• DomiNations Back Online
    Late last night DomiNations was brought back online. As of 1/28 11am ET compensation has been sent to all players.

The Dawn of the DIGITAL AGE!

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Sure, I can read rather quickly. There used to be hundreds of semi-regulars here, now I doubt there are dozens. Reading what folks have to say does not take long at all.


Approved user
Aug 30, 2015
Its so funny to me that you guys are investing man hours into tweaking AR. The titanic is sinking and youre rearranging the deck chairs. Save AR for when you have a well running game and really want to dial it in with the details.

King Crimson

Approved user
Apr 21, 2016
Good word 'tweaking'. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? No, then leave it alone.
But if it makes things easier for us players it has to be 'tweaked'.
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B like Big Bug

Approved user
Sep 25, 2019
They kill AR.so,you can't kill zhokov in attack if you havnot zhokov .its mean:you need to upgrade to sa or DA.you need to pay to rush and reach it fast or you are loser.
AR nerving is just for money.
dont say kill zhokov with HT.this game isnt HT game play.there are another troops(not baracks troops beacouse they are trash for a long time.i mesn factory troops).


Approved user
Mar 14, 2018
SomeRandomPlayer , as Long as you are playing anonymous here without telling your in game name I strongly believe that you are a BHG employee trying to make politics.

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
Fwiw, I can vouch that SRP is no Nexon employee. Just an enthusiastic, helpful and skilled player that still enjoys the game more than most.


Approved user
Apr 11, 2016
Why so quiet now BHG_Muet clearly this plan is flawed horribly . Are you really going to push this forward when absolutely no one wants it as it has been described? Why waste out time , you already know now what will happen right? You go forward we all the actual players will be correct om everything we said yet we will have to wait for 2-4 updates to get it right. When as it hasn't been released yet it could be delayed and fixed first. Yet you will drop it on us we will hate it some vocally some silent. Then all the update bugs will appear as they do every single update since the game came out .so the first two updates will be bug fixes with some other broken stuff that will have to be fixed later as well. Then you will make a change like you had to do in space age release... remember the broken assult rally then??? Then you will have another update adding 1 additional Defense building probably a wall level and a new tactic or general . See where I'm going with this ? It's all be done over and over for years bug fix content adds bug fix content add balance adjust balance adjust bug fix add content. You ever think fixing the horrible stuff like war match is still messed up. Perk 3 isn't working , crash bugs , and you know the other one I won't say it because Everytime it's mentioned you never respond. You got once monthly sales on cards why not a new store where all things are available all the time . Like ok I got this attack to do let me buy what I need to do it . Hard war we need Stong holds full what's the best for stong holds let's buy some of those . You don't get the value of micro spending. Example 250$ legendary I bet no more than 500 players bought it that's only 125k to you . Now say it's 50$ I bet you sell 25k that's 1.2 million dollars . So players will say that's too many artifact in play ..so what do you do ...make a better artifact sell it for 50$ guess what probably get 50k that 2 .5 million dollars and keep it going player's would sell the artifact they got for supplies in a heartbeat and buy the next one . But instead your stance is spend 250 for one wait a month then spend 185 for one same with cards . Your sales would go way up but someone is the sales department doesn't have a clue. They are costing you millions and handing you 1000s like they did a good job. Get it together give the players the game we deserve not this semi unplayable Garbage


Approved user
Jan 31, 2017
Why so quiet now BHG_Muet clearly this plan is flawed horribly . Are you really going to push this forward when absolutely no one wants it as it has been described? Why waste out time , you already know now what will happen right? You go forward we all the actual players will be correct om everything we said yet we will have to wait for 2-4 updates to get it right. When as it hasn't been released yet it could be delayed and fixed first. Yet you will drop it on us we will hate it some vocally some silent. Then all the update bugs will appear as they do every single update since the game came out .so the first two updates will be bug fixes with some other broken stuff that will have to be fixed later as well. Then you will make a change like you had to do in space age release... remember the broken assult rally then??? Then you will have another update adding 1 additional Defense building probably a wall level and a new tactic or general . See where I'm going with this ? It's all be done over and over for years bug fix content adds bug fix content add balance adjust balance adjust bug fix add content. You ever think fixing the horrible stuff like war match is still messed up. Perk 3 isn't working , crash bugs , and you know the other one I won't say it because Everytime it's mentioned you never respond. You got once monthly sales on cards why not a new store where all things are available all the time . Like ok I got this attack to do let me buy what I need to do it . Hard war we need Stong holds full what's the best for stong holds let's buy some of those . You don't get the value of micro spending. Example 250$ legendary I bet no more than 500 players bought it that's only 125k to you . Now say it's 50$ I bet you sell 25k that's 1.2 million dollars . So players will say that's too many artifact in play ..so what do you do ...make a better artifact sell it for 50$ guess what probably get 50k that 2 .5 million dollars and keep it going player's would sell the artifact they got for supplies in a heartbeat and buy the next one . But instead your stance is spend 250 for one wait a month then spend 185 for one same with cards . Your sales would go way up but someone is the sales department doesn't have a clue. They are costing you millions and handing you 1000s like they did a good job. Get it together give the players the game we deserve not this semi unplayable Garbage

That’s Muet for you. Ignore the criticism and respond rarely to answer questions about very minor changes compared to the glaring issues like cheating. A fraud.


