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The Power Of Roman Legions


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
How about this?
u dont understand. posting screenshots of 90k gold raided isnt special. im not in the habit of taking screen shots of my raid results because no one cares. in classical i raid 90+ resources all the time with 0 losses. my all time best was 500k resources 0 losses. ive seen enlightenment age cities with 2 low level towers, no garrison and no walls. the only thing that matters is the video demonstration which was a really bad example of poor strategy. a pure legion army is not the most effective army composition in any age. if u start using cav to take hits and a handful of archers (lets say 2 cav, 5 archers and 40 something legion. i use 5 cav 7 archers and the rest infantry). i use the cav as a torpedo vs the enemy catapult followed up by the infantry when cat is dead. in the video u posted im not impressed by 50k resources or 90k screen shot. what i do pay attention to is how long its going to take u to rebuild and attack again. if ur going to use a lazy all legion army then at least make good use of it. simply dropping the legions on the coloseum and keeping them together would have cut ur losses in half if not even better.


Approved user
Apr 15, 2015
No one cares about your 90k gold raid, but now let me take a minute to tell you about my raid successes with zero losses.


Approved user
Apr 8, 2015
see u dont care either. the point was to put some perspective on the 90k. dont worry the entire conversation is over ur head too


Approved user
Apr 15, 2015
lol youre so right, a basic cav-archer-infantry is pretty advanced...better leave it to the pro haha. And for the record I did care about what OP had to say, I remember my first big raid...felt good. But I guess cutting people down is cool if it makes you feel better lmao.


Approved user
Apr 9, 2015
Yup, like the op said, the legion is very powerful, you just have to know how to use him, Ive had him take out a catapult single handedly and survive, granted, he still does, but that one catapult my other troops don't have to worry about.

Still, I'm in classical age, this won't last long, legion will get weaker and I'll have to change him out for something different.


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
looks great to me!. i read your post earlier today and started doing your method and i love the legion attack. i usually only hava a few losses unless i go for a high resource high defended base. i do that when i nkow i have to take a break for a while and dont care if i have a lot of troops to rebuild.

any more tips?
ahhh thanks,,, keep it up my friend :D


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
lol youre so right, a basic cav-archer-infantry is pretty advanced...better leave it to the pro haha. And for the record I did care about what OP had to say, I remember my first big raid...felt good. But I guess cutting people down is cool if it makes you feel better lmao.
im sorry if im wrong, but guys please if you dont like it just leave it, i make this doesnt mean im very pro at this..


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
OP means over powered (too strong)
roman legion is OP in classical age. it is weak in later ages

and we are not trying to make you feel bad
but you had little resources before the raid
you lost your army so you cant continue to raid
you could of keep on raiding and then upgrade / research something
but you cant because your army is dead
and you cant do anything with those resources
you received some good advice from that other guy. i recommend trying that, instead of getting upset
well, idk but i think this is the best for me, if not best for you just leave it,

Aussie guy

Approved user
Jan 29, 2015
I'm a level 105 Roman civilization and have been playing for 5 months. I used to attack exclusively with Roman foot soldiers and win all the time. Then as the bases became more difficult I had to use a greater mix of troops. Essentially as you advance, you need to use a greater variation of attacking strategies, as the brute strength of the Roman legions becomes less powerful. For example, maxed up walls will seriously delay the toughest Roman soldier...you need to use a wall-miner. Canons take out buildings and defense towers at a distance and over walls. Supply trains keep your foot soldiers going for a far longer time, especially when they come up against mortors (catapults) and redoubts. I also use musketeers (maxed up archers) as they protect canons and supply trains from defending troops. My usual formation is 69 Roman Fusiliers, 18 Musketeers, 1 wall miner, 2 supply trains and 3 canons. I usually lose the wall miner and some of my fusiliers. I almost never lose a canon or a supply train. I only use battle tactics and mercenaries against the toughest of bases...usually over level 100. It's faster to retrain 50 foot soldiers than 1 battle tactic. Anyway good luck. Rome is a good choice!


Approved user
Apr 21, 2015
I'm a level 105 Roman civilization and have been playing for 5 months. I used to attack exclusively with Roman foot soldiers and win all the time. Then as the bases became more difficult I had to use a greater mix of troops. Essentially as you advance, you need to use a greater variation of attacking strategies, as the brute strength of the Roman legions becomes less powerful. For example, maxed up walls will seriously delay the toughest Roman soldier...you need to use a wall-miner. Canons take out buildings and defense towers at a distance and over walls. Supply trains keep your foot soldiers going for a far longer time, especially when they come up against mortors (catapults) and redoubts. I also use musketeers (maxed up archers) as they protect canons and supply trains from defending troops. My usual formation is 69 Roman Fusiliers, 18 Musketeers, 1 wall miner, 2 supply trains and 3 canons. I usually lose the wall miner and some of my fusiliers. I almost never lose a canon or a supply train. I only use battle tactics and mercenaries against the toughest of bases...usually over level 100. It's faster to retrain 50 foot soldiers than 1 battle tactic. Anyway good luck. Rome is a good choice!
ahh cool advice,, thanks man :D


Approved user
Apr 6, 2015
I'm a level 105 Roman civilization and have been playing for 5 months. I used to attack exclusively with Roman foot soldiers and win all the time. Then as the bases became more difficult I had to use a greater mix of troops. Essentially as you advance, you need to use a greater variation of attacking strategies, as the brute strength of the Roman legions becomes less powerful. For example, maxed up walls will seriously delay the toughest Roman soldier...you need to use a wall-miner. Canons take out buildings and defense towers at a distance and over walls. Supply trains keep your foot soldiers going for a far longer time, especially when they come up against mortors (catapults) and redoubts. I also use musketeers (maxed up archers) as they protect canons and supply trains from defending troops. My usual formation is 69 Roman Fusiliers, 18 Musketeers, 1 wall miner, 2 supply trains and 3 canons. I usually lose the wall miner and some of my fusiliers. I almost never lose a canon or a supply train. I only use battle tactics and mercenaries against the toughest of bases...usually over level 100. It's faster to retrain 50 foot soldiers than 1 battle tactic. Anyway good luck. Rome is a good choice!

Good info.

Thank you for the feedback Aussie Guy.