Blessing, Wonders should be capped at sane values. Having Defender spawn time reduced by 30% by the museum and 22% by the Acropolis combined with current strength of defenders is far from balanced. That's not including any Legendary artifact. Alternatively, at least disclose Museum boosts to attackers so we at least don't have to play the lottery. Because the combination of Museum boosts and University boosts add to much of uncertainty to defense. An attacker is barely able to even remotely determine strength of its opponent. The (up to) 30% of the university alone would be OK, but the Museum on top of that... that's too much. Especially when the base values have been lifted to like 60k HP on a HT -then 40-50% on top of that are no joke.

I certainly hope BHG/Nexon gets out of their ivory tower, has the strength to admit that the rebalance failed its purpose and fix it properly. Please don't be ignorant and tell your playerbase that actually plays the game that you know better than them. The feedback on this rebalance has been bad from the beginning -and the stage 4 didn't magically fix it. Even from a financial point of view, you can't monetarize a game that loses its players (especially if your P2W customers get frustrated as well). And, no, players won't stop playing (buying) from one day to another... but the logins per day and in-game time will slowly decline.

would appreciate any feedback if Nexon/BHG is planning to mitigate the issues mentioned above.

France Solidaire

Approved user
Jan 3, 2016
Many of the top 200 teams think so and hope that nexon will come out of his ivory tower and will walk back and will finally take care of the matching of the wars all his modifications was not asked by a person strong troupe fortin can not win a fight and again yesterday me I'm done destroying 7 mk7 in wars in a real trap not motivating


New member
Jun 4, 2017
Through the comments, it has seemed more recent stages of the rebalance have made 5 Star victories more of a rare achievement, which has partially been the expressed goal throughout the rebalance effort. (The other being the desire to improve underutilized troops.) Overall, the 5 Star battle should be a celebrated success, and not the mundane achievements of every player.

Over time, as the community works together to crack new strategies, I'm sure the rate of victories will go up!


Approved user
Mar 24, 2017
TinSoldier The rate might go up slightly from where it is now. But the spectacularly greater loss of troops and increase in rebuild times will still be present, because the opposing bases are well over twice as strong as they used to be.

That's fine in a game like CoC, where you lose your army regardless. But build times in dominations are setup for people doing relatively low loss battles - it takes forever to rebuild a full army if you miss just one defensive building.

Seems like you should have recognized that and planned for the complete change in game dynamics. Instead, people are just leaving. I'm in my last war now, because of this and the addition of the museum to war. I hate the RNG / lottery aspects of that, and all the P2W that permeates a game that used to have very little of it, two years ago when I started.

Good luck with whatever player base you have left when this is done. I'm not sticking around to see if you fix your mistakes.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Really? Were raiders, wall miners and heavy tanks underutilized before? Because if you're below atomic it's pointless to use anything but raiders now. And if you were fortunate enough to max your heavy tanks and fighters before this mess then it's equally pointless to use anything else at higher levels.

The chutzpah of this guy is unreal.


New member
Jun 28, 2018
LOL... have the balance team ever think of new players or people who is under industrial age without planes? No because they just want people buy troop tactics and lose the troop tactic for nothing. These updates already getting rid of veterans and prevent new players to enjoy the raids. Let see how long will this game last after the balance


Approved user
Aug 20, 2018
Dear Tin, thanks for reading my post. I'm sorry you are the one taking all the heat on the forum. I am certain you are only following "instructions" from management -including not admiting any game design failures for legal reason-, however, I'm pretty sure you are more than aware of the state of the game and the community. As such it would be great if you would print a few representative post of this forum and take it to your next meeting with game design/management. Also include statistics (trend) of battles that have ended with a complete loss of troops and less than 4 stars. People that fight with probably 4 paid Stronghold troops and still "lose" the battle are equivalent of paying customers that you are about to lose if things don't change. That also impacts the reputation of NexonM & BHG and thus ultimately your own job/position. (Just sayin')