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
Aha, thats why my attacks failed....you stripped the assault tactic of 1 of the most usefull things...speed....so its no use anymore against the irritating slowness of a rumbled bastion which can make/break an attack...

what i miss lately, are counters against every kind of defense...bastions? Slowing troops down..there was an assault rally...gone...
defense against that so called spy plane? None
Defense against lvl 9 ht with mk 6 planes? Almost zero, almost every space ager only uses that config and there is almost zero defense against it

what i find very very irritating too, is the lvl cap on digital age...whats that all about? Why should i go upgrade all my shitty economic stuff in order to get to that lvl? I am a player that does offensive stuff, defensive stuff and then moves on to the next age...i have no interest at all in upgrading economics...
and what about that new recon plane? Why does it make troops do more damage then they already do? Hell, how on earth can we (space age, cold war) defend against an digital ager who already has better armies, if he/she also gets a lot more damage? Why not let the spy plane show invisible stuff in a small area like space shuttle tactic does for a bigger area? That would be a lot more logical...

as from space age, this game has turned into 'just more of the same'...multiple upgrades per building per age...its awefully boring...takes 14 days for a single upgrade and no mjummie new stuff...ok attack silo, but since you cannot aim the bloody thing, its utterly useless...only costs oil and only worth to shoot a shot during wars and hopefully it targets something else then a farm...
In cw and space age, you have 3 army options...1: HT, 2: all bazooka's and 3: all commando's and ok...4: a mix of those 3....everything else is too weak and does not work against lvl 230 bases and above....boooorinnnggggg

i like the game, i really do, but you guys are leaving a lot of unfinished business and have been doing that as from atomic age...that was the last age that felt 'ready to play'. Every age after that is just an easy extension of what was already there and more boring cause instead of making new troops, buildings, you have to upgrade every excisting thing twice...or even triple...


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
Nope cause ppl say that after each and every update and the game still didnt die.....but i do agree that since atomic age, i find the game less and less interesting cause its just more of the same and very little interesting new stuff...i am in space age now and i am getting kinda sick of upgrading the same stuff for 14 days over and over again...
Till cw i could use my regular army, so i never bothered to upgrade ht for example, only to find out that in cw and space age, there is no use for your regular army since its too weak, so i had to upgrade my factory 4 times and ht tank 12 times! Only to be able to do succesfull attacks in space age...redicolous cause my whole army is/was fully upgraded but of no use...


Approved user
Dec 12, 2015
The lag is a major issue and is unnecessarry....what they do is assess your cpu and memory and set the game at high...they should also consider the gpu or let ppl set it manually...i have a samsung tab a 2016, sounds old, but was sold until last yr, runs everything smootly, except for dominations. The lag is 1 reason i can only attack with ht in space age cause if i attack with normal army i cannot play the game. Fun fact....i only have lagduring wars, not during normal game play where i dont use tactics, mercs, generals or troop tactics at all...

Bootney Lee Fonsworth

Approved user
Jan 12, 2018
(Insert Orson Welles clapping GIF) for the above comment. Even atomic was piecemeal and sort of half-arsed compared to prior ages that came out fully realized for the most part. This game has pretty much been a treadmill that keeps inclining since CWA for sure though.

Imagine in 6 months when all the newly minted DA's are only allowed to hit level 246+ Space Age bases because Information Age will be out.

This game is called Dominations, ideally, you dominate. To some that means hanging out in 3000+ medals and doing one war style attack every few hours. To others it means firing up a training blessing and mauling rushed and overmatched bases for an hour. News flash! There are very few rushed CWA bases, there will be even fewer rushed Space Ages soon enough. Spending an hour to drop to 400 medals everyday is not fun. Having to hit next for 5 minutes to find the one base not hidden behind a half dozen defensive blessings is not fun. And that's just resource raiding. Take all that unfun stuff then add the unfun multiplier of having to scavenge for rare ntg's and.....well, it's not fun.

To be fair, maybe Bjorn will mitigate these NTG woes. Though I see the devs just couldn't help themselves with their compulsion for needless complexity, ''Let's create a new mechanic to mitigate our arbitrary unique resource shortage, but let's introduce another unique resource to upgrade him with!''

Bottom line: we're expected to do tons of raiding to upgrade and be able to maintain ntg's for war, but every update they make the simple act of raiding such a chore that it kind of makes wars pointless. Gee, a simple raid is pretty much the same as a war attack now? Why am I saving up to go to war then? Something, something cart before the horse.
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Approved user
May 17, 2018
after the bastions got introduced, raiding died basically. Every battle is a full on attack now


is this thing on?
Apr 18, 2018
Sounds like you don't use Heavy Tanks and/or Transports; or do something like only attack in the Dynasty league.


Approved user
Jul 11, 2015
Did a commando sneak into the BHG office? The dawn of THE BROKEN AGE. Lemme guess, BHG are using a scrum fragile methodology, writing up stories for each epic age. Do you guys have a QA team, or just relying on the customer? You were better off without Joe Grubb. Once a brilliant game now smothered in sh1t. Poor show.


Approved user
Aug 9, 2015
More like YAWN of the Digital Age. MP and WW attacks are way down because of training blessing. At least this solves the shortage of targets for DA.