Approved user
Sep 26, 2016
Desire to improve underutilized troops?
TinSoldier , please don't think we're all gullible children willing to believe all the propaganda. Here's a thought: you want us to use troops then make them stronger and leave it at that.
Strengthening troops slightly and strengthening building/bases defeats the purpose, don't you think?
eg: you give wall miners slightly better stats but you make their principle target, walls, MUCH stronger. Where's the logic?
You've actually made these troops even less effective than before.
And why am l spelling it out for you people? This is, no doubt, as you said ''been the expressed goal throughout the rebalance effort''.
I'm all for making 5 star victories something special but you've pushed the game into unreality. Why should troops have double the strength just because they're defending. 30% increase or 40% increase is fine but 100%?
Why is it that a lower aged defender can be as strong as a higher aged attacker in the Dominations universe?
You've given the lower ages no incentive to upgrade their defences (you've done it for them) and you've given low and middle aged attackers no incentive to keep trying because of the ridiculous increases.
No amount of rhetoric is going to entice the majority to ''crack new strategies'' but keep telling yourself that.

PS: still looking forward to seeing a video of you attacking a same age base, without TT cards, mercs, generals, etc. Perhaps you can show us some new strategies.


Approved user
Dec 9, 2015
@tin soldier. i invite you to go back on twitch to show us some of the new effective strategies that we should employ. no more lazy attack the first base and drop all mercenaries/stronghold troops with no rallying like you did on the last live stream. please show us how dominations has improved after the rebalance. show us that you know how to play the game *as a game* rather than some veiled cash grab to encourage buying troop cards.


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Genius. Improve under-utilised troops by making the utilised troops almost completely obsolete and making only a couple select strategies relevant.


Approved user
Mar 20, 2018
Rebalance sucks massively. I've gone from being attacked within one hour of not having a peace treaty to not being attacked at all. At Global Age, and Cold War Age opponents can't get more than 1-2 stars against me.

I'm lucky to get 1 star against Global and Atomic Age opponents when attacking, hence I don't attack much anymore

Well done Nexon, you killed it.... idiots


Approved user
Aug 20, 2018
After all Tin was right... my victories did go up... over the past 2 days I gained like 100 medals -mostly by setting up defensive blessings and doing something else. Now back in the Empire I league :rolleyes:. Thanks to my museum 40% loot return I also barely lose ressources... Just need to max out oil production now. Wells aren‘t fully upgraded yet, but thanks to a 30% Museum boost I‘m doing fine even on LVL6 wells. So, yes, I can adapt to the rebalance, but I doubt that‘s what the game should be about... :confused:


Approved user
Oct 30, 2018
You have pointed out something that I have become very aware of. I'm at mid Gunpowder Age - I've made a point of upgrading my defences in parallel with offences so nothing is left too far behind and trying to max out stuff before moving up an age. I went to some effort (and cost!) to upgrade walls and build a reasonable base. In fact what has happened now is no one attacks me. I now feel like I should not have bothered.


Approved user
Oct 20, 2018
What do the stats say about the use of underutilized troops? Everything I have seen as an actual player suggests that less troops are now useful, the opposite of your desire.

I'm waiting two weeks and calling it a day if the next rebalance stage goes ahead without something back to the players.


Approved user
Jul 29, 2015
Tin Soldier....that reply from you was pretty insulting to the intelligence to be honest .....if you truely believe what you wrote ,I seriously doubt that many actual players believe it ....which means you have something of a credibility problem .

The biggest tell is simply obvious when you look at all the items that you offer for sale each day ......everything is offered that helps maximise attack , do you ever offer for sale anything that helps maximise defence?
The rebalances maximise defences to be sure , but with no thought or changing of ideas ....simply by in eff3ct nerfing everything you actually offer for people to buy .
If you want to make people think more about how to attack , about different strategies of attack , why nothing on offer for sale that does that ? You keep selling the most obvious attack troops
Last edited:


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
I am playing this game for 3 years and none of my expert clan members have "cracked new strategies" to win 5* on one level-up bases as we did previously.

The scores in WW are horrible. We are still strong and difficult to beat, but it is a bloodbath on the other side.I do not see loosing alliances playing for longtime...


Approved user
Aug 18, 2016
Tin S is a player and moderator. Don't blame him.

I would really like to see the game designers and developers showing us how to play it. But this is an off-topic, as the goal is not to achieve 5*, but to increase the revenue of Nexon by giving the players the impression that they can still win. Don't get fooled by the corporate marketing and PR.